This course will provide delegates involved in tackling the financial underpinning of corrupt behaviour with the knowledge, concepts and practices necessary to understand and mitigate illicit financial flows.
A key-worker role is to provide the best individual care for people they support and carry out effective assessment and support planning. Staff need to know how to motivate individuals to achieve their personal goals and understand how to advocate on their behalf. Staff also need to know how to improve communication between colleagues, individuals, other professionals, and contribute to service improvement.
Foundation Year, Bachelors degree, Masters, no IELTS needed, Student finance support
This is a specialist training course for senior managers or newly appointed safeguarding leads who are responsible for safeguarding adults from neglect and harm
Our Forensic Accounting Course is designed to help investment analysts detect earnings manipulation. It focuses on creative accounting rather than conducting detailed forensic analysis but we explain the tools short sellers employ to detect fraud and some of the techniques we used at hedge funds to identify short opportunities.
This course enables learners to logically and clearly work through the risk management process, from being aware of the relevant legislation, identifying hazards, assessing risk and onwards through risk reduction, balancing risk against individual choice, and the importance of recording keeping. It aims to increase learner awareness of both their responsibility and their organisation's responsibility, for meeting industry standards and keeping service users, staff, and workplaces safe.
What are the aims of this course? What learning disability is and isn't The facts of learning disabilities What barriers people with learning disabilities face Medical barriers Societal barriers How to support people with learning disabilities
Equality is everyone’s right and everyone’s responsibility’. This training promotes the requirements of the Equality and Diversity Act. This session will strengthen understanding of Equality & Diversity.
This course was developed for one of the largest investment institutions in the world, a multi-trillion household name. We explain in detail our tips and tricks to build an accurate and rolling enterprise value, and then review different valuation methodologies, from DCF, through the sum of the parts and football field analyses to LTV/CAC based methods. We conclude with a series of case studies examining the valuation of individual stocks.
A thorough account of the UK and European legal framework and its requirements as regards managing environmental performance. This course will help staff to understand: The framework of UK and European legislation and its enforcement The principal features of the legislation as they apply to your organisation's activity/product/service The benefit of having an Environmental Management System such as ISO 14001 How their own actions and decisions can either expose or protect the organisation in relation to its legal obligations 1 Introduction and objectives 2 Introduction to environmental law and enforcement Sources of law (European and UK) Structure and enforcement Key legislation 3 Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control (IPPC) and Local Air Pollution and Control (LAPC) Pollution and Prevention Control Act 1999 EC Directives on PPC The meaning of BAT Transitional provisions Fit and proper persons Control of emissions to air National Air Quality Strategy 4 Packaging and producer responsibilities Who, what and how The Producer Responsibility Obligations (Packaging Waste) Regulations Obligations and exemptions Registration Recycling and recovery obligations Records Duties of the Environment Agency Offences Developments 5 Waste management National Waste Strategy Waste minimisation (re-use/recycling) Waste definition Disposal and recovery Controlled waste management Hazardous waste management 6 Proposed Legislation and EC Directives EU Commission's waste and resources strategies Implementation of ELV (End of Life Vehicles) Directive WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment) Directive transposition into UK legislation Other producer responsibility initiatives Other proposals from the EU 7 Conclusion Open forum Summary Close