Workshop objectives 1-Introduction to Systematic Reviews 2- Formulating the Research Question 3- Developing a Protocol 4- Literature Search 5- Study Selection 6- Data Extraction 7- Quality Assessment: 8- Data Synthesis 9- Reporting and Publication: 10- How to write a scoping review A certificate from Research'Kraft will be given after successful completion.
This 2 - 2-5 hour course is designed is designed to provide parents and carers with the opportunity to: Develop the basic skills and knowledge needed to deal with a wide range of emergency paediatric First Aid situations, which could arise when looking after babies and children. The course can take place in in a community group or in the comfort of your home, with family and friends who maybe caring for your child or they may have children of their own. The course can be booked during the week, week nights or weekends, with or without children present. The idea is to bring the skills and knowledge to you, in your normal routine.
Learn the basics of listening, mixing and hosting techniques. Get creative behind the decks and benefit from the skills and experience of almost 3 decades with professional DJ Supa.
£9.99 per day (15 min conversation) Do you have a relationship issue you want to discuss or are you upset about some dating issues you are having, feeling stressed? Get a one day pass and talk to us.
The inclusion of children with Down syndrome - expectations of behaviour By considering the learning profile of a child with Down syndrome and looking at areas of need this one day course will aim to address areas where difficult behaviours may develop. It will look at expectations, appropriate behaviour, including self help skills and go on to outline positive strategies by focusing on wanted behaviour.
Reading, Language Intervention for children with Down syndrome The RLI programme detailed in a teacher’s handbook and DVD developed and produced by Down Syndrome Education International, provides a systematic structured approach via daily activities that can be finely adapted to each child. The training days will cover the theory behind the programme, how to assess a child to find a starting point, how to monitor and record progress and how to deliver the daily intervention with examples from, and reference to, the teacher’s handbook and DVD (now a digital resource).
This course is delivered over two 2 hour sessions. The first session covers why we use signing with children with Down syndrome and the signs for manners, animals, food, family and other people, and the alphabet. The second session covers signs for the home, school day, colours, descriptions, time/days, questions and connective/link words. Followed by a discussion on how behaviour can be addressed through introducing signing.
The course introduces Down syndrome to people who have little experience of working with children with Down syndrome and covers society’s view of Down syndrome, health implications, strengths and weaknesses in the classroom and outlines ways to address the specific learning needs and manage behaviours.