This Foundation Certificate is an internationally recognised qualification, endorsed by TQUK, which is regulated by Ofqual, a UK Government department.
This Course is the DSL Course delivered via Zoom (it is the same as the face to face course but delivered via video conferencing and will be no more than 15 people at one time. There will be a training consultant taking delegates through the course and available to answer any questions throughout the course. This course will help you and you become familiar with the role and responsibilities of the designated safeguarding lead in your organisation. It will develop both your competence and confidence in carrying out the role of Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL). Formally known as Level 3.
By popular demand, we are merging our two innovative conferences into a single Pyramid FUNctional Conference, Beyond the Basics for 2023! Gain all the latest information on BOTH communication and behaviour-related content. This year’s two-day conference, led by the co-developers of PECS® (Picture Exchange Communication System®) Andy Bondy, PhD and Lori Frost, MS, CCC-SLP will be held virtually on October 16th and 17th, 2023. Day one will focus on the Pyramid Approach to expanding and refining communication skills. Lori Frost will kick off the conference with a presentation on ethical collaboration. Next, an entire talk is dedicated to teaching commenting skills. Critics sometimes falsely claim that Pyramid focuses only on requesting skills – so, here’s your chance to learn about how to expand communication skills to incorporate creative and meaningful commenting opportunities. The first day of the conference will conclude with the debut of a new talk that focuses on implementing strategies to expand communication skills for learners who have some speech. Day two of the conference will focus on a variety of topics related to the conditions under which behavior occurs. The conference will begin with a look at implementation of the Pyramid Approach to Education® around the globe. Participants will leave with fresh ideas to incorporate small programmatic changes that make big differences in creating effective educational environments. Next, our team will explore how prompts are used in everyday life with all new information related to assessment of prompt types for specific learners within carefully designed lessons. The conference will conclude with a full presentation on error correction with Dr. Andy Bondy providing new insights on the topic. Register for one or both days of the conference and learn why Pyramid continues to be the recognised leader in educational and communication innovations! WHAT YOU WILL LEARN: Refine approaches to collaboration with all team members Create lessons related to increasing communication skills, specifically related to speech and commenting skills Expand the repertoire for teaching effective lessons by learning about new prompting and error correction strategies DAY 1: COMMUNICATION CONFERENCE DETAILS: DAY 1 Date: Monday, October 16, 2023 Agenda: 4:00pm- 9:00pm Check-in Time: 3:45pm- 4:00pm CEUs: 4.5 BACB Learning CEUs (Anticipated); 4.5 IBA CEUs (Anticipated); Cost: £65 for Day 1 only/ £120 for both Day 1 & Day 2 Tuition Includes: Detailed handout with space for note taking, Certificate of Attendance, CEUs offered (see above for details) DAY 2: BEHAVIOUR: UNDER WHAT CONDITIONS CONFERENCE DETAILS: DAY 2 Date: Tuesday, October 17, 2023 Agenda: 4:00pm- 9:00pm Check-in Time: 3:45pm- 4:00pm CEUs: 4.5 BACB Learning CEUs (Anticipated); 4.5 IBA CEUs (Anticipated); Cost: £65 for Day 2 only/ £120 for both Day 1 & Day 2 Tuition Includes: Detailed handout with space for note taking, Certificate of Attendance, CEUs offered (see above for details) Pyramid Educational Consultants is an approved BACB ACE Provider for Learning (Type 2) Continuing Education Credits. The BACB does not warrant, endorse, sponsor, approve, or partner with the event, organisation, or instructor.
Help! I can't Wait to ask for a Break...and more! This workshop is a must for parents, caregivers and professionals working and/or living with people who have complex communication needs. You will learn how to teach critical communication skills that lead to greater independence in the home, work, school and community settings. We review nine specific skills: requesting reinforcers, requesting help, requesting a break, indicating yes and no, waiting, following directions, schedule-following and transitioning. Through lecture, demonstrations, video and participatory activities, you will acquire specific teaching strategies that are relevant for anyone who has limited communication skills, regardless of their communicative modality (e.g., Picture Exchange Communication System [PECS], signing, device use, speech). WHAT YOU WILL LEARN Define functional communication Identify and evaluate nine critical communication skills Design effective teaching strategies to promote these skills independent of modality Incorporate effective visual strategies for all communicators Incorporate critical communication skills into functional activities and routines WORKSHOP DETAILS Agenda: 9:00 AM - 4:30 PM Registration Time: 8:30 AM - 9:00 AM Tuition Includes: Detailed handout with space for note taking, delegate practise/resources pack - value £15 Certificate of Attendance CEUs: 6.0 BACB CEUs; Satisfactory completion of this course requires participants to be present for the duration of the course and to participate in all student responding activities (e.g. questions, role play, quizzes, and surveys). Pyramid Educational Consultants is an approved BACB ACE Provider for Learning (Type 2) Continuing Education Credits. The BACB does not warrant, endorse, sponsor, approve, or partner with the event, organisation, or instructor.
Duration 3 Days 18 CPD hours This course is intended for The intended audience for this course is information security and IT professionals, such as network administrators and engineers, IT managers, and IT auditors, and other individuals who want to learn more about information security, who are interested in learning in-depth information about information security management, who are looking for career advancement in IT security, or who are interested in earning the CISM certification. Overview Establish and maintain a framework to provide assurance that information security strategies are aligned with business objectives and consistent with applicable laws and regulations. Identify and manage information security risks to achieve business objectives. Create a program to implement the information security strategy. Implement an information security program. Oversee and direct information security activities to execute the information security program. Plan, develop, and manage capabilities to detect, respond to, and recover from information security incidents. In this course, students will establish processes to ensure that information security measures align with established business needs. Prerequisites Information security governance Information risk management Information security program development Information security program management Incident management and response 1 - Information Security Governance Develop an Information Security Strategy Align Information Security Strategy with Corporate Governance Identify Legal and Regulatory Requirements Justify Investment in Information Security Identify Drivers Affecting the Organization Obtain Senior Management Commitment to Information Security Define Roles and Responsibilities for Information Security Establish Reporting and Communication Channels 2 - Information Risk Management Implement an Information Risk Assessment Process Determine Information Asset Classification and Ownership Conduct Ongoing Threat and Vulnerability Evaluations Conduct Periodic BIAs Identify and Evaluate Risk Mitigation Strategies Integrate Risk Management into Business Life Cycle Processes Report Changes in Information Risk 3 - Information Security Program Development Develop Plans to Implement an Information Security Strategy Security Technologies and Controls Specify Information Security Program Activities Coordinate Information Security Programs with Business Assurance Functions Identify Resources Needed for Information Security Program Implementation Develop Information Security Architectures Develop Information Security Policies Develop Information Security Awareness, Training, and Education Programs Develop Supporting Documentation for Information Security Policies 4 - Information Security Program Implementation Integrate Information Security Requirements into Organizational Processes Integrate Information Security Controls into Contracts Create Information Security Program Evaluation Metrics 5 - Information Security Program Management Manage Information Security Program Resources Enforce Policy and Standards Compliance Enforce Contractual Information Security Controls Enforce Information Security During Systems Development Maintain Information Security Within an Organization Provide Information Security Advice and Guidance Provide Information Security Awareness and Training Analyze the Effectiveness of Information Security Controls Resolve Noncompliance Issues 6 - Incident Management and Response Develop an Information Security Incident Response Plan Establish an Escalation Process Develop a Communication Process Integrate an IRP Develop IRTs Test an IRP Manage Responses to Information Security Incidents Perform an Information Security Incident Investigation Conduct Post-Incident Reviews
Learn the Art and Science of EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques or “The Tapping Technique”) in this EFT workshop and join millions worldwide who are learning this life-changing technique. EFT, commonly referred to as Tapping, has gained rapid popularity because it has been demonstrated to quickly and effectively resolve dysfunctional feelings, thoughts, behaviors and beliefs which can lead to challenges in relationships, health, work and more. Basically, if there are negative emotions and stress involved, EFT may well be able to resolve those aspects that can lead to significant relief and ease in one’s life. Learn to implement this powerful mind-body approach which is supported by peer-reviewed research, drawing from the fields of interpersonal neurobiology, neuroplasticity models and the field of epigenetics. If you are ready to transform your health, your relationships and your vision of who you truly are, then come join us to learn EFT Tapping techniques. If your life is grounded in being of service to others, then EFT will quickly become your tool of choice. Whether you are curious about EFT for self-help or you are in the healing/helping professions, this training will give you confidence in the art of its delivery. From the professional working with clients to the laymen looking for self-application, everyone walks away having the skills to succeed with this extraordinary healing modality. This online format did not at all hinder the delivery of the content and technique whatsoever and we were able to do everything that we could have done in person. Alina and Craig created a very safe space, gave us plenty of demos, lots of practice time and welcomed all of our questions. They also broke up the day with ample breaks and Eden energy exercises to help avoid screen fatigue. Alina and Craig are experts in their field and top-notch EFT instructors. I highly recommend their online courses.— CARSON HILL EFT LEVEL 1 The Basics The preparation for the EFT Level 1 includes approximately 3 hours of advance work, including watching several short online videos and the reading of 2 articles that explore both the history of EFT and the scientific premises for how EFT works. Note that last minute signups will not be allowed without contacting us due to this requirement. EFT Level 1, The Basics, is the foundation of any EFT training. It covers the core aspects of EFT with a focus on how you can use tapping as a self help tool and how to teach your clients how to apply it as a self-regulating technique. Learn how to apply EFT for issues related to physical symptoms, for cravings and addictions and more. See below for an outline of materials covered. An outline of subject matter covered in this first day include: The Science Behind EFT Understanding Shifting Aspects The Importance of Being Specific Psychological Reversal & Secondary Gain Cognitive Belief Shifts How Traumatic Events Imprint on the Brain Finding the Right Words to Use An introduction to both Tell the Story and the Movie Techniques for working with traumatic events The Movie Technique Working with Pain and Physical Symptoms EFT for Cravings and Aspects of Addictions Participants who take this program will be issued a Certificate of Attendance that they have completed EFT Level 1. This is the first step along the path to obtain Certified EFT Practitioner through EFT International, but should not be put forth as a certification in itself. I wholeheartedly recommend training in EFT with Craig and Alina. I recently took their EFT level 1 and 2 live online training and it was a fantastic experience. The virtual environment in Zoom was great and everything worked perfectly, and I learned so many things. I appreciate the way they break down important concepts and share their many years of experience, and the emphasis they put on generating and maintaining safety and rapport with the client at all times.— BRUNO SADE, PSYCHOLOGIST EFT LEVEL 2 Foundational Skills The two-day EFT Level 2 workshop is designed for those practitioners who have taken the pre-requisite EFT Level 1 and are either in practice or preparing to be and will be able to apply EFT when working with clients. This may include but not be limited to social workers, counselors, therapists, health care practitioners, life coaches and those who may be wishing to pursue EFT certification. It reviews and expands upon the basic aspects of the Art and Science of EFT taught in the EFT 1 course. Additional techniques are taught to expand your repertoire and offer skillful and effective ways of working with different client populations and expanding your ability to work with deeper issues. Of course, as in all EFT Tapping Training workshops, new material is presented using a variety of learning styles including partnered teaching methods, demonstrations, paired and small group experiential applications, video examples and more to ensure that no one walks away without fully understanding everything that is taught. Most importantly, this EFT Level 2 workshop will hone your practice skills. Greater attention and time will be spent on personal observation to assist you in mastering the techniques learned. Enhanced instruction on asking key questions for uncovering core issues will be provided. The following subject matter will be taught in Level 2 with an emphasis on personal practice of techniques learned with direct observation and support from the trainers: The Gentle Techniques for Intense Issues including Sneaking Up on the problem, Tearless Trauma and the somato-emotional process of Chasing the Pain (Sensation) Understanding the Nature of and working with Traumatic Events Clearing Limiting Beliefs Questions for Uncovering Core Issues Core Issues and Physical Symptoms Working over the Telephone or Internet EFT in Groups Using EFT with Children Scope of Practice, Informed Consent and the EFT Ethics Code Participants who take this program will be issued a Certificate of Attendance that they have completed EFT Level 2. This is the second instructional step along the certification path for EFT International Accredited Certified EFT Practitioner, but should not be put forth as a certification in itself. Read about EFT and course descriptions Presenting Certified Trainers Alina Frank and Craig Weiner, DC Cost For the combination three day Level 1 and 2 combined training, the tuition is $799 ($749 early bird special if purchased 30 days prior to the workshop start date). Both EFT Levels 1 and 2 are pre-requisites for EFT International EFT certification. Location Online Hours Both EFT Level 1 and 2 training courses begin promptly at 9 am with registration beginning at 8:30 am Seattle/Los Angeles time zone. A 15 minute break is provided in the morning and afternoon. A 90 minute lunch break is offered beginning at approximately 12:30 pm. The class ends each day at 6 pm. EFT International Certification Process Attendance and completion of this training in no way constitutes “certification” and no attendee should consider themselves or promote themselves as a Certified EFT Practitioner based solely upon attendance of this training. All the requirements for completing certification will be discussed during the workshop and can be found on our EFT Certification page. Alina Frank and Dr Craig Weiner have taught and mentored thousands of individuals and professionals throughout the North America and Europe and are sought after speakers and presenters in the field of EFT instruction and EFT practice development and are EFT International Accredited Master Trainers and EFT International Supervising Mentors. CEUs, Certificates & Letters of Completion Approved Continuing Education Hours 24 CEUs have been pre-approved for NY LMHCs and may be available through 716CEU, LLC which is recognized by the New York State Education Department’s State Board for Mental Health Practitioners as an approved provider of continuing education for licensed mental health counselors. #MHC-0241. Please inquire for further details regarding whether this specific training will have CEs offered and any requirements and costs involved for receiving CEs. 24 CE hours for NY Social Workers have been pre-approved and may be available through Tree of Hope Counseling, an approved NYS Continuing Education Contact Hours (CEU) provider for Social Workers (#SW0322). Please inquire for further details regarding whether this specific training will have CEs offered and any requirements and costs involved for receiving CEs. The EFT Tapping Training Institute, with Craig Weiner and Alina Frank as trainers, have been pre-approved for 24 continuing education credit hours for online Emotional Freedom Techniques Level 1-2 training for the Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association. Members of CCPA will receive transcripts at no cost listing all attended events assessed as Continuing Education Credit. Non‐members must attach a cheque for $30.00 payable to CCPA to have CEC’s recorded and to have a transcript issued. Every person who fully attends the workshop training will receive a completion certificate with the course hours listed. Certificates of Completion Official Letters of Completion are available upon request for courses. They are signed by our Trainers, has the attendees name, date of completion and the number of educational hours. The letter will be sent to the course participant as a PDF email attachment. It is the responsibility of each participant to submit the letter to the appropriate certifying board in order to determine if they will receive any type of credit. Certificates of Completion for Courses Participants of the following courses offered by the EFT Tapping Training Institute may receive a Certificate of Completion upon graduation (provided in a PDF format and sent via email): EFT Levels 1-2 EFT Level 3 Matrix Reimprinting Foundational Training Other courses may be able to provide either a Certificate of Completion or a Letter of Completion upon graduation. BIPOC Scholarship Program Please visit our Scholarship Guidelines & Application page for details. Cancellation Policy A complete refund, minus $150 administration fee, is given up to 3 weeks (21 days) prior to workshop’s start date. If cancellation occurs for any reason within the 3 weeks prior to the event, the student may apply the tuition paid towards any future EFT or Matrix Reimprinting workshops offered by us. AS THERE IS MATERIAL TO REVIEW PRIOR TO THE FIRST DAY OF TRAINING, REGISTRATION CLOSES 24 HOURS BEFORE THE START OF THE TRAINING SO THAT YOU CAN REVIEW THE MATERIALS IN ADVANCE. IF YOU DO NOT RECEIVE THE LINK OF THIS MATERIAL VIA EMAIL WITHIN 24 HOURS OF REGISTERING, PLEASE CONTACT US IMMEDIATELY.
A Warm Welcome to Ludo Tutors Founded in 2017 by Martha, a Dyslexic and Dyspraxia graduate from Cambridge University (Education with English and Drama, BA MA Cantab), Ludo Tutors was created to provide students with a holistic, well-rounded education and excellent quality Tutors. We have over 150 Tutors on our books and tutor everything from Academic subjects (such as 11+ Exams, Key Stage Three Science, GCSEs and A Levels) through to LAMDA Drama, Shakespeare and Public Speaking Exams). What are 11+ / Entrance Exams? 11+ Exams, sometimes called 'Entrance Exams', are examinations that many UK private schools. The rare usually competitive and a bit daunting! Don't panic, though - we're here to help! How do I take Entrance Exams? Different schools have different application procedures, timelines and expectations. Some will belong to a body of schools using the same examination papers, whereas others will set their own, independent exams. Many also charge an administration fee. We do not advise parents on the applications themselves, but we have garnered a depth of knowledge about 11+ Exams that enable our Tutors to workeffikiently and effectively, whilst still keeping their students engaged and in good spirits. Who are your Tutors? Over half of our Tutors studied at either Oxford or Cambridge University and many hold PGCEs or TEFL/CELTA qualifications. All Tutors are Enhanced DBS checked. We interview each Tutor personally, to get to know them and to find our students the best match. What 11+ experience do you have? Our Founder, Martha, has extensive experience preparing students for the UK's top independent school exams, with many of her students achieving their first choice school, if not also a scholarship - lovely! This work is now carried out by our experienced and friendly tutors, with input from Martha if, as and when they may need extra support.
HOW MANY TIMES A DAY DOES YOUR STUDENT COMMUNICATE USING PECS? 5 EXCHANGES, MAYBE EVEN 10 OR 15… DID YOU KNOW THAT THE RECOMMENDED NUMBER OF PECS EXCHANGES PER STUDENT IS OVER 40 EACH SCHOOL DAY? If you’re not sure how to increase your students’ opportunities to communicate or simply want some fresh ideas for PECS in your classroom, then this dynamic workshop is for you! During this workshop you will learn how to embed and increase communication opportunities across the entire school day, from planning your lesson right through to some of the practicalities of successful implementation in the lesson itself. You will learn about increasing PECS use in familiar routines and activities outside of lessons, making the most of the entire school day. Using the Pyramid Approach to Education, you will consider the application of functional activities and reinforcement to support functional communication for all phases of PECS. Opportunities to complete lesson plans for PECS in different curriculum subjects will be built into the day, and you will get to see examples of successful communication opportunities in real classrooms from around the world. Please note that prior attendance at a PECS Level 1 workshop is mandatory as this workshop does not cover the teaching of PECS phases or how to implement PECS. Really enjoyed the workshop and will be looking into expanding my level of knowledge in the near future.PIC Online attendee - UK WHAT YOU WILL LEARN Creating lessons with functional goals Planning opportunities for communication Identify strategies to motivate students to participate in activities Many ideas for how to use PECS within your lessons WHO SHOULD ATTEND? For all professionals working with primary and secondary students Delegates must have previously completed the PECS Level 1 workshop WORKSHOP DETAILS Agenda: 9:00 AM - 4:30 PM Registration Time: 8:30 AM - 9:00 AM Tuition Includes: detailed handout with space for note taking, certificate of attendance.
In this course we explore how we have attempted to build inclusive circles of support around individuals and contrast this with a radical approach to hospitality and community building – the Community Circle. The purpose of community circles is to bring people from a local community together to share their skills, talents, gifts and resources. This idea is based upon the premise that ALL of us need three things in our lives to make us happy and fulfilled: these are money, friendship and meaning. We believe that everyone needs community, everyone needs to be heard and everyone needs to have fun. Online Course now available via Teachable Platform – Creating Community Circles Learn at your own pace… lots of text and video support Category Inclusion Peer Support Parents and Carers Description Building Community Circles In this course we explore how we have attempted to build inclusive circles of support around individuals and contrast this with a radical approach to hospitality and community building – the Community Circle. The purpose of community circles is to bring people from a local community together to share their skills, talents, gifts and resources. This idea is based upon the premise that ALL of us need three things in our lives to make us happy and fulfilled: these are money, friendship and meaning. We believe that everyone needs community, everyone needs to be heard and everyone needs to have fun. Community Circles are based upon reciprocity and the assumption that EVERYONE has both gifts and needs – whether these are labelled or not. The circles adopt the fundamental value of inclusion that ‘all means all’, no one is excluded from community circles, instead the circle members work out how to include everyone equally and safely. A community circle is made up of participants and allies from the local community. The meeting starts with everyone sharing food and conversations. Next the group comes together in a circle so that everyone can see each other and shares what is good and new in their lives, everyone gets a turn to be listened to. ‘New and Good’ breaks the habit of thinking about and acting from what’s wrong, it is an exercise of giving and receiving attention with one another and it also provides a strong foundation of strengths from which we can think about and tackle difficulties. The group is then asked the question what do they want, need or have to offer. Community circles provide a great foundation or starting point from which to explore connections, build relationships, locate resources and share skills. These circles will be a particularly important resource for Brokers and the people that they work for. They provide a safe forum in which people can meet and friendships can start, a natural reservoir of people and relationships where people can be invited to offer their time and capacity. To be successful we have to start from a belief in inclusion. A belief that: 1 We are all born ‘in’. 2 All means all. 3 Everyone needs to belong. 4 Everyone is ready. 5 Everyone needs support. 6 Everyone can communicate. 7 Everyone can contribute. 8 Together we’re better. Learning Objectives For participants to learn how to create a Community Circle. For participants to understand the underlying rationale and ethos of this way of working. To explore ways of maximising an individual’s inclusion and connection with the wider community. To explore ways of helping with friendship, social connection and education. To increase confidence, social skills and presence of disabled adults and those with a wide range of need in their local community by focusing on their contribution. Who Is It For? Anyone interested in mobilising the community to make it more inclusive around disabled or challenging individuals. Course Content Understanding ordinary needs – plus the true dimensions of social inclusion Building relationships Creating natural circles of support Creating a community circle If you like this you will almost certainly enjoy: Person Centred Planning using PATH and MAPS
Food Safety, Education and Social Care Training Courses What You Need To Know About Food Allergies CPD Accredited, Interactive Short Course 2 hr session Do you serve food, or have people with known allergies in your school or on your team? In this webinar we will explain what food allergies are, and why it is vital for you to understand, for the health and safety, and indeed life, of the person involved Course Contents: What is a food allergy The 14 Allergens The Immune System Consequences of Food Allergies The importance of good food hygiene Benefits of this Short Course: More than 20% of the population in industrialized countries suffer from food intolerance or food allergy About two million people live with a diagnosed food allergy in the UK, and 32 million in the US 600,000 people in the UK have coeliac disease This course will teach you the importance of ensuring food is safe to eat for all, without causing significant pain or even death