Overview Digital technologies dramatically reshape your business. Almost all business, companies are trying to pursue significant changes to gain the beneficial effects of this new technological development and some are working hard to attain the benefit of this trend to survive. This has opened new economic opportunities which are progressively opening for organisations that need to reshape. The course will help to gain the knowledge to boost skills and to comprehend the procedures that are obligatory to communicate with clients in new ways and govern the rebellion of the media landscape. It will deliver the delegate's practises and procedures that will explain to them to cope with digital transformation, from organisational change to integrating new competencies. Participants will also learn the methods of developing a marketing strategy and managing a digital marketing Project.
Every organisation needs leaders who can think and act strategically. This program will help you clarify: Why you exist (strategic purpose) Where you are now (strategic assessment) Where you want to go (strategic development) How to get there (strategic execution)
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