be more human
How do we thrive in times of extraordinary pressure and change? The answers are
hiding in plain sight. It's time to #BeMoreHuman. We can help you with this in 4
main ways: We write and deliver amazing immersive training to you and your team
learn, develop and grow. We help you design, write and implement online and
in-person programs and events. (Including producing, designing and facilitating
online events) We conduct research helping you to evidence your work, and tell
your story. We work alongside you on a personal and team level as a coach,
facilitator, fieldwork supervisor and consultant to navigate challenging times,
review existing work or plan the next step! We obsess over evidence-backed
innovations in Human Behaviour, Social and Positive Psychology, Person-Centred
Regenerative Leadership, youth work and a range of other Human Relations areas
of study. We figure out how these ideas can advance your aims and purpose and
make it easy for you to put these ideas into practice.