Get strategies for developing numeracy and literacy across the curriculum.
This course provides the necessary knowledge and skills to facilitate development in palliative and end of life care.
When used effectively, questioning is a useful teaching and learning strategy. During this workshop we will discuss how questioning can be used effectively to assess, challenge and stretch pupils progress.
This one-day course equips you to fully understand your role in the consenting process and matters that you need to take into consideration in order for the consent to be valid.
This course provides learners with the knowledge and skills necessary to care for the adult patient requiring High Flow Nasal Oxygen (HFNO).
A practical ear care course for Healthcare Support Workers. Develop safe practice in ear irrigation (syringing) which attracts a high level of litigation.
SMART Improvement Planning & Implementation
This 1 day update course is designed for all non-medical prescribers to develop and maintain safe and effective prescribing practice.
The course will cover the essential underpinning knowledge to effectively manage the patient throughout the life cycle of the implantable device.
The course is aimed at everyone working in health and social care that makes decisions for people who may lack capacity and who require a knowledge of the Mental Capacity Act and, specifically, the issue of deprivation of liberty safeguards (DOLS).