Negotiation Skills - Professional 1 Day Workshop in Leeds
Communication Strategies 1 Day Workshop in Leeds
Managing Performance 1 Day Workshop in Wakefield
Communication Strategies 1 Day Workshop in Wakefield
Negotiation Skills - Professional 1 Day Workshop in Wakefield
Are you looking to create the perfect business strategy to put you higher than your competitors? Are you tired of not hitting your strategic objectives? If your answers to above questions are 'yes', this course helps you a lot. What you will learn: To build your own ‘blue ocean strategy’ to avoid fierce competition & price wars. To understand strategy process and strategy mapping. To appropriately position your company in the marketplace. To make the competition irrelevant. How you will benefit from this workshop: You will gain key insights into the strategy articulation process. We help you develop your leadership skills with some practice. You will learn how to use the Balanced scorecard to map your strategy. You will learn how effective your current differentiation is and how to improve that.
Event Planning 1 Day Training in Leeds
Conflict Management 1 Day Training in Leeds
Report Writing 1 Day Training in Leeds
Time Management 1 Day Training in Leeds