vayyar imaging
Leading-edge software: multilayered & multifaceted From the technology core to
the cloud, Vayyar’s software is fully developed in-house. Our architecture
comprises sophisticated radar algorithms for complex signal processing, as well
as embedded software-on-chip that enables outputs ranging from raw data to
tailored applications. Our multilayered software connects the raw
electromagnetic signal data gathered by our 4D imaging radar arrays with the
machine learning programs and advanced applications deployed by Vayyar partners.
Next-generation hardware: 4D imaging radar-on-chip Vayyar’s versatile and
scalable platforms cover imaging and radar bands from 3-81 GHz, with up to 72
transceivers. With most Vayyar boards housing more than 40 transceivers, our
solutions provide unrivaled resolution for high-quality data outputs in all
conditions. At the core of our platforms is the world’s most advanced 4D imaging
radar-on-chip (RoC), incorporating all digital and analog RF components,
including a Digital Signal Processor (DSP) and an MCU for complex signal and
image processing.