A beautiful guided meditation to embrace the new moon in VIRGO. Time to start your new adventure! A great way to balance your aura and chakra system bringing sense of relaxation and peace
The classes are an opportunity for everyone from different countries to dance together - old, young, dancers and non-dancers - and to move, stay healthy.
This class runs weekly to encourage psychic and spiritual gifts through meditation
Qigong Taiji 37 (Tai Chi) Daoyin exercises Makko-Ho and Do-in exercises Japanese Ki Exercises and Hara training Breathing and sound exercises Meditation Well-being guidance There are also currently 3 online Qigong classes each week: Mondays at 9.45am, or Tuesdays and Fridays at 10.00am, all 75 minutes. When you use the link there is usually no need to sign up to Zoom. You can use the app or attend via your usual browser. No experience necessary.
Wanna learn something simple yet so amazing that it's going to blow your mind? Good, because this little workshop's a gem. Join Happy Human Training's Cami Rose as she shares her decades of experience as a counsellor and coach with an introduction to the power of noticing and the crucial role it can play in helping us better manage our day to day stresses, challenges and relationships.
Wanna learn something simple yet so amazing that it's going to blow your mind? Good, because this little workshop's a gem. Join Happy Human Training's Cami Rose as she shares her decades of experience as a counsellor and coach with an introduction to the power of noticing and the crucial role it can play in helping us better manage our day to day stresses, challenges and relationships.
Wanna learn something simple yet so amazing that it's going to blow your mind? Good, because this little workshop's a gem. Join Happy Human Training's Cami Rose as she shares her decades of experience as a counsellor and coach with an introduction to the power of noticing and the crucial role it can play in helping us better manage our day to day stresses, challenges and relationships.
How to become a successful negotiator, includingthe drivers of success in negotiation; the elements to cover in a negotiation; and what to do if a negotiation becomes stuck.
Respecting gender identity is an important part of creating an inclusive workplace environment. Because it is a new concept to some, it is helpful and even crucial to provide periodic training on the appropriate way to discuss the topic at work and how to prevent misunderstandings and even harassment. This video outlines what gender identity is, the importance of appropriate and respectful language, the harm caused by misgendering, and several best practices for creating a workplace that is respectful to people of all gender identities. Length: 4:39 Learning Objectives Distinguish between gender identity and sexual orientation, recognizing that gender identity pertains to a person's intrinsic sense of self within a gendered context, while sexual orientation relates to one's attraction to others.;Gain an understanding of the fluidity of gender identity, including concepts like transgender, gender-fluid, genderqueer, and non-binary, to appreciate the diverse ways individuals identify and express their gender.;Learn practical strategies to promote respect for gender identity in the workplace, such as using gender-neutral language, avoiding misgendering, and understanding the importance of names and pronouns in supporting individuals' gender identities.