A practical ear care course for Healthcare Support Workers. Develop safe practice in ear irrigation (syringing) which attracts a high level of litigation.
This session covers the legal aspects of documentation and record keeping in healthcare for Healthcare Assistants.
Aimed at health care assistants working in General Practice who want to develop themselves and the wider team in the care and management of the patient with diabetes.
A course for Healthcare Assistants, designed to give a broader understanding of anatomy and physiology of the skin and giving ability in recognising lesions, lumps and bumps.
Includes assisting in minor surgery and chaperone training for invasive medical procedures. This course explores the role of Healthcare Support Workers assisting registered medical practitioners in caring for people undergoing minor medical procedures.
A comprehensive 2 day course for Nurses and Allied Health Professionals working in cardiology. This courses will be especially useful to those new to this speciality but will also be of use as an updater for more experienced professionals.
The ECG Workshop addresses the needs of nurses, doctors and allied health professionals who encounter ECG monitoring and traces. Theoretical and practical workshops in ECG Interpretation are delivered by experienced cardiac professionals.
Awareness of what is happening during the rupture of a coronary plaque assists the attendee in understanding why such a microscopic event can have such a catastrophic outcome.
An opportunity to develop essential knowledge and skills that are necessary for the safe care and management of a patient requiring an Intra-Aortic Balloon Pump (IABP)
Aimed at cardiac professionals to develop their Exercise Tolerance Testing (ETT) skills.