Heart of Living Yoga ~ Hatha Yoga classes in Oundle, Northants, Northamptonshire with Harshani www.mindbodywellbeing.co.uk
Charity Yoga Retreat Day ~ Sunday 13th July at Barnwell Village Hall, celebrating 20 years of Yoga teaching in Northamptonshire with Harshani, and supporting a well worthy local charity for the Homeless and those in need ~ The DayLight Centre, Wellingborough. https://mindbodywellbeing.co.uk/classes-events/
Harness the energy is an explorative workshop introducing the notion of utilising and intuitively listening to the energy shared between a group of people. Whether we realise it or not, we all give off certain energies at any time. These energies can affect change, sometimes positively, sometimes negatively. This workshop enhances understanding of the power of our own energy transmissions through the use of compliciteÌ-based theatre techniques and exercises. This workshop will help participants become active and aware listeners, able to work better collaboratively to produce strong results. It will demonstrate the power of our own individual energy and the positive impact we can have when we learn to utilise the energy beneficially in different situations.