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Human Resource Management 1 Day Training in Bristol
Human Resource Management 1 Day Training in Bath
Overview Learn how to deal with conflict more effectively through one of our training courses and you can save people a lot of time, money, stress, and distraction. We offer a range of market-leading mediation training courses: from half-day to five-day programmes, covering all areas of mediation. This includes workplace mediation, neighbourhood and family conflict, bullying and harassment, and commercial disputes.
Support culture change by giving line managers the skills to look at practices within their areas, role model appropriately and address unacceptable behaviours. Our dynamic, assertive trainer for EDI has a very practical approach, with plenty of real-life examples to help participants view the subject from a new angle
This is an essential programme for all Council Members, particularly those who are newly elected, who need to review their personal safety and lone working arrangements. 1 What's happening? Issues around us Risks in context 2 Safety fundamentals Identifying and minimising risks Sensible precautions Use of technology and personal safety Lone working and the Council's policy 3 Harassment and stalking What constitutes harassment and definition of stalking Early warning signals 4 Reporting principles Importance of incidence reporting Council procedure What next?
This is an essential programme for members of staff whose role involves external meetings, including seeing members of the public in their own home. Based around advice from agencies including the Suzy Lamplugh Trust and the police, this programme takes a sensible look at how to remain safe in the role. 1 What's happening? Issues around us Risks in context 2 Safety fundamentals Risk assessment Dynamic risk assessment Identifying and minimising risks Sensible precautions Use of technology and personal safety Lone working Visits and travelling 3 Harassment and stalking What constitutes harassment and definition of stalking Early warning signals 4 Reporting principles Importance of incidence reporting Taking care of us What next?
This is an essential programme for members of staff whose role exposes them to aggressive or violent behaviour. 1 What's happening? Issues around us Risks in context Personal experiences 2 Safety fundamentals Following internal policy and procedure Personal safety and lone working Use of technology 3 Nipping issues in the bud Recognising early warning signs Avoiding causing problems for ourselves 4 Calming - Reaching - Controlling Tips and techniques for potentially calming a situation Reaching and building rapport Accelerants - tips on avoiding accelerating a situation Assertiveness techniques Non-verbal behaviour Active listening and the use of questions and distractions Exploring ways forward and identifying win/wins Avoiding the secondary argument Fogging The 'drama triangle' If all else fails 5 Harassment, stalking and on-line bulling What constitutes harassment and definition of stalking On-line bullying Steps to take 6 Reporting principles Importance of incidence reporting Taking care of us What next?
This is an essential programme for members of staff whose role exposes them to aggressive or violent behaviour. 1 What's happening? Issues around us Risks in context Personal experiences 2 Safety fundamentals Following internal policy and procedure Personal safety and lone working Use of technology 3 Nipping issues in the bud Recognising early warning signs Avoiding causing problems for ourselves 4 Calming - Reaching - Controlling Tips and techniques for potentially calming a situation Reaching and building rapport Accelerants - tips on avoiding accelerating a situation Assertiveness techniques Non-verbal behaviour Active listening and the use of questions and distractions Exploring ways forward and identifying win/wins Avoiding the secondary argument Fogging The 'drama triangle' If all else fails... 5 Harassment, stalking and on-line bulling What constitutes harassment and definition of stalking On-line bullying Steps to take 6 Reporting principles Importance of incidence reporting Taking care of us What next?
Our Equality and Diversity Training course covers the Equality Act 2010 and discusses the details relating to discrimination as well as unfair treatment within a professional environment.
It is essential that those charged with responsibility for credit control and debt recovery have a full appreciation of the relevant law: no-one can negotiate effectively to recover a debt if they don't understand the ultimate sanctions they can apply. This programme is designed to give them a practical, up-to-date understanding of the law as it applies to your particular organisation. This course will help ensure that participants: Understand the relevant laws Know how and when to invoke legal processes Avoid legal pitfalls in debt collection negotiations Specific, practical learning points include: Definition of 'harassment' How to set up an in-house collection identity Whether cheques in 'full and final settlement' are binding The best steps to trace a 'gone away'... and many, many more. 1 Data protection and debt recovery There are a whole range of things which can be checked on members of the public and which are not affected by the restraints of the Data Protection Act. These will be explained in simple, clear terms so that staff can use this information immediately. 2 County Court suing The expert trainer will show how to sue for money owed, obtain judgment and commence enforcement action without leaving your desk. This module is aimed at showing how to make the Courts work for you instead of the other way around! 3 Enforcement of judgments There are many people who have a County Court Judgment (CCJ) against their debtor but who still remain unpaid. This session explains each of the enforcement methods and how to use them to best effect. Enforcement methods covered include: Warrant of Execution Using the sheriff (now known as High Court Enforcement Officers) Attachment of earnings Third Party Debt Orders Charging Orders (over property and goods) Winding-up companies and making individuals bankrupt 4 Office of Fair Trading rules on debt recovery Surprisingly few people are aware of the Office of Fair Trading rules on debt recovery and many of those that do know think they don't apply to them - but they do. Make sure you know what you need to! 5 New methods to trace elusive, absentee and 'gone away' debtors Why write the money off when you can trace the debtor and collect the money you are owed? 6 Credit checking of new and existing customers It makes sense to credit check would-be, new and existing customers to evaluate the likelihood of payment delays or perhaps not being paid at all. This session shows a range of credit checking steps, many of which can be done completely free of charge, including a sample credit application/ account opening form. 7 Late Payment of Commercial Debts Regulations Do your staff understand this legislation and how to use it to make people pay quicker than ever before? The trainer shows how. 8 The Enterprise Act The Enterprise Act made some startling changes to corporate and personal insolvency. What are the implications for credit control and debt recovery within your organisation?