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This Renewables Technical Surveying training short two day course is specifically designed for individuals and companies that want to train themselves and their staff on exactly how to carry out Renewables Technical Site Surveying prior to any renewables installation measures, this includes for heating systems, solar systems and EV Charge point installations. The course is primarily aimed at Energy Suppliers, Equipment Manufacturers, Renewable Installers, Domestic Energy Assessors, Retrofit Assessors, Retrofit Co-ordinators, Renewables sales staff and suitable individuals with a basic level of knowledge in varying building structures, heating systems and varying renewable technologies.
This Renewables Technical Surveying training short two day course is specifically designed for individuals and companies that want to train themselves and their staff on exactly how to carry out Renewables Technical Site Surveying prior to any renewables installation measures, this includes for heating systems, solar systems and EV Charge point installations. The course is primarily aimed at Energy Suppliers, Equipment Manufacturers, Renewable Installers, Domestic Energy Assessors, Retrofit Assessors, Retrofit Co-ordinators, Renewables sales staff and suitable individuals with a basic level of knowledge in varying building structures, heating systems and varying renewable technologies.