Historical Association webinar series: History and literacy: better together Presenter: Andrew Wrenn This practical webinar will explore the different ways stories and storytelling can be used in primary history: as an evocative way of conveying substantive knowledge for retrieval, and as a stimulus to hook pupils’ initial interest and curiosity. It will also show how pupils can be helped to test the reliability of stories as historical interpretations, by comparing them with the original evidence on which they are based. To use your corporate recording offer for this webinar please complete this form: https://forms.office.com/e/HYhgpvBBuG
Historical Association webinar series: Making history accessible Presenters: Cat Priggs This webinar will provide an overview of recent key developments in SEND, including statutory guidance and regulations from Ofsted’s latest Education Inspection Framework and the SEND improvement plan. Drawing on SEND toolkits, we will reflect on how to embed inclusive practice. This will be explored in the context of the history classroom as we draw upon the Historical Association’s Secondary Committee ‘Making History Accessible’ resources to consider how to develop and support SEND students’ historical learning. At the end of this session, participants will be introduced to an optional small-scale action research project. This project will prompt reflection on a specific aspect of participants’ practice, which will be explored and reviewed through the webinar series. Image: A Squire "Old English" padlock on a gate latch in Devon (Image: Partonez/Wikimedia Commons)
Historical Association webinar series: History and literacy: better together Presenter: Andrew Wrenn This practical webinar will show how the writing and insights of real historians can be used across medium-term plans in primary history. It will give examples of how historians' ideas can be simplified for presentation in different ways, how their methods can be echoed for pupils in tasking, and how pupils can explore the original evidence historians use to support their conclusions - including how pupils can test the validity of these conclusions as historical interpretations. To use your corporate recording offer for this webinar please complete this form: https://forms.office.com/e/HYhgpvBBuG
Historical Association webinar series: History and literacy: better together Presenter: Andrew Wrenn There are many fine core texts that can enhance primary history and magnify its curricular impact. This practical webinar will show how to plan carefully when using these texts, exploring some of the advantages this can bring while avoiding corresponding pitfalls. Careful consideration will be given to the setting of subject-specific and general literacy objectives and tasks. To use your corporate recording offer for this webinar please complete this form: https://forms.office.com/e/HYhgpvBBuG
Historical Association webinar series: History and literacy: better together Presenter: Andrew Wrenn This practical webinar will demonstrate how giving pupils opportunities to write formatively can capture their understanding at given points in a learning episode, helping them to structure their developing thinking and supporting teachers in spotting and correcting misconceptions in good time. It will consider effective ways of challenging pupils to write at length, including various forms of writing frames linked to the development of disciplinary concepts, and supporting pupils in reaching independent conclusions of their own. It will also show how all these strategies can be important contributions to the development of general literacy. To use your corporate recording offer for this webinar please complete this form: https://forms.office.com/e/HYhgpvBBuG
Historical Association webinar series: History and literacy: better together Presenter: Andrew Wrenn This practical webinar will look at the vital role speaking and listening plays in helping pupils to think, read and write in historical ways as well as developing general oracy skills. It will explore a range of strategies and tasking that can help pupils deepen their historical understanding, gain a better grasp of complex ideas, and learn how to articulate these so that they can reach (and justify) independent conclusions of their own. To use your corporate recording offer for this webinar please complete this form: https://forms.office.com/e/HYhgpvBBuG
Historical Association webinar series: Making history accessible Presenters: Gemma Hargraves and Kate Wright This session will offer practical strategies teachers can use to support and challenge neurodivergent students at GCSE. Covering the importance of scaffolding and Vygotsky’s Zone of Proximal Development, Kate Wright will offer a SENDCo’s perspective on how best to support GCSE historians. From Frayer models and graphic organisers to explicitly teaching key concepts and vocabulary, the session will outline how to achieve clarity in lessons, resources and homework. To use your corporate recording offer on this webinar please fill in this form: https://forms.office.com/e/bdNUSwLNrL Image: A Squire "Old English" padlock on a gate latch in Devon (Image: Partonez/Wikimedia Commons)
Historical Association webinar series: History and literacy: better together Presenter: Andrew Wrenn This practical webinar will guide teachers on how to devise rigorous historical enquiry questions, how to spot and weed out weak ones, and how to sequence them in an effective way across medium-term plans. It will show how disciplinary concepts can be revisited and pupils supported in the careful accumulation of substantive knowledge, adding to their schema progressively over time.
Unveil Africa’s political future: Dive into colonial legacies, state-building challenges, democratization efforts, the African Union’s influence, and emerging great power rivalries. Discover sharp, insightful takes on contemporary African politics.
Historical Association webinar series: Building different types of historical knowledge Presenters: Claire Holliss In this sixth and final session, Jacob and Mike will explain how history teachers can teach This first session will focus on building students’ knowledge of the particular periods they are studying. It will also consider the different methods teachers have used to help their students to apply their knowledge to different contexts. It will include a discussion of how this might be assessed throughout the course and the role that curriculum planning can play in this process. To use your corporate webinar offer on this webinar please fill in this form: https://forms.office.com/e/9JZCQ0RUkJ