To help you make the most of your learning experience, we would like to offer you a complimentary 1-to-1 session with one of our experienced English language experts. During this personalised session, you will have the opportunity to: Discuss the course details. Identify specific areas you would like to focus on, whether it's grammar, speaking, listening, writing, or vocabulary. Receive tailored advice on which course or learning path aligns best with your objectives. In the meantime, we recommend taking our placement test on our website. This will help our expert understand your current proficiency level and tailor the course to your specific needs. The test is a crucial step to ensure we provide you with the most effective support If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out. Have a great day, Best regards, Customer Services Virtual Educators Ltd.
Music Audio Stories presents Can You Count It? Free Video Series ▫️ Fun videos to help your child learn numbers 1 to 10, and develop visual and spelling skills. We are thrilled to introduce our video series called, Can You Count It? Children will learn numbers 1 to 10, see how to spell and pronounce each number, and enjoy counting to 10 with fun illustrations and numbers. With illustrations, voice-overs, animations, and music, this video series will help to teach children to count in a fun and easy way. Children will: ▪️See examples of each number ▪️Hear how each number is pronounced ▪️Learn how to spell each number ▪️Have fun counting the numbers ▪️Improve concentration and visual skills ▪️Love the fun illustrations and characters ▪️Enjoy sound effects and music ⏰ Videos are released on Saturdays at 11 am on YouTube. Subscribe to our channel here: and hit the bell to make sure you don't miss a new video. Video Series Playlist: Find out why it's important to develop colour recognition here: Enjoy! ♥ Music Audio Stories - Making learning easy and fun! Music Audio Stories is an original company specialising in entertaining music audiobooks, picture books, interactive activities, fun videos, and unique storytelling with multi-award-winner, 'Storytime with Anna Christina'. Music Audio Stories are interactive audiobooks with full orchestral scores and magical soundtracks, catchy sing-along songs and fun stories that teach and uplift little listeners. Videos include uniquely entertaining Storytimes with music, sound effects, narration, voice-overs, illustrations, and animations. Plus delightful activity videos for listening, learning, reading, drawing, and lots of fun! ---------- Website: Storytime: ---------- Subscribe to get a free music audiobook at: ---------- Twitter: Instagram: Facebook: Storytime with Anna Christina Instagram:
This webinar is part of a series of free, hands-on practical webinars hosted by Cademy on how to get yourself set up to sell spaces, coordinate ticket sales and build online content. This is the first webinar in the series and the focus will be on: How to create an educator profile on Cademy How to list your workshops How to manage bookings How to configure payments with Stripe and Cademy There’s no commitment to sign up to anything, and it’s free to join in. So please share with anyone you think might be interested. We're really looking forward to meeting you.
Master the some of the West End and Broadway’s favourite show tunes by joining our musical theatre singing courses. By attending, you can be assured to learn the correct techniques from day one and enjoy incredible singing lessons. Ideal for those who dream of being part of the show!
GCSE & IGCSE one-to-one tuition
This 1 hour talk provides information about the content of the NEW PECS L2 workshop. The new PECS Level 2 workshop offers delegates the opportunity to analyse the application of PECS in new real-life examples, while answering questions about their own implementation. Come along to the overview to hear in more detail what the PECS L2 can offer you, how it can improve your implementation skills and confidence. Please note that this is an overview only and is not intended as, nor does it replace the PECS Level 2 training workshop. WORKSHOP DETAILS Agenda: 1 hour Registration Time: N/A Tuition Includes: N/A
SoSAFE! is a visual teaching programme which enables learners to develop their abilities in managing; and communicating about their relationships. This 1 hour SoSAFE! overview provides basic information about the SoSAFE! framework and tool kit. We begin with a brief overview of the SoSAFE! programme features. Next, we will show you how the three SoSAFE! tools are used to teach and visually support learners about social safety. Please note that this is an overview only and is not intended to function as training nor does it replace the SoSAFE! 1-day online live workshop. WORKSHOP DETAILS Agenda: 1 hour Registration Time: N/A Tuition Includes: N/A
Evidence suggests great virtual training can can be dramatically more effective than face-to-face. In fact, the Neuroleadership Institute’s research suggests that a smart virtual learning programme is around 6 times more likely to get people to take actions than an in-person course! Harness that power by building your staff’s skills in these key areas: Understanding the role of training and development Learning theories and styles The thinking environment – active vs passive Methodologies and techniques – why do we do what we do? Setting great aims and objectives Lesson planning and effective timing Activities that give your virtual courses the edge
These events are designed to work on the ideas introduced in Level 1: Understanding & Dealing with Everyday Racism The Six Stages Framework
Supporting teams with Neurodiveristy