Overview In this competitive era no matter how much hard work and solid efforts are contributed still, too many projects end up creating unneeded and unsellable products. There is a significant risk that the outcome of the project may not be relevant to the client/user requirements or become outdated when needs change. Here is where Design Thinking and Agile Management play their role. The combination of Agile and Design Thinking should be used in order to achieve impactful outcomes. Agile and design thinking together works well and gives an effective approach to product development, one that results in efficient resolutions to significant problems. In this course, you'll learn how to define and determine what's important to a user primary in the process, to frontload value, by directing your team on testable narratives about the user and generating an effectively shared perspective. For more dates and Venue, Please email sales@gbacorporate.co.uk
During the 'own my life' sessions. We will explore the culture of abuse and violence, misogyny and disrespect in relationships. 'Own my life' is a 11-12 week programme that looks at healthy vs unhealthy and abusive relationships. The course explores how women can regain ownership of our lives following abuse including finding and owning our mind, body, choices, relationships, world, feelings. We will explore the culture of abuse and violence, misogyny and disrespect in relationships. We will use lots of resources to make it fun and informative and we will have lots of time for discussion. Sessions are all free and childcare can be provided. The link to the website is here: https://www.ownmylifecourse.org/what where you can find out more information. All women who attend will be given an 'Own My life' Journal which provides space for reflective practice and includes all the information provided throughout the course. -Suitable for women in abusive relationships or after they leave/ perpetrator is removed. Sessions are held weekly at the Sherwood community centre and are run by experienced, friendly and welcoming facilitators.