Conflict is a word that conjures up many emotions. It is something that most people would prefer to avoid, if possible. Work can be an emotive place. Positive relationships can make your life at work exciting, motivating and challenging, whilst relationships that do not hold value to you could make your life very difficult and stressful, especially if there is conflict between you and your manager. This course is essential for people who want to understand where conflict can be used to positive effect and how to manage conflict in your working relationships and see it as something positive that can stimulate the environment. Research has shown that relationships at work are an extremely high motivational factor, and for a lot of people it has a higher importance that salary! Therefore, it is essential that we invest in relationships and search out new ways to make them better in order to have a more positive influence on our surroundings. By understanding why other people are in conflict we can manage the conversation a lot better, with outcomes managed more effectively so the 'conflict' will add value to the organisation. This participative event will cover a wide variety of exercises and personal stories, and leave course participants with a clear strategy to identify when they are in conflict with someone and how they will structure their approach to get to a satisfactory outcome. This is a workshop that targets anyone where conflict needs to be managed and cannot seem to resolve it, whether internally or externally. At the end of the day, participants will: Know their key relationships and the strength of those relationships Complete the Strengths Deployment Inventory (SDI) to identify where you deploy your strengths Understand what is important to you and your key stakeholders Know how motivational value systems can influence behaviour Tailor your communication style to match that of your opposite party Know conflict strategies to resolve conflict in others Learn to be more assertive when challenging Achieve key personal, departmental and organisational objectives 1 Where are you now? How effective are your current working relationships? Can I work effectively without the input from others? Who do you need to be a success? 2 The Strengths Deployment Inventory (SDI) Completion of the SDI questionnaire An understanding of the theory A 'trip around the triangle' Predicting relationship interaction Your scores and what they mean in your relationships 3 Conflict theory What is conflict? The 3 flags of conflict What are your conflict triggers? Your conflict scores plotted The conflict sequence 4 Conflict resolution strategies Early warning signs Most productive behaviours Least productive behaviours Preventable / unwarranted conflict Review of the dynamic triangle Review of the day, personal learning and action planning
Some 60% of injuries at work are caused by lifting heavy objects. This powerful, practical programme is designed to help stop any of your staff from becoming the next statistic. 1 Introduction and objectives 2 Overview of Health and Safety Legislation and HSE Injury Statistics Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations (MHSWR) 1992 MHSWR 1999 specific duties to risk assess Manual Handling Operations Regulations (MHOR) 1992 Breakdown of injury statistics and costs of poor manual handling 3 The musculoskeletal system explained Prevention and ill-health Ergonomics RSI The spine in detail 4 Risk assessment General principles The TILE method Employees' duties Workplace scenarios
This course will enable registered Nurses, Midwives and AHPs to effectively supervise pre-registration students in clinical placement.
A workshop designed specifically for healthcare professionals to meet the standards of the NHS Serious Incident Framework. The day will provide clinical leaders with practical skills to enable them to undertake a root cause analysis and develop an action plan in order to improve quality and safety in their clinical setting.
Effective customer service plays a vital role in attracting and retaining customers. Businesses can use good customer service to boost sales and loyalty. Empathy, good communication, and problem-solving are core skills in providing excellent customer service. This course provides the knowledge and skills to help you hone your customer service skills.
We've all sat through far more bad presentations than good ones, but knowing what 'good' looks like is easier than successfully replicating it. Sales presentations are a performance and, as salespeople, fluffing our lines can cost us a lot more than hurt pride. Having discovered and understood the specific needs and burning issues our prospect has, then this course will help any salesperson avoid dropping the ball and instead wowing their prospects with a high-impact, tailored and compelling case for purchase. This course will help participants: Prepare mentally and physically for stand-up presentations Use voice modulation and bullet-pointing to demand attention Avoid boring their prospects Master the do's and don'ts of PowerPoint Deal more effectively with technical hitches and prospect's interruptions Use eye contact and engagement to avoid prospects 'tuning out' Deploy best practice essentials for presenting with colleagues Steer through the toughest Q&A 1 Preparing your presentation Mindset Knowing your objective(s) Vocal warm-up techniques Assembling pre-agreed benefits Time management Room set-up Technical preparation 2 How to open your presentation Vocal energy Summary and agreement of prospect's needs How to have posture and confidence Use of humour What to do with those dreaded hands Confident v non-confident body language 3 How to get and keep people's attention Bullet pointing Linking benefits to specific, stated needs Practical exercise - formulating and delivering tailored benefits Being selective with features Third party reinforcement and case studies 'Watering the garden' eye contact technique Practical exercise - participants practise 'sharing out' eye contact to audience How to handle a prospect's negative body language Handling interruptions 4 Presenting in groups Credentialing all participants Role delineation for group presentations Edifying other participants' messages - do's and don'ts How to maintain energy when not speaking Practical exercise - good and bad practice when not speaking Teamwork in Q&A sessions How to hand over professionally 5 PowerPoint do's and don'ts Use of visual aids Good and bad PowerPoint slides How to make PowerPoint work for you Classic PowerPoint errors Avoiding and handling technical problems Good and bad flipchart practice 6 Closing and / or achieving next action steps Power of summary Good Q&A practice Handling objections Practical exercise - handling objections on one's feet Creating consensus among prospect panel What to do when prospects disagree with each other When to trial close How to close on next action steps 7 Wrap-up Key learning points from each participant Action steps to be implemented on next presentations
This workshop is aimed at practice managers who work in GP Practices and Health Centres or their equivalent. The purpose of this workshop is to equip practice managers with the tools and techniques they need to run a busy practice and/or team.
This is a two-day course designed for ward, department and team managers in healthcare. It is suitable for both aspiring ward, department and team managers and those already in post.
For any healthcare provider, mentor or educator that is responsible for, or is interested in delivering education using online methods.
The emphasis is on competence, fitness to practice and life-long learning. Underpinning this is that clinical specialists and experts take the lead in teaching and training to develop knowledge and skills. However, not everyone has the tools to teach knowing how to is the key to successful learning, this programme is designed to Train the Trainer.