This session covers the legal aspects of documentation and record keeping in healthcare for Healthcare Assistants.
This workshop is designed to help you manage your time more effectively. It will explore issues with time management, prioritisation and delegation, managing meetings and emails, Managing other peoples priorities and action planning.
Swedish full body massage is one of the most popular mainstream therapies, and is offered at any reputable spa or beauty treatment clinic. Our comprehensive professional 2-day Body Massage course guides you carefully through all of the traditional Swedish massage techniques for front and back body, including feet, head and face massage too, so that you can deliver a very effective and therapeutic treatment for your clients. Home Study + In-Person Practical This course includes around 40 hrs of home study home study including case studies plus the 2 day practical training
A four-hour workshop for Neurodiverse individuals and those who recognise some traits in themselves.
A practical ear care course for Healthcare Support Workers. Develop safe practice in ear irrigation (syringing) which attracts a high level of litigation.
A course for Healthcare Assistants, designed to give a broader understanding of anatomy and physiology of the skin and giving ability in recognising lesions, lumps and bumps.
Includes assisting in minor surgery and chaperone training for invasive medical procedures. This course explores the role of Healthcare Support Workers assisting registered medical practitioners in caring for people undergoing minor medical procedures.
Relationship coaching for your relationship skills can be done individually or as a couple Emotional intelligence training Learn how to be a strong couple Love Language training Learn how to improve rapport and empathy Emotional validation and emotional civility training Consideration and patience training Conflict Resolution and self management Free check in calls in between sessions Choose one of our office locations to have your sessions 1 hour per week 3 sessions
Establish why the relationship is not progressing Talk through issues Pinpoint why the relationship is not progressing Ascertain areas needing improvement Talk through emotional challenges Relationship advice Couples therapy This package for long-term relationships that have reached a standstill Assessment with each partner 3 x 1-hour couple sessions = 2 individual sessions
Join me for a morning of Qigong and Breathwork This will be a fantastic opportunity to clear out old, stagnant, heavy energy that no longer serves you. Making way for new pathways of radiant health. Releasing stress, Releasing tension, lets breathe in the new you! In this morning workshop, well combine the deep healing breathwork, with guided breath awareness mediation and Qigong mindful movements to help you to reconnect with the power of your breath. Giving you the tools to help tackle stress and anxiety in our every day lives. We will begin by opening the body and waking up our energy with Qigong mindful movement to clear the winter heaviness. We will then get intimate with our breath using a breath awareness meditation. I will then guide you through a gentle and yet powerful Breathwork Journey. We will use conscious connected breathing to encourage deep detoxification of your body, releasing stuck energy and beliefs and resetting your whole nervous system. Opening your body and mind to new possibilities and leaving you to breathing more freely and naturally. If your looking to release stress and create more space for joy, peace and love then these sessions are for you. Benefits of Conscious Connected Breathwork include: Release Tension Reduce Stress & Anxiety Clear Emotional Blocks Heal Trauma Increased Energy Better Sleep These are small group gatherings of 8-10 people and no previous experience necessary. Contact me for more details and to book your place. Price includes herbal teas and delicious treats