Workplace Mediation
This medication training course covers a wide range of topics relating to the safe handling and administration of medication within the health and social care industry, such as The Medicines Act and controlled drug schedules. The course covers the requirements set out in The Care Certificate, in NICE guidelines, and by the Care Quality Commission. This practical medication administration course includes competency sign-off.
whether you're working in a high-risk industry or just want to feel confident in case of an emergency, this course is perfect for you. This qualification is valid for 3 years although HSE guidelines state that employers should ensure their first aiders remain competent to perform their role. As such, it is strongly recommended that first aiders undertake annual refresher training to practise their skills and update their knowledge on the latest first aid procedures. To qualify for a 2 day refresher course candidates must have an in date Level 3 First Aid At Work qualification.
The Level 4 Award in Immediate Life Support (RQF) is ideal for a wide range of healthcare professionals. This includes doctors, dental professionals, medical students, nurses, midwives, and physiotherapists who need an ILS qualification for their registration with regulatory bodies like the GMC, GDC, NMC, and HCPC. It's also perfect for those looking to advance in their careers or needing an ILS certification for new job opportunities.
Care/Support planning will cover a range of topics including assessments, record keeping and managing information. The training will give your care and support workers the knowledge and understanding to effectively write a care plan for the people they support and ensure a clear log is kept ready for CQC inspections. Explore the key features of Care Planning including person centred planning and the promotion of personalised services including goal setting.
You never know when fire, explosions or gas leaks are around the corner, but while you can’t control what happens tomorrow, you can control how ready you are to react, help and limit any damage – and that’s where fire marshal training comes in.
This course is designed to suit a broad range of Care Sector staff. This training ensures that learners are equipped with a sufficient knowledge of mental health disorders so that they are able to manage and provide a high standard of support to affected service users. Learners will also know how to identify the symptoms of different mental disorders, adding real value to any organisation to which they provide services to.
This 3 Days programme will equip you to use, price, manage and evaluate interest rate and cross-currency derivatives. The course starts with the building blocks of money markets and futures, through yield curve building to interest-rate and cross-currency swaps, and applications. The approach is hands-on and learning is enhanced through many practical exercises covering hedging, valuation, and risk management. This course also includes sections on XVA, documentation and settlement. The programme includes extensive practical exercises using Excel spreadsheets for valuation and risk-management, which participants can take away for immediate implementation.