This qualification from our partner organisation CLTI will enable you to develop your knowledge of fund operations, across both accounting and administration and creates a training and education path for fund administrators where there have traditionally been limited training opportunities to evidence knowledge and support career development. Demonstrate a detailed understanding of the functions of key parties in a fund and how they meet the needs of stakeholders. Understand the lifecycle of different fund structures, including the processes involved in their closure, winding down and/or liquidation. Demonstrate awareness of the topical issues surrounding alternative investment funds, fund of funds and debt funds. Present a detailed knowledge of fund regulation and be able to interpret and apply Principal Documents, Scheme Particulars and investment restrictions. Understand the fundamentals of fund accounting and how to account for specific fund transactions. Carry out a range of advanced calculations in relation to a fund, including NAV, GAV, performance fees, and entry and exit charges. Calculate earnings per share and the total expense ratio, and use ratios to analyse a set of financial statements. Determine the impact of taxation on different fund structures and be able to carry out relevant tax calculations. This qualification covers the following topics: Fund structures, strategies and regulation Advanced find accounting and analysis
Enhance your dental practice's safety and compliance with our 3-hour CPD accredited Dental Practice Legionella Responsible Person Course. Designed for Practice Owners, Registered Managers, and Senior Infection Control Leads, this online course offers expert guidance on legionella management, aligning with HSE ACOP L8, HSG274 Part 2, HTM 04-01, and HTM01-05 standards. Gain advanced understanding and confidence in legionella prevention in dental settings. Receive a GDC-compliant CPD Certificate upon completion. Join our live sessions led by skilled instructors for a transformative learning experience in dental health and safety management.
Dating advice for singles Online dating tips Confidence-building and reflection exercises How to be a better dater tips Understanding your core values Dating education M.D.D Contemporary CBT exercises
In this series we will be joined by a collection of creators and exploring their career including education, career steps and challenges.
Self esteem building Improve social anxiety Learning what to say and do in text and dates Education on modern dating techniques Online messages formatting and wording Confidence Coaching Online dating tips Online dating Coaching with your own personal dating coach Kino escalation Introspection and characteristic testing
By popular demand, we are merging our two innovative conferences into a single Pyramid FUNctional Conference, Beyond the Basics for 2023! Gain all the latest information on BOTH communication and behaviour-related content. This year’s two-day conference, led by the co-developers of PECS® (Picture Exchange Communication System®) Andy Bondy, PhD and Lori Frost, MS, CCC-SLP will be held virtually on October 16th and 17th, 2023. Day one will focus on the Pyramid Approach to expanding and refining communication skills. Lori Frost will kick off the conference with a presentation on ethical collaboration. Next, an entire talk is dedicated to teaching commenting skills. Critics sometimes falsely claim that Pyramid focuses only on requesting skills – so, here’s your chance to learn about how to expand communication skills to incorporate creative and meaningful commenting opportunities. The first day of the conference will conclude with the debut of a new talk that focuses on implementing strategies to expand communication skills for learners who have some speech. Day two of the conference will focus on a variety of topics related to the conditions under which behavior occurs. The conference will begin with a look at implementation of the Pyramid Approach to Education® around the globe. Participants will leave with fresh ideas to incorporate small programmatic changes that make big differences in creating effective educational environments. Next, our team will explore how prompts are used in everyday life with all new information related to assessment of prompt types for specific learners within carefully designed lessons. The conference will conclude with a full presentation on error correction with Dr. Andy Bondy providing new insights on the topic. Register for one or both days of the conference and learn why Pyramid continues to be the recognised leader in educational and communication innovations! WHAT YOU WILL LEARN: Refine approaches to collaboration with all team members Create lessons related to increasing communication skills, specifically related to speech and commenting skills Expand the repertoire for teaching effective lessons by learning about new prompting and error correction strategies DAY 1: COMMUNICATION CONFERENCE DETAILS: DAY 1 Date: Monday, October 16, 2023 Agenda: 4:00pm- 9:00pm Check-in Time: 3:45pm- 4:00pm CEUs: 4.5 BACB Learning CEUs (Anticipated); 4.5 IBA CEUs (Anticipated); Cost: £65 for Day 1 only/ £120 for both Day 1 & Day 2 Tuition Includes: Detailed handout with space for note taking, Certificate of Attendance, CEUs offered (see above for details) DAY 2: BEHAVIOUR: UNDER WHAT CONDITIONS CONFERENCE DETAILS: DAY 2 Date: Tuesday, October 17, 2023 Agenda: 4:00pm- 9:00pm Check-in Time: 3:45pm- 4:00pm CEUs: 4.5 BACB Learning CEUs (Anticipated); 4.5 IBA CEUs (Anticipated); Cost: £65 for Day 2 only/ £120 for both Day 1 & Day 2 Tuition Includes: Detailed handout with space for note taking, Certificate of Attendance, CEUs offered (see above for details) Pyramid Educational Consultants is an approved BACB ACE Provider for Learning (Type 2) Continuing Education Credits. The BACB does not warrant, endorse, sponsor, approve, or partner with the event, organisation, or instructor.
This Course is the DSL Course delivered via Zoom (it is the same as the face to face course but delivered via video conferencing and will be no more than 15 people at one time. There will be a training consultant taking delegates through the course and available to answer any questions throughout the course. This course will help you and you become familiar with the role and responsibilities of the designated safeguarding lead in your organisation. It will develop both your competence and confidence in carrying out the role of Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL). Formally known as Level 3.
Help! I can't Wait to ask for a Break...and more! This workshop is a must for parents, caregivers and professionals working and/or living with people who have complex communication needs. You will learn how to teach critical communication skills that lead to greater independence in the home, work, school and community settings. We review nine specific skills: requesting reinforcers, requesting help, requesting a break, indicating yes and no, waiting, following directions, schedule-following and transitioning. Through lecture, demonstrations, video and participatory activities, you will acquire specific teaching strategies that are relevant for anyone who has limited communication skills, regardless of their communicative modality (e.g., Picture Exchange Communication System [PECS], signing, device use, speech). WHAT YOU WILL LEARN Define functional communication Identify and evaluate nine critical communication skills Design effective teaching strategies to promote these skills independent of modality Incorporate effective visual strategies for all communicators Incorporate critical communication skills into functional activities and routines WORKSHOP DETAILS Agenda: 9:00 AM - 4:30 PM Registration Time: 8:30 AM - 9:00 AM Tuition Includes: Detailed handout with space for note taking, delegate practise/resources pack - value £15 Certificate of Attendance CEUs: 6.0 BACB CEUs; Satisfactory completion of this course requires participants to be present for the duration of the course and to participate in all student responding activities (e.g. questions, role play, quizzes, and surveys). Pyramid Educational Consultants is an approved BACB ACE Provider for Learning (Type 2) Continuing Education Credits. The BACB does not warrant, endorse, sponsor, approve, or partner with the event, organisation, or instructor.
CPD Accredited, Interactive Short Course 2 - 3.5 hr sessions What is Attention Deficit Disorder? How can you best understand, and thus cope and help those affected? Course Contents: What is ADHD ADHD as part of the Autistic Spectrum How to help you cope if you have ADHD How to cope with children who have ADHD Great for teachers and TAs in schools, others who work with people who have ADHD, and of course, those with ADHD themselves Benefits of this Short Course: Boys are around 4 x as likely to have ADHD Worldwide, 5% of people have it - that is 1 out of every 20! The figure for this is estimated to be higher in the UK This means that every single classroom in the UK will have at least one child or young people with Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder Learn more about the condition and how you can help them cope and take part in 'normal' life.