An opportunity to develop knowledge and skills for wound management, infection control and removing skin closure devices.
This course provides the underpinning physiology and disease process knowledge for HCAs, working with patients with preventable diseases.
A study day designed for HCAs who are working in a supportive role in primary care, offering care for patients with asthma. This day provides an overview of how asthma is diagnosed and managed and includes a practical inhaler delivery systems workshop.
Develop essential knowledge and appropriate skills in the quality treatment and management of the patient with an eye problem
Following attendance, candidates will be able to record an ECG correctly and start to develop interpretation skills. The course includes supervised practice in recording a 12 lead ECG.
This is a multidisciplinary interactive workshop providing staff with essential skills and techniques to deliver a professional service.
You know you are imaginative, sensitive, curious, empathic, connecting, and compassionate. You may or may not consider yourself creative - but that doesnt matter, because all those other qualities mean that Im quietly convinced that you already are! you might already know that these gifts support you and bring you incredible joy and sense of connection with yourself and others. But because of your qualities - your life is also demanding. Everyone wants a pice of you and sometimes you forget self care, meaning you are also over-stretched, out of balance, and sometimes even ungrounded, spaced out, and overwhelmed. The Soul Sheds purpose is to enable you to turn your empathy and imagination into intuitive guidence and a deeply embodied sense of presence to yourself and others. Welcome to this primer in SoulCollage® In the comfort of your own home, I will share with you the powerful SoulCollage® process to uncover your own source of inner wisdom. Over three sessions booked to suit your timetable, you will practice the basics: Connecting deeply with your intuitive guidence self as an embodied three-centred being meet the imagery that speaks to you most and collage with it, Bypass any innercritic -this is just for your own pleasure Hear the imagery speak its wisdom to you. Learn about the different suits in a SoulCollage® deck Leave with cards that will continue to speak deeply to you in your life. The Soul Shed offers you gentle creative space to explore reflect and shift stuck energy in powerful ways. Samantha Taroni is a trauma-informed coach, a SoulCollage facilitator, breathwork teacher, and teacher of creative arts with over thirty years experience. Book three sessions to get you started at a time to suit you. Receive a pack of images and blank cards to a UK address. (If you live overseas, I can send you images to download, or courier you a pack. Ask for a quotation! And if youre interested but want to talk it over a bit more in a chat, you can book a call with me by clicking here. Id love to talk with you and make sure its right for you.
This free introductory training webinar is designed to raise awareness of children of parents with a mental illness.
Getting Started – A Practical Introduction to Mindfulness. – delivered online via zoom A 10-week rolling program introducing mindfulness. There are 10 sessions with distinct content and it’s fine to join at any point. Getting Started operates on a drop-in basis, so if you miss a session you can cover the content next time it comes around. The sessions are interactive to support learning from each other's experiences. We, therefore, request that participants turn their cameras and microphone on for the sessions. Participants will be muted during meditations to reduce distractions. Getting Started is just that- an accessible introduction to mindfulness, providing a practical guide to building it into everyday life. Each session will cover a different aspect of Mindfulness and will include: Discussion about one of the foundational attitudes of mindfulness Each week focuses on a different foundation of building a mindfulness practice starting with Intention and then the nine foundational attitudes of mindfulness: Beginners Mind; Non-Judgement; Gratitude; Acceptance; Non-Striving; Letting Go; Generosity; Patience and Trust. The science which backs it up and how it applies to our lives. and Guided mindfulness practices These form the backbone of each session because practice promotes presence and Suggestions and tips for practicing in the context of our daily life and The opportunity to ask questions and An info sheet emailed to participants after each Getting Started session Session Topics: 1 | Intention – 20th October 2022 2 | Beginners Mind – 27th October 2022 3 | Non-judgement – 3rd November 2022 4 | Gratitude – 10th November 2022 5 | Acceptance – 17th November 2022 6 | Non-striving – 24th November 2022 7 | Letting Go – 1st December 2022 8 | Generosity – 8th December 2022 9 | Patience – 15th December 2022 10 | Trust – 22nd December 2022