Changing patterns of thinking can be challenging, I work with individuals and small groups to discover techniques that are proven methods of change, such lateral thinking techniques, Appreciative Inquiry and other methodologies to change stuck patterns.
Nowadays not only do we rely on our commercial and sales staff to hit that bottom line but we expect our engineers and project teams to play their part too - not only through their engineering and management skills but by behaving in a commercially minded way in their dealings with their counterparts in customer or supplier organisations. This means understanding, amongst other things, the issues surrounding the commencement of work ahead of contract, having a clear contract baseline, recognising the broader implications of contract change, the need for timeliness and the consequences of failing to meet the contracted timetable. This practical one-day programme has been designed specifically to give engineers, project staff and others just that understanding. The course is designed principally to provide engineers and project staff with an appreciation of contractual obligations, liabilities, rights and remedies so that they understand the implications of their actions. It is also suitable for business development staff who are negotiating contracts on behalf of the business. The main focus of the day is on creating an awareness of when a situation may have commercial implications that would harm an organisation's business interests if not recognised and handled appropriately and how taking a positive but more commercial approach to those situations can lead to a more positive outcome for the business. As well as providing an understanding of the commercial imperatives the day also focuses on specific areas affecting engineers and project staff, such as the recognition and management of change, the risks when working outside the contract and managing delays in contracts. The course identifies the different remedies that may apply according to the reasons for the delay and provides some thoughts on pushing back should such situations arise. On completion of this programme the participants will: appreciate the need for contractual controls and will have a better understanding of their relevance and how they can be applied, particularly the issues of starting work ahead of contract, implementing changes and inadvertently creating a binding contract by their behaviour; have gained an understanding of the terminology and procedural issues pertaining to contracting within a programme; and be more commercially aware and better equipped for their roles. 1 Basic contract law - bidding and contract formation Purpose of a contract Contract formation - the key elements required to create a legally binding agreement Completeness and enforceability Express and implied terms Conditions v warranties The use of, and issues arising from, standard forms of sale and purchase Use of 'subject to contract' Letters of intent Authority to commit 2 Change management Recognising changes to a contracted requirement Pricing change Implementation and management of change 3 Key contracting terms and conditions By the end of this module participants will be able to identify the key principles associated with: Pricing Getting paid and retaining payment Cashflow Delivery and acceptance Programme delaysExamining some reasons for non-performance...Customer failureContractor's failureNo fault delays ... and the consequences of non-performance: Damages claimsLiquidated damagesForce majeureContinued performance Waiver clauses and recent case law Use of best/reasonable endeavours Contract termination 4 Warranties, indemnities and liability Express and implied warranties Limiting liability 5 Protection of information Forms of intellectual property Background/foreground intellectual property Marking intellectual property Intellectual property rights Copyright Software Confidentiality agreements Internet
Agile working is an approach that the NHS supports. It demands new ways of working and thinking. Agile means that work is now seen as an activity, not a place. People are the organisation. The way we communicate has to change. The way we manage has to change. This workshop will let you reflect on what works for you now and where you may need to adapt. You may need to trust and value your team more than ever, but when they aren't in front of you in the office, you will need to question your beliefs. The workshop will help you: Understand what Agile Working is all about Reflect on your management style Recognise the new ways of managing agile workers Choose the right communication methods Understand culture and mindset Identify different ways of measuring performance Focus on innovation and not bureaucracy Manage more effectively This workshop has been designed to support you in effectively managing an agile team. You will need to be open to questioning your existing techniques and be open and responsive to change. 1 What's it all about? What is Agile working? What are your personal management concerns? How to make it work Time / location / role / source 2 Your role as an Agile manager Your style Your team's individual preferences Learning to let go Your management style self assessment 3 The 3 areas of focus Trust Delegation Empowerment 4 Communicating effectively New ways of communicating Managing expectations What are you measuring? 5 Your personal action plan What are you going to do differently?
2 day Leadership workshop * Pre workshop Leadership diagnostic analyses your current leadership behaviour and impact on business results * Workshop format includes Diagnostic report debrief & planning for change, Leadership Style, Creating and communicating Vision, Goal setting and commitment to achievement, Coaching & Developing Staff, Performance Management, Rewards and Recognition, Teamwork and Motivation, via simulations, discussion and your current real-world issues. *Leadership diagnostic re-measure after 6 months to quantify improvement, change etc.
Who says what's right for you? How aware are you of how much you actually drink each week? Is it more than you want it to be? Does it take the edge off your performance? Or do you just think it's time to change? This session will challenge the way you think about drink. It's not about what someone else thinks you ought to drink - it's about your own attitude to it. Take away a completely fresh way of thinking about drinking. Get some insights into 'how come' you drink what you do. Find out what you can easily do to drink less. During the session you will have the opportunity to take a fresh look at: Your drinking habits - casual/social drinking, habitual drinking, binge drinking 'How come I do this'? How we think about habits 'How could I change my drinking'?
All organisations today operate in an environment of constant and rapid change. Managing this change effectively is often achieved through a portfolio of formal projects. Many organisations today have qualified and experienced project management staff to run their projects. Some organisations today have dedicated functions, staff or processes to support their project management teams. The very largest organisations have in-house Enterprise Programme Offices, or project management specialists in corporate audit or risk functions; or organise 'Red Team Reviews' of a project by other staff with project management experience who are not participating in the reviewed project. But for many mid-size businesses and SMEs - and even some larger organisations - these resources are simply not available. For them, having access to external expertise to assure project management disciplines and to coach project managers can be a major contributor to project success. Such reviews can take place at project initiation; at major stage-gates (especially if significant capital is to be committed at the stage-gate); or at any other time if concerns arise concerning project quality, cost or timescales. And it is for those organisations that we offer the necessary expertise, on an ad hoc basis, in reviewing projects and coaching senior project management staff. A document review and workshop led by one of our consultants can help you assess whether: The strategic goals and priorities for the project are clear and being addressed Governance of the project within the business is defined and being effectively executed Project roles and responsibilities are clear and effective The credibility and robustness of the project plan can be enhanced Performance measures and reporting procedures are effective Critical risks are identified and being managed and contingencies are agreed The roles, responsibilities and capabilities of the key players in the project team are fit for purpose Budgets are realistic and costs being managed effectively Communication and change management activities are effectively planned and being executed At your discretion, you can capture the outcomes from the workshop for yourselves, in terms of identifying opportunities for improvement, or you can have our consultant write a report and make recommendations to you.
How do you manage yourself under pressure? Are there times you get hijacked by your emotions and find it hard to deal with setbacks? How good are you at dealing with change? Resilience is all about having the ability to adapt, deal with change constructively and bounce back from adversity. While some people are naturally more resilient that others it is something that can be learnt. This session focuses on helping you respond positively to the pressures and demands of work and take specific steps in building your personal resilience. Take away: Action planner for i-resilience profile. You will have the opportunity to: Gain insight into the relationship between work pressure, performance, wellbeing and resilience Explore your natural strengths and how to manage what pushes you into a less resourceful state Understand the skills and techniques that underpin the behaviours and attitudes of highly resilient people
Support culture change by giving line managers the skills to look at practices within their areas, role model appropriately and address unacceptable behaviours. Our dynamic, assertive trainer for EDI has a very practical approach, with plenty of real-life examples to help participants view the subject from a new angle
This programme concentrates on the core planning skills needed to develop sound practical project plans in a team environment. This enables the plan to be modified should requirements change or difficulties arise. The programme also gives participants the confidence to practise those skills and apply them in the work environment and deliver their projects more successfully in the future. Participants learn fundamental project management concepts and terminology, demystifying the project management process, and, in particular, how to: Break a project down into manageable sections and ensure nothing is left out Understand and apply estimating techniques to develop realistic estimates Sequence work effectively and carry out critical path analysis to determine project duration and which tasks to pay closest attention to Manage project risk effectively to protect project value Monitor, control and re-plan the project to best keep it on track Close out the project and ensure the project comes to an orderly end 1 Introduction Self-introductions and personal objectives Course objectives Sharing of project issues 2 Project management concepts Characteristics of a project and what should be kept as operational responsibilities Understanding the triple and quadruple constraints - and their limitations Prioritising requirements through the MOSCOW technique Product v project life cycle Key project roles and responsibilities - the importance of sponsorship and clarity of roles 3 Starting a project, and the importance of the terms of reference / project brief Avoiding the pressure to 'just do it'! The importance and benefits of planning The best time to learn! Initial project documentation - the BOSCARDI approach 4 Breaking the work down Understanding alternative breakdown structures such as the product breakdown structure and work breakdown structure Guidelines for creating a work breakdown structure to ensure the full work scope is identified 5 Estimating Alternative estimating techniques and associated confidence levels Further considerations - loss and resource factors 6 Organising the work Use of network diagrams to develop a clear sequence of work Critical path analysis and calculating the project duration and task float - and usage 7 The management of project risk Understanding the nature of project risk The risk analysis and risk management processes How to best manage threats and opportunities Running a risk workshop Using the risk register 8 Scheduling the work The importance of the Gantt chart and understanding its limitations The Gantt chart layout and using alternative views such as the tracking Gantt Using alternative dependencies 9 Resource issues Assigning resources and resolving resource overloads Crashing and fast-tracking your project and potential issues to look out for 10 Controlling the project The control cycle and alternative feedback mechanisms Alternative progress reporting Assessing the impact The importance of re-planning The benefits of control Change control - the importance of impact analysis The steps of change control and the use of the issue register 11 Closing the project The project closure checklist Reviewing the project - things to avoid Developing meaningful lessons and ensuring they are applied effectively The post-project review - its importance to the organisation
A question of trust. Leadership implies followership. And that means trust. Because who's going to follow a leader they don't trust? This programme takes a values-driven approach to leadership. It gets current and aspiring leaders to hold up the mirror to themselves and to see their reflections as leaders of people. It asks them whether what they see justifies their view of themselves as leaders. It helps them understand just what it takes to be an effective leader. And it does so in a highly practical, constructive manner. It helps the course participants to truly understand the core skills of effective leadership. It focuses on the difference between leadership and management, defining what high performing teams do and how they do it. It helps people to see their teams from different perspectives, allowing them to adapt their styles to maximise team outputs. And it explores concepts such as emotional intelligence, authentic leadership and the RAIV approach (relationships-achievement-independence-vocation) to help explore underlying values and use them to drive effective leadership. Because what worth do our values have unless we put them into practice? The course will help you:• Appreciate the key skills a leader needs to be effective• Understand what the organisation expects of you as a leader• Recognise your leadership style and the impact it has on others• Consider your role models - who inspires you?• See leadership from the 'followers' perspective - how do you like to be led?• Discover what holds you back - limiting beliefs• Examine your core values -do they support your ambition?• Explore the concept of Emotional Intelligence - how do we manage ourselves?• Discover how to lead through change• Explore the concept of 'Authentic Leadership' - consider how it can work for you• Practice some of the skills essential to motivating and influencing for success• Use the RAIV approach to generating enthusiasm and commitment• Plan how best to 'walk the leadership talk' - in your role, in your organisation Above all, this course will help you put theory into practice, values into actions, in a mature, considered, effective way. Day 1 1 Welcome and introduction Participants are welcomed to the programme and invited to share their personal objectives and people challenges Participants given an action plan template to complete throughout the workshop Participants required to bring an inspirational quote to share with the group 2 What is leadership? The concept of 'leadership' The role of a leader Skills assessment for all participants# Leadership v Management Assess your team effectiveness 3 Your leadership style Leadership questionnaire You and your role models Push v Pull styles of leadership Empowerment v Control Team goals and role profiling Day 2 1 You, the leader Your core values Your communication style Situational leadership The Emotional Bank Account Buy Me Today 2 Are you Emotionally Intelligent? (EI) What is emotional intelligence? Self-assessment exercise Manage your emotions Nine strategies for promoting EI 3 Leading through change Identify the major changes affecting you / your team Types of change The roles of resistance How safe are you to talk to? Forcefield Analysis Day 3 1 Authentic Leadership (AL) What is AL? Managing perceptions is managing their truth A leadership challenge 2 Motivating and influencing for success What motivates you? Motivational theory Leading by example Influencing skills required Influencing styles The influence challenge! 3 Creating enthusiasm and commitment The RAIV approach (relationships-achievement-independence-vocation) Building self-worth What drives your team? Your leadership legacy Your commitment to leadership