refugee alliance integration uk
We have been working with families since 2020 and have built good relationships
reflected in our engagement figures. We are a part of Birmingham City Council’s
VPRS Partnership Board and are also currently working with other partner
organisations on a number of projects – BSMHT, NHS, UOB, Spring Housing and
Community Connexions. RAI were contracted to set up focus/listening groups so
these organisations could use information gathered to inform their own services.
We have also been commissioned to deliver our driving theory course to groups in
neighbouring authorities – Solihull Council, Staffordshire Council. We have
predominantly worked with the Syrian refugees but are now beginning to reach out
and offer our services to the Ukrainian and Afghan families. We have been also
working and networking with other grass root voluntary organisations like Saathi
House, Nishkam Trust, Age Concern and Blesst Centre who work with
elderly/vulnerable population including South Asians, Indians and
Black/Caribbean Africans.