Falls prevention is a variety of actions to help reduce the number of accidental falls suffered by older people. Falls and fall-related injuries are among the most severe and common medical problems experienced by older adults. Training, supervision and tailored exercise programmes can reduce falls by as much as 54%.
Infection prevention and control is essential for all businesses, particularly where the working environment or work activities could put employees and those around them at risk of infection. This includes those working in healthcare, in close contact with people or animals, and those involved in the cleaning of human and animal waste. Infections can be easily spread, but by understanding the correct steps to take, the risk of their occurrence can be both prevented and controlled.
Equality is everyone’s right and everyone’s responsibility’. This training promotes the requirements of the Equality and Diversity Act. This session will strengthen understanding of Equality & Diversity.
You never know when fire, explosions or gas leaks are around the corner, but while you can’t control what happens tomorrow, you can control how ready you are to react, help and limit any damage – and that’s where fire marshal training comes in.
This is a specialist training course for senior managers or newly appointed safeguarding leads who are responsible for safeguarding adults from neglect and harm