Overview Internal auditing is an independent and objective activity to evaluate an organisation's internal operations. You'll learn how to initiate an audit, prepare and conduct audit activities, compile and distribute audit reports and complete follow-up activities. It is very important for the organisation to have a smooth flow of accounting as it plays a very important role in the development of the organisation. Financial Managers or any person who deals with Accounts need to see that the company accounts are very updated and are free from any risks that can become a problem during the time of Auditing. Objectives By the end of the course, participants will be able to: Efficiently dealing with senior leaders with confidence Effective Contribution and Strategically Analysing and Auditing towards business success Analysing and Evaluating as an effective internal audit leader How to manage key relationships with the audit committee Practical methods for managing the audit committee and senior management Describing the significance to help maximize the contribution to their organization
During the 'own my life' sessions. We will explore the culture of abuse and violence, misogyny and disrespect in relationships. 'Own my life' is a 11-12 week programme that looks at healthy vs unhealthy and abusive relationships. The course explores how women can regain ownership of our lives following abuse including finding and owning our mind, body, choices, relationships, world, feelings. We will explore the culture of abuse and violence, misogyny and disrespect in relationships. We will use lots of resources to make it fun and informative and we will have lots of time for discussion. Sessions are all free and childcare can be provided. The link to the website is here: https://www.ownmylifecourse.org/what where you can find out more information. All women who attend will be given an 'Own My life' Journal which provides space for reflective practice and includes all the information provided throughout the course. -Suitable for women in abusive relationships or after they leave/ perpetrator is removed. Sessions are held weekly at the Sherwood community centre and are run by experienced, friendly and welcoming facilitators.
The shortage of electricians has lead to an increased demand nationwide and in turn a sharp rise in salary. Our training solutions can help you gain nationally recognised qualifications such as City & Guilds and NVQ. Not only you will train in state-of-the-art training centres, but you can also have the opportunity to attain the Work Based Performance Units and complete a portfolio of diverse evidence of onsite work.