To help you make the most of your learning experience, we would like to offer you a complimentary 1-to-1 session with one of our experienced English language experts. During this personalised session, you will have the opportunity to: Discuss the course details. Identify specific areas you would like to focus on, whether it's grammar, speaking, listening, writing, or vocabulary. Receive tailored advice on which course or learning path aligns best with your objectives. In the meantime, we recommend taking our placement test on our website. This will help our expert understand your current proficiency level and tailor the course to your specific needs. The test is a crucial step to ensure we provide you with the most effective support If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out. Have a great day, Best regards, Customer Services Virtual Educators Ltd.
Join us for this free CPD workshop for educators seeking creative, art-based learning to develop oracy and critical thinking skills in their classrooms. This workshop is designed for educators who are keen to support the development of transferable communication skills. You do not need prior ceramics experience or art training to attend this session. Taking inspiration from our Transferer programme, this CPD workshop will support teachers who want to improve their students' oracy and critical thinking skills through the medium of clay.
Complementing the ‘Zones of Regulation’, or as a stand alone self regulation technique, Snappy Tappy® provides a practical and accessible method for children and young people to modify/calm the emotions they are feeling ‘in the moment’ or ‘after the event’, to help them feel LESS; • anxious • angry • fearful • frustrated • overwhelmed • shame • hurt or any other emotion which is distracting them, pre occupying them or preventing them being ‘in the green zone’ or in a balanced emotional state. Snappy Tappy® which is an adaptation of Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) is an evidence- based modality. It is often referred to as Tapping by practitioners and users because that is what we do. Tapping works with the body’s internal energy systems similar to Acupuncture. However, where Acupuncture uses needles, Tapping uses stimulation of the meridians using gentle finger tapping pressure, while simultaneously focussing on the current difficulty. This dual attention helps your brain process whatever might be troubling you. Snappy Tappy® training takes place over two sessions both 3-4 hours long. The initial training introduces the background to Tapping, examines other adaptations of EFT and gets you ready for your own Snappy Taps and case studies. These are then reviewed 2 months later and you’re on your way to helping children and young people with Snappy Tappy®. Your licence is valid for 1 calendar year and can be renewed following a yearly check in and CPD. Meet the trainer: Miriam is the author and creator of Snappy Tappy® and uses daily in her workplace within education. This position allows for reflection and change, and also a wealth of ideas to help you be the most effective in helping children and young people around you. This course is for all educators and healthcare professionals that work with children, including children with special needs. Get in touch for an informal chat to see how Snappy Tappy® is going to equip you to help others. Miriam Frier 07967 705973
This on-demand webinar explores the significant, yet often overlooked, connection between EAL (English as an Additional Language) and student wellbeing in an international context.
Have you ever worried about accidentally using someone else's work in your PowerPoint presentations without proper attribution? Or maybe you want to ensure your academic or professional slides are original and free of plagiarism. Maintaining originality is crucial in both academic and professional settings, and that's where free plagiarism checkers for PowerPoint come to the rescue. These tools help you ensure that your presentations are authentic and that all sources are correctly cited. What is a Plagiarism Checker for PowerPoint? A plagiarism checker for PowerPoint is a digital tool designed to scan the content of your slides for any instances of plagiarism. It compares your text, images, and other content against a vast database of sources to identify any potential matches. These tools use algorithms and extensive databases of web pages, academic papers, and other published content to identify similarities between your presentation and existing sources. Advanced tools may also use artificial intelligence to detect paraphrased content that still closely resembles the original source. Why Use Free Plagiarism Checkers for PowerPoint? Not everyone has the budget for premium plagiarism detection software. Free tools offer a cost-effective solution for students, educators, and professionals who need to ensure their work is original. Most free plagiarism checkers are available online and can be used directly from your browser, without needing any downloads or installations. This makes them a convenient option for quick checks, whether you're at home, at work, or on the go. Features to Look for in a Plagiarism Checker for PowerPoint The most important feature of a plagiarism checker is its ability to accurately detect copied content. Look for tools with high detection rates and comprehensive databases. A good plagiarism checker should be easy to use, with a simple interface that allows you to quickly upload your PowerPoint files and get results without hassle. Consider whether the plagiarism checker integrates with other platforms you use, such as Microsoft Office, Google Drive, or cloud storage services. Some plagiarism checkers offer customization options, such as choosing the database they scan against or adjusting the sensitivity of the checker. These features can be useful if you have specific needs, like checking against academic databases or avoiding self-plagiarism. How to Use Online Plagiarism Checkers for PowerPoint Effectively Start with the best possible version of your PowerPoint presentation. Ensure that all quotes, data, and images are correctly cited before running the plagiarism check. After running your presentation through the plagiarism checker, carefully review the report. Check any flagged content and make necessary revisions to ensure your work is original and properly attributed. Once you've addressed any potential issues, make a final pass through your presentation to refine your slides and ensure clarity and originality. Benefits of Using Plagiarism Checkers Using plagiarism checkers helps maintain academic integrity by ensuring your work is original and that all sources are properly cited, which is crucial for students and researchers. In the professional world, originality is key. Plagiarism checkers help ensure that your presentations reflect your own work and ideas, boosting your credibility. Plagiarism checkers save you time by quickly identifying potential issues, allowing you to focus on refining your content instead of manually checking for plagiarism. Potential Drawbacks of Free Plagiarism Checkers Free plagiarism checkers may have limitations in their databases, potentially missing some sources or failing to detect more sophisticated forms of plagiarism, like paraphrasing. Uploading your PowerPoint presentations to online tools may raise privacy concerns, especially if they contain sensitive or proprietary information. Always ensure the tool you use has a robust privacy policy. Relying too heavily on plagiarism checkers can reduce your vigilance in ensuring originality. It's essential to balance using these tools with your own checks and citations. Plagiarism Checker Tools for Different Needs For academic purposes, tools like MyAssignmentHelp's plagiarism checker offer advanced features tailored to academic writing, ensuring your research is properly cited and free of plagiarism. Professionals can benefit from plagiarism checkers that provide comprehensive scanning and detailed reports, helping to maintain a high standard of originality in corporate presentations. For casual or personal presentations, simpler tools may suffice, offering basic checks to ensure your slides are free from unintentional plagiarism. The Future of Plagiarism Checking Technology Advances in AI and machine learning are continually improving the capabilities of plagiarism checkers, making them more accurate and user-friendly. Future developments may include better integration with presentation software, real-time scanning features, and enhanced support for multimedia content in presentations. Conclusion In today's digital age, ensuring originality in your PowerPoint presentations is more important than ever. Free plagiarism checkers provide a valuable service, helping you maintain academic and professional integrity. While they have their limitations, their benefits make them an essential tool for anyone creating presentations. FAQs Free plagiarism checkers are generally reliable for basic checks, but they may not catch all instances of plagiarism or offer as detailed feedback as premium versions. While plagiarism checkers are a helpful aid, they cannot replace the need for manual citation and proper attribution. Always review and cite your sources carefully. Most reputable plagiarism checkers, like MyAssignmentHelp, have privacy policies in place to protect user data. However, it's always wise to avoid uploading sensitive or confidential presentations to online tools. Some plagiarism checkers offer limited support for multimedia content, such as images and videos. However, text-based content remains their primary focus. Yes, tools like MyAssignmentHelp's plagiarism checker offer features tailored to academic presentations, helping you ensure your slides are original and properly cited.
Fostering a growth mindset in education transforms assessments into tools for learning, encouraging resilience, effort, and continuous improvement beyond traditional grading for enhanced student development.