the nurture programme
The Nurture Programme® has a unique focus, our Calm, Connection & Co-Regulation©
(CCC©) model has been developed over the last year throughout our trainings and
is now embedded through everything we offer. Each programme is designed to
inform, nurture your learning with a strong emphasis on neuro-affirming and
neuro-inclusive practice. Calm, Connection & Co-Regulation© is at the heart of
what The Nurture Programme® aspires to achieve. We believe wholeheartedly in
lived experience and centering those neurodivergent voices in everything we
create. The Nurture Programme® aims to challenge the textbook theories, abandon
the medical model and help you overcome "Textbook Syndrome". By inviting you
into our diverse and accepting community, we offer our experiences through
strength and connection, and aim to provide a safe, inclusive space for ALL
which may sometimes feel challenging, but never with judgment.