Level 4 Certification 13 credits This package entitles you to the relevant required courses to achieve a Level 4 Certification and is equal to 13 credits. After purchase, we will be in touch to discuss your module & assessment options. Please see individual module pages for more details, as well as applicable dates & times. This course includes a choice of 1 of the following assessments: Creating an Export Strategy Creating an Import Strategy Creating an Import Procedure Manual Creating an Export Procedure Manual Creating a Supply Chain Sustainability Report Completing an Import CDS Customs Entry
This module aims to develop knowledge and understanding of the status of an authorised economic operator in the export and in import of goods. This includes the advantages of the status, trusted trader, and the process securing the authorised economic operator status.
Logistics for Traders: Importance, Role and Benefits. This session will look at how logistics is a critical component within the supply chain but is often overlooked.
This module will outline some of the costs applicable to an export transaction and how to accurately cost an export transaction according to a particular Incoterm progression.
In this module, we will discuss the importance of finding the right market for your export product and outline several online and offline methods of locating potential buyers in the market concerned, including how to construct your website for international sales, user social media to attract, international buyers, utilize online market places to drive international expansion, set up an international email marketing campaign, make the most out of trade fair participation, and maximize your chances of success on trade missions and seller-buyer meetings. In this module, we will discuss the importance of finding the right market for your export product and outline several online and offline methods of locating potential buyers in the market concerned, including how to construct your website for international sales, user social media to attract, international buyers, utilize online market places to drive international expansion, set up an international email marketing campaign, make the most out of trade fair participation, and maximize your chances of success on trade missions and seller-buyer meetings.