Overview This course is incredibly elegant to feed psychological feature feeling and confidence needed in an everyday work state of affairs so as to run the team and organisation to attain sensible results. it'll facilitate building your trust and loyalty and enhance your skills and your behaviour additionally it'll facilitate setting objectives, motivating and communicating together with your folks.
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) Package: Embrace Your True Self and Live Authentically Discover the transformative power of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) with Miss Date Doctor’s specialized package. ACT is a cutting-edge form of therapy that helps you accept your thoughts and emotions while aligning your actions with your core values. Say goodbye to old patterns of avoidance and self-doubt, and embrace a life of psychological flexibility and authenticity. Our experienced therapists will guide you through targeted exercises and techniques that empower you to embrace discomfort, develop resilience, and make meaningful changes in your life. With the ACT package, you’ll find the courage to face challenges head-on, build stronger relationships, and achieve your personal and relationship goals. This comprehensive program will equip you with the tools needed to navigate life’s uncertainties and build a stronger, happier you. 3 X 1 HOUR SESSION https://relationshipsmdd.com/product/acceptance-and-commitment-therapy-package/
Your grumpiest customers can become your biggest advocates if you solve their problems quickly, effectively and permanently. We supply the top tips for dealing with tricky customers so your teams can create positive outcomes from every interaction with some simple techniques that make a difference to relationships straight away. Bespoke courses include: Customer needs and expectations Communication styles and how to influence them Assertiveness The 4 psychological fears Dealing with difficult customer behaviour The power of your behaviour Five steps to customer problem solving