Event Planning 1 Day Training in Newcastle
Emotional Intelligence 1 Day Training in Newcastle
Time Management 1 Day Training in Newcastle
Overview Improve your knowledge of the English language and pronunciation and practice your speaking and vocabulary with our video lessons and with live face to face with the trainer online and In-Class. Choose your English course level from our wide range of english courses and start learning online today. Take any of our high quality online English lessons with the highlu experienced trainer and improve your English speaking skills along with your grammar, reading and writing. Start by taking our English lessons to help you find your level and increase your communication skills also find lessons and resources to improve your English skills. Throuh this course you will get more practice to improve your general English with our extended listening and reading materials and online trainer led training. Improve your the grammar and vocabulary and support your learning.
Business Networking 1 Day Training in Sunderland
Business Networking 1 Day Training in Newcastle
Classroom Teaching (15 hours week) The classes are topic-based (money, healthcare, schools etc.) or deal with everyday English situations. All the grammar is introduced systematically and integrated with the situations and topics. New structures are learnt through student-centred activities, with language targets practised through pair work and group work. Our teachers use a range of teaching materials, making use of internationally-recognised course books and work they have created themselves. Supplementary exercises can be set as homework to further reinforce the work done in class.
Customer Service Essentials 1 Day Training in Sunderland
Communication Skills 1 Day Training in Sunderland