It is estimated that more than 1.2 million people in the UK are living with a learning disability. Healthcare and social care workers must have an adequate understanding of the needs of people with learning disabilities. It is also essential that they listen to the needs, hopes and aspirations of those living with learning disabilities, their careers, friends, and families. An improved knowledge, together with current guidance and best practice recommendations help to improve the care provided to people who have learning disabilities.
Care/Support planning will cover a range of topics including assessments, record keeping and managing information. The training will give your care and support workers the knowledge and understanding to effectively write a care plan for the people they support and ensure a clear log is kept ready for CQC inspections. Explore the key features of Care Planning including person centred planning and the promotion of personalised services including goal setting.
This course presents the role of the care worker using demonstrations of good and bad practices. It includes information on Core Values, Code of Conduct, and Continual Professional Development. This subject forms Standard 1 of the Care Certificate.
This Key Worker Skills training course will focus on the roles and responsibilities of the key worker with vulnerable young people in line with legislation and good practice guidelines. The successful care and provisions in place in a residential setting is dependent upon how effective and supported the staff team is. This Key Worker Skills training will enable those in the position of key worker and those considering the position to gain insight and understanding with regards to the importance and difference this role can play in an individual’s life.
This course is designed to enable learners to increase their understanding of risk assessment and risk management in Health and Social Care settings.
The course concentrates on management skills and techniques for creating an effective supervisory relationship and process. Emphasis is placed on interpersonal skills. Course Aims: • To provide participants with the skills necessary, knowledge and values that underpin effective supervision • Understand what supervision is • Describe the role of the supervisor • Describe how to develop other supervisors • Plan for effective supervision • Identify techniques to use during supervision sessions
To explore the factors which affect and influence feacal continence when supporting individuals in order to effectively manage bowel incontinence.
A key-worker role is to provide the best individual care for people they support and carry out effective assessment and support planning. Staff need to know how to motivate individuals to achieve their personal goals and understand how to advocate on their behalf. Staff also need to know how to improve communication between colleagues, individuals, other professionals, and contribute to service improvement.
2 Day Supervising First Aid for Mental Health course is a specialized program catering to leaders and supervisors, equipping them with essential skills to foster a mentally healthy work environment.
This course provides delegates with the information needed to assess the risk of pressure ulcers and Tissue Viability.