Communication Skills 1 Day Training in Gloucester
Health & Safety, PPE Covid COSHH & RIDDOR Equality & Diversity, Human Rights Infection Control Food Safety Information Governance Data Protection (GDPR) Records Management Fraud & Bribery Conflict Resolution Lone Worker Moving & Handling level 2(practical covered) Fire Safety Freedom of Information Safeguarding Adult & Children level 3 Radicalisation Slips Trips & Falls Your Healthcare Career Person Centred Care Duty of Care Consent Communication Privacy & Dignity Complaints Handling BLS –CPR & Choking for Adults and Children (practical covered) Mental Capacity Act—DoLS Mental Health Act
Public Speaking Courses That Work Our public speaking courses are refreshingly different and transformative. Mindful presenting is the key to the future of high impact public speaking training. In fact, we are changing organisations one presentation at a time. We do that by providing training that empowers and equips professionals to present with greater confidence, clarity and impact.
Learn simple breathing and vocal techniques to reduce stress and anxiety in the body, boost the immune system, and build connections for general wellbeing. We play with sound, rhythm and improvisation, learn close vocal harmony arrangements of different genres, and have loads of fun! Come and enjoy the incredible benefits singing in a group has on mental and physical health, and be part of this wonderful growing community. Everyone is welcome!
Managing a Virtual Team Skills 1 Day Training in Chorley
Managing a Virtual Team Skills 1 Day Training in Chelmsford
Managing a Virtual Team Skills 1 Day Training in Chatham
Managing a Virtual Team Skills 1 Day Training in Cardiff
Managing a Virtual Team Skills 1 Day Training in Cambridge