Platelet-rich Plasma (PRP) treatments Nationally Recognised Qualification No previous experience or qualifications needed Open College Network Accreditation Level 4 (as required for minimally invasive procedures) Covers standards set by HEE Employed (salon) or Self-Employed opportunities Basic understanding of English language required OPEN TO ALL APPLICANTS
Hiring the right staff is one of the most important management and HR skills and it is critical to get it right. This course is designed for managers and HR specialists who either want to improve their interviewing skills or who are just now starting a recruitment role in the organisation.
The course covers research design principles and all main quantitative evaluation methods: randomised experiments, instrumental variables, sharp and fuzzy regression discontinuity designs, regression methods, matching methods and longitudinal methods (before-after, difference-in-differences and synthetic controls).
The ‘Mastering Management Fundamentals Open Programme’ is a 5 module online course that is designed to improve your management success and performance. It will give you the practical tools and insight to be able to make changes and directly improve your management skills over a 5-6 month period.