If you want to learn how to be a better partner and be more successful in relationships and want a one day course that will not inconvenience you this is the package for you. Step by step guide of the primary factors that make relationships work. Overall training on how to be a better partner and have better relationships and avoid breakups and maintain good communication and respect. Self-assessment and evaluation of past relationships,needs,present status and criteria needed for your own personal progress and happiness. Follow up call after course has ended. 9-5pm Dating advice for singles https://relationshipsmdd.com/product/m-d-d-intensive-one-day-package/
Level 2 NVQ Diploma in Drilling Operations - Directional Drilling- Locator Operator
Level 2 NVQ Diploma in Drilling Operations - Directional Drilling - Drill Rig Operator
If you want to improve your or your team ability to lead a team successfully, feel free to check out my Training course focusing on the keys to success to effective Leadership.
Level 2 NVQ Certificate in Plant Operations - Work Platforms
This highly practical workshop will help you become a more effective negotiator and learn the skills that master negotiators use.
Level 2 NVQ Certificate in Plant Operations - Excavating
Getting the design and implementation of your recruitment and selection process right is the first critical step to attracting great people into your business.
Level 2 NVQ Diploma in Plant Operations - Loading and Securing
This is a one-day professional diploma course. Traditional Swedish massage therapy is generally used for relaxation, the techniques you will learn on this course enables the therapist to focus on and treat specific problems. Clients are increasingly asking for deeper and more advanced techniques due to their effectiveness in treating a host of issues, the most widespread being back and shoulder pain. On this course you will learn deep tissue techniques, trigger point, palpation, neuromuscular techniques, and hands-free techniques all for a full body treatment.Our comprehensive 4 day intensive professional body massage course guides you carefully through all of the traditional Swedish massage techniques for front and back body, including feet, head and face massage and seated back massage routine too, so that you can deliver a very effective and therapeutic treatment for your clients.