“Any good photography is a successful synthesis of technique and art.” – Andreas Feininger Discover the magic of Black & White Photography and learn some of the secrets the masters use to make stunning photographs. Explore the fundamentals of light and time and no longer be a slave to the Auto setting. Master the manual functions of your 35mm SLR film camera and unlock its true potential. Get to grips with the complete darkroom workflow from processing film to printing your own black & white photographs. Perfect for those with no experience or those looking for a full refresher. If you don’t have a 35mm SLR camera we have a limited number available for use during the course – please make your selection from the dropdown at time of booking. Week 1 Capture, technical notes, discussions, art context Understand the fundamentals of light and time in balancing an accurate exposure; No longer be a slave to the Auto setting! Learn how to utilise the Manual functions of your 35mm SLR camera including aperture, shutter speed, film speed and metering. Understand depth of field, composition and creative photo-making techniques; Appreciate photography within an art context – Begin to look at the work of other photographers Assignment: You will be given one roll of B&W film to be shot for the second week Week 2 Film processing Learn how to process B&W film by hand in Stills’ darkrooms. We will discuss different film types and chemistry, as well as best practice procedures for film handling. Appreciating photography within an art context-Sally Mann. Week 3 Contact Printing Gain an appreciation of general darkroom procedures;understand how to set up your enlarger and make a contact print using the traditional analogue method; learn how to make 8×10″ work prints using the single filter printing method. All paper and chemistry will be provided. Week 4 Darkroom printing This last session will allow participants to keep on printing with some one to one attention. We will also explore some basic dodging and burning and other printing techniques to get the most from your negatives and make a series of final prints. Courses are subject to minimum enrolment. Please register early, within five days of the start date, to reduce the likelihood of course cancellation. Please read our cancellation policy before booking. Students, anyone over the age of 65, and those in receipt of any form of benefits can claim the concessionary price, offering a 10% discount on the full course price. Valid proof of eligibility must be produced on the first day of the course. Please use the code CONCESSION when prompted at checkout. Stills uses ILFORD PHOTO chemicals on this course that can potentially pose a risk to pregnant and breast feeding women and asthmatics. We take every care to ensure good working practices and adequate ventilation in our darkrooms. If you feel you may be adversely affected, please visit the Health and Safety section of Ilford’s website for further information. General Guidance Notes for Pregnant and Breast Feeding Women and Asthmatics: From a risk assessment standpoint, provided all necessary control measures (such as good working practices, adequate ventilation, and the use of appropriate PPE) are in place then pregnant and breastfeeding women should be able to continue to work safely with photochemical products.Inhalation is the main route by which fumes and gases enter the body, making good ventilation a high priority. Exposure to irritant chemicals that would not affect most people may provoke an asthma attack in a person who already has asthma. For example, low levels of the gas sulphur dioxide can be produced by some ILFORD PHOTO processes. Most individuals would be unaffected but asthmatics may suffer adverse affects. ILFORD PHOTO products include no known human carcinogens, and no substances to which phrase R46 (May cause heritable genetic damage) or R64 (May cause harm to breastfed babies) applies. Most ILFORD PHOTO developers use hydroquinone, and their classification therefore includes R40 (Limited evidence of a carcinogenic effect) and R68 (Possible risk of irreversible effects). Some ILFORD PHOTO chemicals use boric acid or borates. These substances are classified as toxic for reproduction. As a result, the classification of some of the powder developers includes R60 (May impair fertility) and R61 (May cause harm to the unborn child).
Sacred Kakaw Ceremony and Sound Journey You are warmly invited to join us for this autumnal gathering in the Sunhouse, guided by Annabelle and Arjuna. We will begin by sharing a kakaw ritual together before flowing into a long sound medicine journey to deeply relax, release, rejuvenate on a cellular level and experience a vaster state of awareness. Instruments include a Chiron gong, crystal singing bowls, drums, flutes, voice, kora, handpan, chimes, rattles and more. KAKAW RITUAL We will share a ceremonial brew of the plant Kakaw (a Mayan spelling of Cacao), with honour to traditions Toltec and Mayan. Kakaw opens the heart, connecting us to the ancestral wisdom in our blood, to our sensuous creativity and inspiration, and to the unseen realms. She is a grandmother plant for bringing about equilibrium and elemental connection, for supporting emotional expression, illuminating the shadows, and celebrating the bliss of existence. The Kakaw we will be communing with comes from an ecological plantation in the ancient Lacandona jungle of Chiapas, Mexico, where it is lovingly tended by a Mayan family and prepared with the intention for it to be shared ceremonially. SOUND MEDICINE A deep meditative journey, vibrating the material of our being to bring us into a more harmonious flow. Amongst other things, it supports our bodies in relaxation and stress release, circulation, detoxification, and cellular rejuvention. Meditatively, it can guide us into waking dream states whereby we can reconcile subconscious memories, receive clarity and guidance, and journey into the unseen. YOUR HOSTS ANNABELLE CHARANBANI My path is devoted to the healing and creative arts, supporting people to come into greater presence and to engage with life with more passion, ease, curiosity and confidence. For this, we work towards optimising physical health, creative flow, connecting with spirit, and allowing the heart and soul to lead with greater clarity. I primarily serve with kundalini yoga and meditation, sound medicine, intuitive storytelling, ritual and holistic massage, accompanied by various plants. This line of work is ultimately about finding balance. Of solar and lunar, personal and impersonal, infinity and finity consciousness, earth-water-wind-fire-ether. It includes detoxing physically and emotionally, reconciling and releasing tired memories, finding greater flow with creative energy and joy, and stimulating sensuality. We develop our relationship with the soul, and we become more awake to the ways in which wisdom and guidance is being transmitted in each moment. I’m in deep gratitude to my many teachers and guides – human, plant, animal, mineral, angel and other – with whose perspective and company I’ve had the fortune to be gifted. ARJUNA MAGEE I am a multi-instrumentalist with over 20 years of experience in music performance, recording, and teaching drums across the UK and abroad, and was raised in Glastonbury. From an early age I developed a passion for music and rhythm. I was born into a bhakti tradition, and whilst on a family holiday to India at the age of 10 I fell in love with the ecstatic heartfelt folk music, kirtan. This began my journey of music education, receiving lessons on the Mridanga, the Harmonium, the drum kit, the African djembe, Indian, Irish and Japanese flutes, guitar, hand pan, kora and singing. Since the age of 14 I’ve been performing with bands around Europe, playing and exploring many styles including Funk, Jazz, Reggae, Rock, Soul, Folk and World music. As well as making music, a lot of my focus is now directed toward studying music and rhythm therapy and offering this in care homes, hospitals and hospices.
This session covers the legal aspects of documentation and record keeping in healthcare for Healthcare Assistants.
EMDR networking and workshops EMDR CPD
Escape deep into the Sussex countryside for a weekend of stillness, introspection and nurture, through the practices of yoga, meditation and mindful stargazing.
This 2-day course offers the requalification of a variety of first aid situations and how to respond to an emergency. It gives delegates the confidence to deal with any of these situations safely and efficiently.
This 2-day course offers the requalification of a variety of first aid situations and how to respond to an emergency. It gives delegates the confidence to deal with any of these situations safely and efficiently.
Swedish full body massage is one of the most popular mainstream therapies, and is offered at any reputable spa or beauty treatment clinic. Our comprehensive professional 2-day Body Massage course guides you carefully through all of the traditional Swedish massage techniques for front and back body, including feet, head and face massage too, so that you can deliver a very effective and therapeutic treatment for your clients. Home Study + In-Person Practical This course includes around 40 hrs of home study home study including case studies plus the 2 day practical training
This workshop is designed to help you manage your time more effectively. It will explore issues with time management, prioritisation and delegation, managing meetings and emails, Managing other peoples priorities and action planning.