Escape deep into the Sussex countryside for a weekend of stillness, introspection and nurture, through the practices of yoga, meditation and mindful stargazing.
Swedish full body massage is one of the most popular mainstream therapies, and is offered at any reputable spa or beauty treatment clinic. Our comprehensive professional 2-day Body Massage course guides you carefully through all of the traditional Swedish massage techniques for front and back body, including feet, head and face massage too, so that you can deliver a very effective and therapeutic treatment for your clients. Home Study + In-Person Practical This course includes around 40 hrs of home study home study including case studies plus the 2 day practical training
Advanced level Reflexology course in Methley, Leeds
In this class we work on various Qigong exercises as well as doing exercises on breathing, building energy, circulating energy in the body, working on posture, and learning how to relax the body. This is a 13-week term. Relaxation. Many of the exercises are ultimately about the ability to act from a very relaxed body and mind. This is about getting more control of your sympathetic nervous system (fight & flight), the 'stress' system, so that it is easier to deal with difficult situations.
In this class we work on various Qigong exercises as well as doing exercises on breathing, building energy, circulating energy in the body, working on posture, and learning how to relax the body. Relaxation. Many of the exercises are ultimately about the ability to act from a very relaxed body and mind. This is about getting more control of your sympathetic nervous system (fight & flight), the 'stress' system, so that it is easier to deal with difficult situations. This is a 13-week term.
Workplace Health Champions promote healthy lifestyles and Wellbeing at work by inspiring others to take a more active role in their health.
Rebuilding confidence Assessing partner selection, positivity training Healing process and learning to move forward Past relationship assessment Support through a breakup / low points or whatever has taken place that upset you 1 call per day / 30 minutes per call 6 weeks programme 1 month Dating advice for singles Please contact for more information