There is no such thing as a typical Access to HE student. Our Access to HE Diplomas are taken by students of all ages and backgrounds. Courses are designed, in particular, for people who have been out of education for some time, especially those who left school with too few qualifications to be able to go straight to university.
Social Services and Health Care Units AB Training Academy Scottish Vocational Qualification 3 Social Services and Healthcare at SCQF level 7 Core/mandatory Units H5RY 04 (SCDHSC 0031) — 9 SCQF Credits at SCQF level 7 Promote effecBve communicaBon ♦ Establish understanding about individuals’ communication ♦ Support individuals to interact through communication ♦ Communicate effectively about difficult, complex and sensitive issues ♦ Communicate using records and reports H5LD 04 (SCDHSC0032) — 10 SCQF Credits at SCQF level 7 Promote health, safety and security in the work setting ♦ Maintain health, safety and security in the work setting ♦ Promote health and safety in the work setting ♦ Minimise risks arising from emergencies H5LE 04 (SCDHSC0033) — 9 SCQF Credits at SCQF level 7 Develop your pracBce through reflecBon and learning ♦ Reflect on your own practice ♦ Take action to enhance your practice H5S0 04 (SCDHSC0035) — 9 SCQF Credits at SCQF level 7 Promote the safeguarding of Individuals ♦ Maintain your understanding and awareness of harm, abuse and safeguarding ♦ Implement practices that help to safeguard individuals from harm or abuse ♦ Develop relationships that promote safeguarding ♦ Promote rights and inclusion ♦ Work in ways that promote wellbeing ♦ Support individuals to keep themselves safe Op;onal DK3M 04 (SFH CHS17) — 8 SCQF Credits at SCQF level 7 Carry out extended feeding techniques to ensure individuals nutriBonal and fluid intake FP8N 04 (SFH CHS19) — 8 SCQF Credits at SCQF level 6 Undertake rouBne clinical measurements DK2X 04 (SFH CHS3) — 8 SCQF Credits at SCQF level 6 Administer medicaBon to individuals FP8D 04 (SFHC HS8) — 8 SCQF Credits at SCQF level 7 Insert and secure urethral catheters and monitor and respond to the effects of urethral catheterisaBon DL00 04 (SFH CHS132) — 8 SCQF Credits at SCQF level 7 Obtain venous blood samples FP8F 04 (SFH CHS4) — 8 SCQF Credits at SCQF level 7 Undertake Bssue viability risk assessment for in
CPD Accredited, Interactive Short Course 2 hr session This training session gives a good introduction to epilepsy How can you best understand and help those affected with different types of seizures Great for those who have contact with people with epilepsy, such as family and friends, those working in education and afterschool clubs, sports and good CPD for nurses Course Contents: What is Epilepsy The different types of seizures Keeping someone safe while they're having a seizure Understand how having epilepsy affects someone's life Great for teachers and TAs in schools, for those working in care or community events, and those close to people with epilepsy Benefits of this Short Course: Epilepsy is one of the most common neurological conditions In the UK, there are over 600,000 people with a diagnosis of epilepsy That is about 1 in 103 people, or 1 child or young person in every 3 classrooms Every year, 1000 people in the UK die due to their epilepsy Help avoid unnecessary suffering or even death by knowing what to do to help while they're having an epileptic seizure, and keep them safe
How can I use reflection to improve my practice
Community services refers to a broad range of programs and services that help people in need, including aged care, disability, youth work, drug and alcohol services, employment programs and more.
CPD Accredited, Interactive Short Course 2 - 3.5 hr sessions What is Attention Deficit Disorder? How can you best understand, and thus cope and help those affected? Course Contents: What is ADHD ADHD as part of the Autistic Spectrum How to help you cope if you have ADHD How to cope with children who have ADHD Great for teachers and TAs in schools, others who work with people who have ADHD, and of course, those with ADHD themselves Benefits of this Short Course: Boys are around 4 x as likely to have ADHD Worldwide, 5% of people have it - that is 1 out of every 20! The figure for this is estimated to be higher in the UK This means that every single classroom in the UK will have at least one child or young people with Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder Learn more about the condition and how you can help them cope and take part in 'normal' life.
Job Roles Aged Care Support Worker Disability Support Worker Coordinator Of Volunteers (Services To Older People) Home Care Assistant