Hiring the right staff is one of the most important management and HR skills and it is critical to get it right. This course is designed for managers and HR specialists who either want to improve their interviewing skills or who are just now starting a recruitment role in the organisation.
Abrasive Wheels - Handheld Cut off Saw (N017)
NPORS Crawler Crane (N103)
NPORS Excavator as a Crane (N100)
NPORS MEWP Boom (N108)
NPORS MEWP Scissor Lift (N109)
NPORS Telescopic Handler Suspended Loads (N138)
Not everyone is born with it, but unlike IQ, Emotional Intelligence can be acquired and improved with practice.
Remote working is on the increase. However, managing a remote team is not always the same as managing a traditional, single-site office-based team.
The ability to effectively manage conflict is a core competency in the 21st-century workplace.