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Her Next Chapter

her next chapter

Leamington Spa

Tenacious. Terrific. Trustworthy. Truthful. And sometimes Trouble. When you ask my family, friends and coworkers about me, they will probably list these attributes. Or qualities. For good and for bad. I am the only child to my mother Grace and my father Ken who met in Blackpool, England during the Second World War, which means much of my family resides in England. Including my daughter who met my son-in-law during her junior year abroad at Oxford University. I grew up not knowing that my mother had an accent, never understanding the difference between English and American terminology so that even today I will say a word and people will look perplexed, and I realize I am using the English word and not the American one. I’m an only child because my parents decided traveling back to England would be very difficult with more children. My father made a point to keep me from being spoiled which was a double-edged sword because his lack of praise left me with a feeling that I had to try twice as hard as anyone else just to keep up. The end result is one very motivated woman, and I constantly seek continued learning and new challenges. My first words were undoubtedly “When are you going to give me a horse?” and thus Patience Prize and I became a team when I was 14. My father once again made sure I knew the horse was not to be taken for granted when he said, “Now you’ve got a horse, you’d better get a job. And you won’t be paid for mowing the lawn anymore.” My love of animals produced my first job at the local veterinarians cleaning up cages and feeding animals. One small dog had broken her two front legs, was terribly vicious, and no one could touch her. After her surgery she was crammed up in a corner while still asleep, and I moved her into a more comfortable position and, of course, petted her and spoke to her. After that I was the only one who could open her cage and touch her without getting bitten. She must have known my smell. Years passed and I became both a photojournalist and regular journalist with local Berkshire County Massachusetts newspapers. When I returned to college to complete my bachelor’s degree, my journalism provided me with life experience credits and thus I completed my BA in English. What to do next? I had student loans, so I needed either grad school or a second job. My daughter waitressed at a local restaurant open only on weekends and they said they needed a dishwasher, so she said, “My brother needs a job.” Then they asked, “So who else do you have at home?” and she said, “My mom.” Thus, I tried the second job routine as a waitress. We served wine in long-stemmed glasses and carried them on a tray. During one shift I was at a table of two women and the tray started to tilt, and I couldn’t stop it! So, I stood there and watched the wine glasses crash down on the table and splash everywhere. It was not a happy time for all involved. So, I said, “That’s it, I’m going to grad school.” I took my daughter and son to see Phantom of the Opera on Broadway, we ate at the Russian Tea Room, and I told them they couldn’t bug me for two years. The non-traditional program at Vermont College of Norwich University was a full-time program so I had a full-time job, a full-time grad school program, a son in high school and a daughter in college. During my internship I worked 7:00 a.m. to noon, drove to Albany, New York (a one-hour drive one way), worked at a public relations firm from 1:00 to 6:00 and stopped at the restaurant where my two offspring worked about 7:00 for a glass of wine and a light dinner. Then I realized I didn’t have time to clean the bathroom, so I hired a cleaning lady (very inexpensive in a small town back then) and decided that was an expense associated with grad school. That was a valuable decision. The downside of a small town is that a master’s degree doesn’t allow for many jobs at a living wage. I decided I would move. After networking for several years and finding a church in Washington, DC I moved to northern Virginia on October 2, 1999, never having lived more than 6 miles from where I was born. I got a job the second day. I bought a house that January and a horse, Sonny Madison, in January 2001 and have never regretted my choice or looked back. At some point in 2018 I found Her Nexx Chapter and started writing for them. It provides me with a chance to get in touch with my creative style since my most prevalent job has been a technical writer. Now I’m also the Editorial Project Director and a member of the Advisory Board. It’s a tremendous value to women everywhere, and I always enjoying learning something new and sharing my blogs with the community. So here I am. I’m still horseback riding and trying to keep fit. I try to look for the positive side of life even in times of turmoil – notice I said “try” because sometimes life gets to be a tad difficult. But that’s my story and I’m sticking to it!

Jobs4U - Your It- Recruitment Partner

jobs4u - your it- recruitment partner


Jobs4U -Your European and American IT-recruitment Partner JoBs4U is an IT-recruitment firm with a twist. We provide high quality IT-recruitment solutions to clients all over the EU and the US. We provide our clients with top notch staff from accross the EU and the wider world. Our main markets are the Nordics, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Ireland the UK and the rest of the EU. We help companies of all sizes with recruitment and staffing both on - site and remote teams as well as consultancy in HR, management, marketing management, internationalisation of businesses, in other words, we are not just an IT-recruiter.. We provide our customers with everything from full stack developers to programmers and designers, many which are game designers and game developers to our clients in the gaming industry. We provide both front end developers and back end developers and other specialists. Our social mission is to promote women in IT, to inform and inspire. JoBs4U, For People By People! Jobs4U är ett IT rekryterings företag som hjälper IT företag inom hela EU hitta personal Vår främsta marknad är den Nordiska, Sverige, Finland, Danmark, Norge och Island. Vi rekryterar allt från full stack developers till programmerare och spelutvecklare och designers. Vi hyr även ut personal både de som ärbetar på plats men även remote teams som är vår specialitet. Vi erbjuder även konsulttjänster inom HR, Management, marknadsföring och organisation. Vår mission är att arbeta för en större inklusivitet genom att arbeta för att öka andelen kvinnor inom IT branschen. Detta gör vi genom att föra fram starka kvinnliga kandidater, att informera och inspirera. JoBs4u - För Människor, Av Människor. Jobs4U er et IT -rekrutteringsselskap som hjelper IT -selskaper i hele EU, men vårt hovedmarked er de nordiske landene, Sverige, Finland, Danmark, Norge og Island. Vi rekrutterer alt fra full stack -utviklere til programmerere og spillutviklere og designere. Vi ansetter også ansatte både de som jobber på stedet, men også eksterne team som er vår spesialitet. Vi tilbyr også konsulenttjenester innen HR, ledelse, markedsføring og organisasjon. Vårt oppdrag er å arbeide for større inkludering ved å arbeide for å øke andelen kvinner i IT -bransjen. Vi gjør dette ved å bringe frem sterke kvinnelige kandidater, informere og inspirere. JoBs4u - For mennesker, av mennesker. Jobs4U er en IT -rekrutteringsvirksomhed, der hjælper it -virksomheder i hele EU, men vores hovedmarked er de nordiske lande, Sverige, Finland, Danmark, Norge og Island. Vi rekrutterer alt fra fulde stack -udviklere til programmører og spiludviklere og designere. Vi ansætter også personale både dem, der arbejder på stedet, men også fjernteam, som er vores speciale. Vi tilbyder også konsulentydelser inden for HR, Management, marketing og organisation. Vores mission er at arbejde for større inklusivitet ved at arbejde for at øge andelen af kvinder i it -branchen. Det gør vi ved at bringe stærke kvindelige kandidater frem, informere og inspirere. JoBs4u - For mennesker, af mennesker. Jobs4U er ráðningarfyrirtæki í upplýsingatækni sem hjálpar upplýsingatæknifyrirtækjum um allt ESB en aðalmarkaðurinn okkar er Norðurlöndin, Svíþjóð, Finnland, Danmörk, Noregur og Ísland. Við ráðum allt frá hönnuði til fullra stafla til forritara og leikjahönnuða og hönnuða. Við ráðum einnig starfsfólk bæði þá sem vinna á staðnum en einnig afskekkt teymi sem er sérgrein okkar. Við bjóðum einnig upp á ráðgjafarþjónustu í HR, stjórnun, markaðssetningu og skipulagi. Markmið okkar er að vinna að aukinni aðgreiningu með því að vinna að því að auka hlutfall kvenna í upplýsingatækniiðnaði. Við gerum þetta með því að koma fram sterkum kvenkyns frambjóðendum, upplýsa og hvetja. JoBs4u - Fyrir fólk, eftir fólki. Jobs4U on IT -rekrytointiyritys, joka auttaa IT -yrityksiä kaikkialla EU: ssa, mutta päämarkkina -alueemme ovat Pohjoismaat, Ruotsi, Suomi, Tanska, Norja ja Islanti. Rekrytoimme kaikkea täyspino -kehittäjistä ohjelmoijiin, pelikehittäjiin ja suunnittelijoihin. Palkkaamme myös henkilökuntaa sekä paikan päällä työskenteleviä että myös etätyöryhmiä, jotka ovat erikoisuutemme. Tarjoamme myös henkilöstöhallinnon, johtamisen, markkinoinnin ja organisaation konsultointipalveluja. Missiomme on parantaa osallisuutta lisäämällä naisten osuutta IT -alalla. Teemme tämän tuomalla esiin vahvoja naiskandidaatteja, informoimalla ja inspiroimalla. JoBs4u - Ihmisille, Ihmisille. Jobs4U ist ein IT-Recruitment-Unternehmen, das IT-Unternehmen in der gesamten EU hilft, aber unser Hauptmarkt sind die nordischen Länder, Schweden, Finnland, Dänemark, Norwegen und Island. Wir rekrutieren alles, von Full-Stack-Entwicklern über Programmierer bis hin zu Spieleentwicklern und -designern. Wir stellen auch Mitarbeiter ein, die sowohl vor Ort arbeiten, als auch Remote-Teams, was unsere Spezialität ist. Darüber hinaus bieten wir Beratungsleistungen in den Bereichen Personal, Management, Marketing und Organisation an. Unsere Mission ist es, für mehr Inklusion zu arbeiten, indem wir daran arbeiten, den Frauenanteil in der IT-Branche zu erhöhen. Wir tun dies, indem wir starke Kandidatinnen hervorbringen, informieren und inspirieren. JoBs4u - Für Menschen, von Menschen. Jobs4U es una empresa de contratación de TI que ayuda a empresas de TI en toda la UE, pero nuestro principal mercado son los países nórdicos, Suecia, Finlandia, Dinamarca, Noruega e Islandia. Reclutamos todo, desde desarrolladores full stack hasta programadores y desarrolladores y diseñadores de juegos. También contratamos personal tanto a los que trabajan en el sitio como a equipos remotos que es nuestra especialidad. También ofrecemos servicios de consultoría en RRHH, Management, marketing y organización. Nuestra misión es trabajar por una mayor inclusión trabajando para aumentar la proporción de mujeres en la industria de TI. Hacemos esto presentando candidatas sólidas, informando e inspirando. JoBs4u: para personas, por personas. Jobs4U est une société de recrutement informatique qui aide les entreprises informatiques dans toute l'UE, mais notre marché principal est les pays nordiques, la Suède, la Finlande, le Danemark, la Norvège et l'Islande. Nous recrutons tout, des développeurs full stack aux programmeurs et développeurs et concepteurs de jeux. Nous embauchons également du personnel à la fois ceux qui travaillent sur place mais aussi des équipes à distance ce qui est notre spécialité. Nous offrons également des services de conseil en RH, Management, marketing et organisation. Notre mission est de travailler pour une plus grande inclusion en travaillant à augmenter la proportion de femmes dans l'industrie informatique. Pour ce faire, nous présentons des candidatures féminines fortes, informatives et inspirantes. JoBs4u - Pour les gens, par les gens. Python. Java. Ruby/Ruby on Rails. HTML. JavaScript. C Language. C++ C# Objective-C. PHP. SQL. Swift. programmers, programmerare IT-recruitment Stockholm IT-recruitment København IT-recruitment Oslo IT-recruitment Helsinki IT-recruitment Helsingfors IT-recruitment Glasgow IT-recruitment London IT-recruitment Dublin IT-recruitment Slough IT-recruitment New York IT-recruitment sillicon valley IT-recruitment Manchester IT-recruitment Liverpool IT-recruitment East London IT-recruitment West London IT-recruitment Bergen IT-recruitment Vaasa IT-recruitment Turku IT-recruitment Åbo IT-recruitment Hollola IT-recruitment Lahti IT-recruitment Nokia IT-recruitment Mariehamn IT-recruitment Åland IT-recruitment Visby IT-recruitment Göteborg IT-recruitment Malmö IT-recruitment Umeå IT-recruitment Luleå IT-recruitment Linköpig IT-recrutment Västerås IT-recruitment Eskilstuna IT-recruitment Örebro IT-recruitment Köping IT-recruitment Södertälje IT-recruitment Huddinge IT-recruitment Uppsala IT-recruitment Odense IT-recruitment Danmark IT recruitment Sweden IT-recruitment Denmark IT-recruitment Norge IT-recruitment Norway IT-recruitment Finland IT-recruiter Stockholm IT-recruiter København IT-recruiter Oslo IT-recruiter Helsinki IT-recruiter Helsingfors IT-recruiter Glasgow IT-recruiter London IT-recruiter Dublin IT-recruiter Slough IT-recruiter New York IT-recruiter sillicon valley IT-recruiter Manchester IT-recruiter Liverpool IT-recruiter East London IT-recruiter West London IT-recruiter Bergen IT-recruiter Vaasa IT-recruiter Turku IT-recruiter Åbo IT-recruiter Hollola IT-recruiter Lahti IT-recruiter Nokia IT-recruiter Mariehamn IT-recruiter Åland IT-recruiter Visby IT-recruiter Göteborg IT-recruiter Malmö IT-recruiter Umeå IT-recruiter Luleå IT-recruiter Linköpig IT-recruter Västerås IT-recruiter Eskilstuna IT-recruiter Örebro IT-recruiter Köping IT-recruiter Södertälje IT-recruiter Huddinge IT-recruiter Uppsala IT-recruiter Odense IT-recruiter Danmark IT recruiter Sweden IT-recruiter Denmark IT-recruiter Norge IT-recruiter Norway IT-recruiter Finland IT-recruitment Tallinn IT-recruiter Tallinn IT-recruitment Tartu IT-recruiter Tartu IT-recruiter Riga IT-recruitment Riga IT-recruiter Vilnius IT-recruitment Vilnius IT-recruiter Warsaw IT-recruitment Warsaw IT-recruiter Bonn IT-recruiter Haag IT-recruitment Bonn IT-recruiter Amsterdam IT-recruitment Amsterdam IT-recruiter Galway IT-recruitment Galway IT-recruiter Cork IT-recruitment Cork IT-recruiter Aberdeen IT-recruitment Aberdeen IT-rekrytering Stockholm IT-rekrytering Göteborg IT-rekrytering Malmö IT-rekrytering Uppsala IT-rekrytering Karlstad IT-rekrytering Visby IT-rekrytering Luleå IT-rekrytering Umeå IT-rekrytering Sundsvall IT-rekrytering Västerås IT-rekrytering Eskilstuna IT-rekrytering Södertälje IT-rekrytering Småland IT-rekrytering Trelleborg IT-rekrytering Vimmerby IT-rekrytering Linköping IT-rekrytering Lidköping IT-rekrytering Åmål IT-rekrytering Vetlanda IT-rekrytering Kalmar IT-rekrytering Mariehamn IT-rekrytering Åbo IT-rekrytering Turku IT-rekrytering Åland IT-rekruttering Oslo IT-rekruttering Bergen IT-rekruttering Norge IT-rekruttering Drammen IT-rekruttering Trondheim IT-rekruttering Kristiansand IT-rekruttering Fredrikstad IT-rekruttering Drammen IT-rekruttering Sarpsborg IT-rekruttering Moss IT-rekruttering Ålesund IT-rekruttering Haugesund IT-rekruttering Halden IT-rekruttering Kongsberg IT-rekruttering Bodø IT-rekruttering Askøy IT-rekruttering Tønsberg IT-rekruttering Sandnes IT-rekruttering København IT-rekruttering Odense IT-rekruttering Fyn IT -rekruttering Aalborg IT-rekruttering Fredrikshavn IT-rekruttering Aarhus IT-rekruttering Roskilde IT-rekruttering Odense IT-Personalberatung Berlin IT-Personalberatung Bonn IT-Personalberatung Hannover IT-Personalberatung Hamburg IT-Personalberatung Deuchland IT-Personalberatung Frankfurt IT-Personalberatung Dortmund IT-Personalberatung Essen IT-Personalberatung Bremen IT-Personalberatung Leipzig IT-Personalberatung Nuremburg IT-Personalberatung Wuppertal IT-Personalberatung Karlsruhe IT-Personalberatung Mannheim IT-Personalberatung Ausburg IT-Personalberatung Wiesbaden IT-Personalberatung Gelsenkirschen IT-Personalberatung Braunschweig IT-Personalberatung Kiel IT-Personalberatung Krefeld IT-Personalberatung Rostock IT-Personalberatung Mainz IT-rekrytointi Helsinki IT-rekrytointi Turku IT-rekrytointi Lahti IT-rekrytointi Nokia IT-rekrytointi Vaasa IT-rekrytointi Suomi IT-rekrytointi Tampere IT-rekrytointi Oulu IT-rekrytointi Jyväskylä IT-rekrytointi Kotka IT-rekrytointi Pori IT-rekrytointi Rauma IT-rekrytointi Salo IT-rekrytointi Jakobstad IT-rekrytointi Kemi IT-rekrytointi Tornio IT-rekrytointi Kouvola IT-rekrytointi Hyvinkää IT-rekrytointi Imatra We recruit full-stack developers, programmers, game developers and other IT-professionals. We help recruit professionals in Python, Kotlin, Java, JavaScript/ NodeJS, TypeScript, Go, C++, Swift, c#, R, PHP, Dart, Kotlin, MATLAB, Perl, Ruby, Rust, Scala. 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A-list Film Production Pro

a-list film production pro


ably. Productions Inc.: a production company that deals in all aspects of creative projects from film and television production to CD manufacturing http://www.acepix.com Ace Pix International, Inc.: a full in-house motion picture / television production and distribution company http://www.ancientpictures.comAncient Pictures: a Seattle-based motion picture and commercial production Company, as well as a networking center for writers to meet, enhance their skills and network in the film industry http://www.apotheosispictures.comApotheosis Pictures Productions: an independent film production company and the developers of the ScreenForge screenwriting software for Microsoft Word. ScreenForge is the best and most affordable screenplay formatting software available for MS Word, and a viable alternative to the much more expensive stand-alone screenwriting programs Armageddon Productions: creators of the 1997 home video release "Bloodletting," they develop and produce feature films, digital visual effects and music and movie soundtracks. They have also developed screenplays for other companies, such as Full Moon Pictures' "Witchouse" and "Alien Arsenal," and Regent Entertainment's upcoming "The Brotherhood" Assembler Films: a company that has shot and released films in Italy, Japan, India, the U.S. and Canada, to name a few Belarus Productions: Minsk-based independent production company, providing assistance to film-makers and broadcast journalists. TV production, film production, crew hire, equipment rent and location scouting in Belarus Black Cab Productions: an independent film, music, and literary production company specializing in horror, bizarre, and dark works http://www.blackfishfilms.comBlackFish Films: quality international productions specializing in non-broadcast projects for educational, military and corporate projects. Shooting 16, 35 and 70mm. Free goodies for independent producers Blokland Pictures: specializing in the development, production, and distribution of feature film drama; serving the international specialty marketplace http://www.angelfire.com/tn/tcthepackrat/bloodyfun.htmlBloody Fun Pictures: no-budget video/filmmaking, since 1996 http://www.bwave.f9.co.ukBrainwave: in the business of producing their own peculiar brand of entertainment for over a decade: films, radio plays, songs, etc. on the smallest budgets imaginable http://www.brilligprods.comBrillig Productions: exploring creative areas of filmmaking; developing narratives that range from the fanciful to the bizarre, visual designs that push the limits of independent cinema, and story-telling techniques that are inspired and inspirings http://www.c21etv.comC21ETV: one-stop-shop providing multimedia design, implementation and programming, VCD business cards production, video/TV production, digital, broadcast, industrial, post production http://www.cabiriafilms.com Cabiria Films, Prague: Filming in East Europe – locations & production services Cambridge Films: an independent production company http://www.cinedictum.com Cinedictum: a production company which produces cinedicta. Described as a form of film-aphorism, cinedicta are very short films whose concise narrative holds both entertainment and moral value, while addressing universal themes http://www.commercialfactory.comThe Commercial Factory: specializing in the production of high-quality television commercials, from the original idea to broadcast ready http://www.cotenfilms.comCoten Films: an independent film production company specialising in corporate and private video work, Web design and new media. Responsible for the action comedy feature film "Cop on the Edge IX" and the forthcoming "Days' End" http://www.crystalpyramid.comCrystal Pyramid: broadcast video production company in San Diego, California http://www.homestead.com/degalazare/dlp.htmlDega Lazare Productions: movies and other multimedia productions being made in the small town of Kahnawake by teens. From action/adventure to horror and comedy, it's all there http://www.dereko.tvDereko Entertainment: a small, independent and privately held feature film production company based in Los Angeles, California. Whose goal is to produce and release one or more feature films per year, both domestic/international territories Documentary Educational Resources (DER): produce, distribute and promote anthropological and documentary films and videos http://www.doublegproductions.comDouble G Video Productions: a video productions company providing a wide range of service and talent bank for your productions needs. "From gold to gold let Double G video productions get your story told!" http://www.egygrip.comEgygrip: a skilled team of professionals based in Egypt, and capable of managing every step of the video or film production process from concept to compeletion Emerald Oceans Entertainment: a multi-media company with film and music divisions. Founded in 1995 as a film production company it has evolved into its current broader base, which is helping it establish its place in the industry Eye Light Media: creating films, videos, music and Web sites from a Christian world view The Farnham Film Company: a UK-based TV production company interested in co-production–particularly of children's programming http://www.angelfire.com/film/file5home/about.htmlFile5 Productions: producer of market-specific sports videos by writer-director-actor David Lima http://www.filmforum.comFilm Forum: New York's leading movie house for independent premieres and repertory programming http://www.fireflyonline.comFirefly Entertainment: established in 1994 to allow aspiring talents and interested persons to achieve their goals in film, television, and theatre. The group has won multiple awards, is comprised of members of all ages, and is based in west central Pennsylvania http://www.footlooseproductions.com/Footloose Productions: film and video production company specializing in documentaries, commercial films, photo shoots, movies, and music videos http://www.fourhorsemenfilm.com/Four Horsemen Films, LLC: an independent film production company in New Jersey http://www.angelfire.com/movies/gmcproductions/gmc.htmGMC Productions: teenage independent film makers on a low budget. See screening room with video clips, and check out past films Goldader Film Productions GmbH: creates and produces feature films, TV movies, commercials, music videos, 3-D animated shorts, interactive CDs and DVDs, educational and corporate films, CDs and DVDs Gulliver Media Australia: producing award-winning television documentaries and videos Harrington Productions: content creators for video, film and new media. Based in Maui, Hawaii, they supply field production packages, crew and post production. Client list includes ABC-Sports, ESPN, E! Entertainment, NBC, BBC and The Discovery Channel http://go.to/headscrewHeadscrew: working entirely in the film medium, they provide affordable commercial shoots for local Seattle businesses, create traditional clay, cel, line and computer animations and also stage location shoots for studios who are unable to re-locate a full crew for short periods of time http://www.focusfilms.comHocus Focus Films, Israel: Filming in a foreign country could sometime become a metaphysic experience. In Israel, life itself is. To cut Red Tape, achieve Green Lights, and avoid Blue Holes. Contact a production house that can accommodate all your needs http://www.hollywoodpa.comHollywood PA: the world's first Global Movie Set. This is an independent film, shot in Central Pennsylvania. You were able to watch it live from the set, interact with the cast and crew and discover the passion and pain in filmmaking http://www.iconent.comIconoclastic Entertainment: dedicated to finding and creating the finest screenplays on the planet http://www.imageproducers.comImage Producers: a full service video and multimedia production company working on a local, regional, national, and international basis. Their creative staff works together to develop the concept, write the script, shoot the footage, and take the project through post-production to deliver the finished product http://www.ipcfilms.comIPC Films: IPC is a production company looking for ideas, projects, scripts, talent, and investors http://www.jam-productions.comJam Productions a San Francisco Bay Area video/film company that does broadcast quality commercials, special event filming, indie film projects, multi-media and more http://www.jamsessionfilms.comJam Session Productions: a minority/woman-owned midwest-based film and multimedia company whose projects have included music videos, commercials and PSA's, training films, industrial films, TV program segments and more Janson Media: an international program sales and distribution company, a "content" company. We have licensed programming to over 180 countries around the world. Please see our Clients page, for a fairly complete list of the broadcasters and cable and satellite networks to whom we license programming http://www.jetifilms.comJeti Films: an independent film company based in Louisiana http://www.kaizenfilms.comKaizen Films: their mission is to develop new technologies and techniques to enhance the production of motion pictures, while maintaining cinema as an art form http://www.kineticimage.comKinetic Image Co., Ltd.: an Ohio-based motion picture production company that, for nearly twenty years, have specialized in creating exciting motion picture entertainment on budgets that would shame a cat. They created a number of well-received cult items which have graced the schedules of the USA Network and Cinemax http://www.kiwifilm.comKiwi Film & Video, Asia: a Hong Kong and Singapore based film and video production service company catering to a broad range of clients from around the world; fully-equipped camera crews is their specialty http://www.ltfilms.comLarry Taylor Productions: dedicated to providing creative projects for family entertainment, including movies and television programs, as well as the construction of a new and unique style of theme park. The vision: To put the heart into every picture. http://www.leafpile.tvLeaf Pile TV: Tune In: This TV variety program is filled with a swarm of segments composed of local events and artist interviews which provide musical entertainment and hilarious sketch comedy. Leaf Pile also has freelance videography for your major rock video or demo. Check out our exclusive camera packaging http://www.littlerickyproductions.comLittle Ricky Productions: feature films that reach the moral conscience of America http://www.mecfilms.comMatrixx Entertainment: The World's First Virtual Movie Studio(tm). Services include: producing, financing and distributing independent feature films; Web site, production and legal consulting for entertainment clients; books and manuals on filmmaking and more Media Movers,Inc.: full service localization company offering services in dubbing,subtitling,voiceovers & production in Asian, Indian & European http://members.aol.com/mptvMPTV: offering on-location video production, graphics and animation design, AVID video post production, Macromedia Director authoring, and many more services http://www.mptv.commptv.com: Film, video and audio production and distribution http://www.mundiali.comMundiali Entertainment: providing a venue for the production of lower cost motion pictures ($15 and $20 million each) and television programming (based on a cooperative agreement between Mundiali and either a television network or special project investors) http://members.tripod.com/%7EOverboardProductionsOverboard Productions: an independent film production copmpany headed up by Matt Fore http://www.angelfire.com/ga/PARALLELAFTERNOONParallel Afternoon Productions: independent thinkers with a vision that strives to be unequaled http://www.peacerecord.comPeace Record Company: a multi-faceted audio/video production company offering video editing, acting video demo production, video/audio tape duping, video projection and sound systems rentals, wedding videos, on location multi-camera video recordings of special events and more http://www.phproductions.comPH Productions: services include business and personal consulting and coaching, project development, script writing, video production, video biographies, television programs, infomercials, commercials, photography and 3-d animation http://www.psavideo.comProduction Services Arizona: since 1971, providing quality, production services in the areas of video, multimedia, and animation graphics. Serving clients worldwide from Korea to France, South America to Canada in medium to high budget corporate marketing and training venues. Full collateral support through PS/A's graphics dept. Rawbass: design and production of all types of artistic media http://www.rcwmediaworks.comRCW Media Works: an independent production company that realizes that it is not the size of your budget that determines quality, it is the dedication and heart that you put into your projects http://www.realitycrash.comReality Crash Productions: showcases original and creative projects from writers, artists, film makers and critics. They are looking for people to contribute to the site. You retain full rights for your work and a web page is provided for you http://www.revivalentertainment.com/Revival Entertainment: this team is producing films of the highest quality in Surrey England http://www.riggedproductions.comRigged Productions: film and video, cartoons and art, writing, music and audio, and other works http://www.riverproductions.comRiver Productions: an independent film company located in Los Angeles, CA, headed by Michael J. Isgrig (writer, director, producer), Lynn C. Grant (writer, producer) and Kym R. Wulfe (executive producer, head of business and legal affairs) http://www.roman-pictures.comRoman Pictures: a motion picture production company which primarily produces "budget-controlled" feature-length movies that are licensed for distribution and exploitation in the direct-to-video, cable, TV and satellite markets http://www.runningdogfilms.co.ukRunning Dog Films: a new British film company dedicated to making films using cheap and affordable technology combined with proven no/lo budget production practices http://www.shadesofday.comShades of Day: the art of independent film and video producing. Extensive database of cinema related resources http://www.sharpshootertv.comSharpshooter Worldwide: a television production company that specializes in on location filming, any where in the world. Their motto is: "We don't go after awards or publicity. We just do the work." http://www.smileycrew.comSmiley Crew Productions: a California-based film crew specializing in both TV and film. Their main agenda focuses on their popular cable access comedy show, and their pro creative, anti "trend" statements http://www.smorgasbordproductions.comSmorgasbord Productions: a small company involved in the production of multimedia. Film, video, animation, graphic art and comic books are their products Starsmead Production Ltd: comprehensive production services for television and film http://www.studiosatlascolinas.comThe Studios at Las Colinas: a full-service production and entertainment facility located in the heart of the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex; offering complete music, film, video, and multimedia production capabilities, as well as parties and events hosting http://www.suedeinteractive.comSuede Interactive: an in-house production facility (located in the NY Metro area) for radio and TV commercials, audio/video/film productions and Internet services (Web site design, search engine placement, e-commerce and hosting) http://www.tafproductions.comTAF Productions: an independent production company, based in the Netherlands, that specializes in executive and unit production services. Additionally, they create their own screen productions Tangled Web Productions: a feature film production company that writes, directs, and produces their own projects. They currently have four projects in development http://www.telenet.bc.caTelenet Communications: video, audio and multimedia production using DV cameras, non-linear editing software and audio foley Terrazas Video: Southern Arizona's largest production facility. Film, video, grip, lighting and stage. Visit their Web site for a complete list of resources TEWS Entertainment: founded by Tim Sullivan and Erik Woods in 1995, responsible for "Of Fortune and Glory," winner of the Best Picture award at the 2000 REwind Video Awards in Calgary http://www.thrae.comThrae Entertainment: your source for no-budget moviemaking on the Web. Provides information and insight into the world of movies without the burden of large financial resources, a place for moviemakers to share their experiences and information about their films http://www.torontopictures.comToronto Pictures: a production company, with its own film-school. Under the leadership of internationally-awarded film director, writer and producer Bruno Pischiutta, they specialize in producing feature films, documentaries and TV series http://www.transworldvideo.comTransworld Video Productions: from idea to shrink wrap; Cable TV to Network. Duplications and conversions to the world formats: NTSC, PAL, SECAM http://www.twodollarpistol.comTwo Dollar Pistol Films: specializing in the writing and production of independent feature films, shorts and documentaries and providing a wide array of digital production services for independent, private and corporate projects http://www.unknownproductions.comUnknown Productions: independent movie production with distribution from Cinematrix releasing, giving the world another entertainment choice http://1aindfilm.twoffice.comVariety Plus Enterprises, Inc.: serving the lower Westchester and New York City community since 1984. They specialize in creating stories, screenplays, and feature length motion pictures http://www.waterfrontchicago.comWaterfront Productions: a Chicago, Illinois-based production company that shoots and edits complete projects on film and video. Separate packages are available for just shooting or editing, if needed http://www.whodat.comWho Dat Music Productions: in Astoria, New York, is the developer of the Who Dat AudioLogo® brand identity for the Internet. We have produced elements for CD-ROM, DVD, Streaming Media for the Internet, Web Site Developers, Multimedia Productions, Interactive Productions, Original or Library Music for Film and Video, Narrators and Voice Over Talent, Web Casting, Corporate Presentation and the entire production if necessary http://www.worldwidefilmworks.comWorld Filmworks: a company designed to create musical/theatre productions, music videos, commercials, and short films, with an eye toward the ever-increasing presence of the Internet as the future of distribution http://www.youngmankang.comYoung Man Kang Films: a writer/director with more than 20 films and more than 50 TV commercials in his portfolio http://www.zone5pictures.comZone 5 Pictures: the source for all of your business media needs, including film and video production, studio photography, Web development, graphic design, feature films and animation/3D

Nick Dale Photography

nick dale photography

Here’s a brief biographical profile and outline of my photography career. If you want to see a few pictures of me, click here. If you have any questions, just click the chat button or get in touch at nick@nickdalephotography.com or on +44 7942 800921 . Photographer | Writer | Speaker | Teacher | Judge I dreamed of becoming a photographer when I was 15, but my mother wanted me to go to Oxford instead! I ended up reading English at Oxford and working as a strategy consultant for a few years before retiring at the age of 29. I then travelled round the world for seven years, doing four ski seasons and working on an internet start-up in San Francisco before finally returning to London in 2005. At that point, consulting work felt too stressful, so I decided to go 'quality of life'. I'm now a private tutor and international award-winning wildlife photographer. I became a tutor in 2009 when I happened to read an article in the paper called 'Ten Ways to Beat the Recession', and I started taking pictures again when I received a random email inviting me to go on safari and climb Mount Kenya. I've been a wildlife photographer since 2013, taking pictures in 26 countries on all seven continents and winning various awards including the Sunday Times/Audley Travel Big Shot. I spend a lot of time in Africa, and I’ve been on over 300 game drives and boat rides there. I’ve also worked as a Resident Photographer at various safari lodges: 2019: Klein’s Camp, Serengeti Under Canvas, Grumeti Serengeti Tented Camp and Cottar’s 1920s Safari Camp 2020: Gabus Game Ranch and Etosha National Park in Namibia 2022: Ol Jogi in Kenya and Muchenje in Botswana. I'm always happy to answer questions from guests, whether it’s about camera settings, the rules of composition or just identifying all the different species of wildlife. Back at camp, I'll give the odd talk on camera technique, give feedback on their images and show them some of my own. Maybe I’ll see you out there…! Artist’s Statement I have a passion for wildlife, and I want to celebrate all its facets in my photography, including power, beauty, cuteness and humour. These are the qualities I want to share with people. I’m not a conservationist, so I don’t take pictures of endangered animals to put on posters for Greenpeace or Friends of the Earth. I take them because I love close encounters with the natural world, and I want to share the excitement, relaxation, tenderness and wonder they evoke. I started out taking 'portraits' of animals. That was all very well, and a lion might look beautiful sitting on the African savannah at sunset, but there isn't much energy in that sort of picture. What I try to do now is to focus on action shots. I still take portraits - and sometimes I don't have a choice! - but my ideal image is much more likely to be a cheetah chasing down a Thomson’s gazelle than a bird sitting on a branch! My favourite animals are the predators, and the advantage of a long lens is that it can create the impression of being right up close and personal with some pretty dangerous beasts. It’s that sense of excitement that I try to capture in my work, and I'm happy to use whatever technology I can find to do the job. Cameras 2 x Sony a1 mirrorless cameras 2 x Sony VGC-4EM Vertical Grip for A1 2 x Sony 160GB TOUGH CFexpress Type A Flash Memory Cards Lenses Sony FE 12-24 mm f/2.8 G Master lens Sony FE 24-70 mm f/2.8 G Master lens Sony FE 70-200 mm f/2.8 G Master OSS II lens Sony FE 400 mm f/2.8 G Master lens Sony FE 600 mm f/4 G Master lens Sony SEL E Mount 14TC 1.4x Teleconverter - White Sony SEL E Mount 20TC 2x Teleconverter - White All that, combined with the wonders of Lightroom and Topaz Labs, gives me the best possible chance to show off the wonders of Nature. Contact If you’d like to hire me for a talk, a lesson, a photo shoot or a safari, please contact me on +44 7942 800921 or at nick@nickdalephotography.com. 99 Ormonde Court Upper Richmond Road London SW15 6TR Mobile: +44 7942 800921 Skype: nicholas_dale Facebook: facebook.com/nickdalephotography Flickr: flickr.com/photos/nickdalephotography Instagram: instagram.com/nickdalephotography LinkedIn: linkedin.com/company/nickdalephotography Pinterest: pinterest.com/nickdalephotography Twitter: twitter.com/nickdale_photo YouTube: youtube.com/@nickdalephotography View fullsize View fullsize View fullsize View fullsize View fullsize View fullsize View fullsize View fullsize View fullsize View fullsize View fullsize View fullsize Donations If you’d like to support my photographic career by making a donation, please click the button below. DONATE Sales Sold over 25,000 images to buyers including National Geographic, Africa Geographic, BBC Wildlife Magazine, The Evening Standard, The Daily Telegraph, The Guardian, Daily Mail Online, The Sun, The Sunday Express, The Times and Lonely Planet. Sold my best-selling shot of a jumping Adélie penguin over 2,000 times - and it even appeared on a poster inside the hero's locker on the US TV show Atypical! Provided the cover photo for SMT magazine. Sold 65 fine art prints to private collectors around the world. Sold over 1,000 copies of my Expert Photography ebooks on Social Success Strategies and Wonderful Wildlife. Sold over 200 greeting cards and postcards at various exhibitions, Gerhold in Putney and Willow Bough Tea Rooms. Worked for clients including a tennis club, a milliner, a local councillor, a tuition agency and a procurement consultancy. Publications Wrote ebooks on wildlife photography and social media for Expert Photography, books on Predators & Prey, India, Antarctica and a local wedding, plus Resident Photographer: Tanzania & Kenya. Wrote articles for Expert Photography, Fusion Art, Outdoor Photography, Wildlife Photographic, PhotoPXL, Clipping Path Creative and SLR Lounge. Interviewed by Fusion Art for A Day in the Life. Posted articles, images and videos online: Nick Dale Photography website: 1.0k unique monthly visitors Facebook: 4.1k followers, 22.0k engagement, 700.6k people reached, 1.1m impressions (last 28 days) Instagram: 322 accounts engaged, 2.6k accounts reached, 14.4k total followers (last 30 days) LinkedIn: 492 connections Pinterest: 399 followers, 64k impressions, 2.4k engagements, 49k total audience, 1.8k engaged audience (last 30 days) Twitter: 18 followers YouTube: 50.1k subscribers, 205k watch hours and seven videos with more than a million views - (here, here, here, here, here, here and here). Awards Shoot The Frame’s October 2022 and May 2020 Shoot The Wild competitions The Best Modern and Contemporary Artists Prize 2022 The Faces of Peace Art Prize 2022 Tailor-Made Tour Company of the Year 2022 for England in the Travel & Hospitality Awards International Prize Leonardo da Vinci - The Universal Artist 2022 ATIM's Top 60 Masters for 2022 (see magazine feature on p25 and video starting at 26:26) Wildlife category in the Professional Photographer of the Year 2021 Best International Wildlife Photographer 2021 in the Southern Enterprise Awards hosted by SME News 2021 LUX Life Photography Coach of the Year - UK National Geographic: Photo of the Day award twice (here and here), both images being chosen for the Daily Dozen and Best of Photo of the Day 2017 and winning over 25,000 likes on Instagram Monthly finalist in the Greatest Maasai Mara Photographer of the Year 2021 Gold in the Animal Portrait category of the 2020 World Nature Photography Awards Sunday Times/Audley Travel Big Shot competition Wildlife Series in the 15th Pollux Awards/The Worldwide Photography Gala Awards Best of Contest in 35 Awards’ Wildlife: Mammals competition Guru’s Top Pick in the Gurushots Up Close with Birds challenge Best of Show in Grey Cube Gallery's Nature exhibition (see video) February 2020 Arthola competition Wildlife Worldwide Photography Competition 2019 (Animal Action category) Fusion Art: Artist Spotlight (Photography & Digital) in April 2020 (see video) and Best in Show at the 3rd Annual Animal Kingdom Art Exhibition (see video) Art Room Gallery: Nature competition (see video) Exodus Travels Monthly Photo Competition The Societies of Photographers: Gold Awards in the Wildlife, Nature and The Natural World categories Society of International Nature & Wildlife Photographers (SINWP): In the Wild Photography Competition (leading to stories in The Times, Express, The Sun, The Daily Star and the Mail Online, followed by an interview on London Live!) Various: Picture Frames Express's All Creatures Great and Small plus BBC Wildlife, Chiiz, Digital Photographer, Dodho, Wild Planet and Outdoor Photography competitions ePHOTOzine: two Daily Competitions, two Photos of the Week, 10 Editor’s Choice, 26 Highly Commended, 19 Guest Editor, 119 Readers' Choice and 213 User Awards Exodus Travels: 2018 calendar (February image) Facebook groups EP Cover Photo of the Week and Admin’s Choice from Expert Photography Photo of the Day and Photo of the Week for the International Photography Group Photo of the Day and Administrator’s Choice for Light and Shade Top Post of the Day from Nature & Creativity Cover Page and Weekly Contest for Nature Photography Administrator Choice for Photographers of the World Photo of the Week for Photography Certificate of Excellence, Weekly Contest, Cover Page and Admin Choice for the Professional Photographers Community Faunistic Selection for Renaissance Photography Top of the Day, Photo of the Day and Cracker of the Day for Save Earth Admin’s Choice from Superb Photography Cover photo for Wildlife & Nature Photography Certificate of Excellence from World Photographer - Wonderful Photography Magazine Award for World’s Top Photographers Instagram: Featured photo for @wildlifeplanet.ig, Featured Artist for @all_animals_addiction and @raw_africa_ and Daily Features for @instaperfect_capture, @wildlife__perfection, @OnlyAfrica, @kings_animals_love and Bonvac_Fauna Artist of the Week for Artlimes, Photographer of the Month for Picture Frames Express, Artist in Focus for LUMIarts and featured in Pond5’s Instagram Takeover and the May 2020, January 2021 February 2021 and March 2021 APÉRO catalogues. Exhibitions Chosen to take part in the Butterfly Effect online art exhibition put on by Contemporary Art Curator Magazine. Held solo exhibitions at the Norman Plastow Gallery in Wimbledon Village, Lumi Arts in Pimlico and 508 King's Road, where I am an artist-in-residence. Took part in Glaziers' Art Fair, Parallax Art Fair, PhotoX Awards 2018 at the Menier Gallery and various group shows at 508 King's Road and Gabriel Fine Arts. Took part in the Indian Photography Festival Exhibition and see | me exhibitions on Facebook and in New York. Was chosen for the online art galleries at Art Bridge, Artfinder, Art Gallery, Arthola, The Art Online Gallery, Artlimes, Printscapes and Saatchi Art. Sold six prints of a leopard at Greatest Maasai Mara Photographer of the Year exhibitions in Melbourne, Brisbane, Cape Town, Atlanta, Dallas and Johannesburg. Other Worked as Resident Photographer at Klein’s Camp, Serengeti Under Canvas, Grumeti Serengeti Tented Camp and Cottar’s 1920s Safari Camp in Africa for four months in 2019. Worked as Resident Photographer at Gabus Game Ranch in 2020. Gave talks for The Societies of Photographers, on two Antarctic cruise ships and at The Athenaeum Club, Grumeti Serengeti Tented Camp, Cottar’s 1920s Safari Camp, the SW19 Women's Institute, the Putney Women’s Institute, Malden Camera Club, Watford Camera Club, Putney Library, the London Institute of Photography and Beckenham Photographic Society. Helped judge the 2019 Canary Wharf Wildlife Photography Competition. Ran photography workshops at Canary Wharf and Putney Library. Gave private lessons to various amateur photographers. Recorded six wildlife photography videos with Coinaphoto, covering Africa, Asia, Europe, North America, South America and the polar regions. Had my work reviewed by Anthony Morganti on YouTube Became lifetime member of the Circle for the Foundation of the Arts (CFA). Joined the Society of International Nature and Wildlife Photographers in October 2013.

Courses matching "York"

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New York Cheesecake


By Apex Learning

Overview This comprehensive course on New York Cheesecake will deepen your understanding on this topic. After successful completion of this course you can acquire the required skills in this sector. This New York Cheesecake comes with accredited certification which will enhance your CV and make you worthy in the job market. So enrol in this course today to fast track your career ladder. How will I get my certificate? You may have to take a quiz or a written test online during or after the course. After successfully completing the course, you will be eligible for the certificate. Who is this course for? There is no experience or previous qualifications required for enrolment on this New York Cheesecake. It is available to all students, of all academic backgrounds. Requirements Our New York Cheesecake is fully compatible with PC's, Mac's, Laptop, Tablet and Smartphone devices. This course has been designed to be fully compatible on tablets and smartphones so you can access your course on wifi, 3G or 4G. There is no time limit for completing this course, it can be studied in your own time at your own pace. Career path Having these various qualifications will increase the value in your CV and open you up to multiple sectors such as Business & Management, Admin, Accountancy & Finance, Secretarial & PA, Teaching & Mentoring etc. Course Curriculum 6 sections • 11 lectures • 00:36:00 total length •Introduction to my Cheesecake: 00:01:00 •The Cheesecakes Recipes: 00:02:00 •Let's start with a good Base: The Crust: 00:10:00 •The Cheese Cream Mixing: 00:06:00 •The Iconic Soured Cream Topping: 00:03:00 •The Caramel Sauce: 00:04:00 •The Double Strawberries Compote: 00:04:00 •The Lavish Chocolate Ganache: 00:02:00 •Cheesecake Final Cut: 00:03:00 •Course Conclusion: 00:01:00 •Assignment - New York Cheesecake: 00:00:00

New York Cheesecake
Delivered Online On Demand36 minutes

Bake and Decorate New York Cheesecake


By Skill Up

As the influence of social media has made the Cheesecake market more prominent than ever, this is the best time to become a pastry chef. Learn Toppings, and the Cheese Cream Mixing.

Bake and Decorate New York Cheesecake
Delivered Online On Demand36 minutes

Cheesecake - Authentic New York Cheesecake Preparation


By Janets

The Cheesecake - Authentic New York Cheesecake Preparation is a wonderful learning opportunity for anyone who has a passion for this topic and is interested in enjoying a long career in the relevant industry. It's also for anyone who is already working in this field and looking to brush up their knowledge and boost their career with a recognised certification. This Cheesecake - Authentic New York Cheesecake Preparation consists of several modules that take around 1 hour to complete. The course is accompanied by instructional videos, helpful illustrations, how-to instructions and advice. The course is offered online at a very affordable price. That gives you the ability to study at your own pace in the comfort of your home. You can access the modules from anywhere and from any device Why choose this course Earn an e-certificate upon successful completion. Accessible, informative modules taught by expert instructors Study in your own time, at your own pace, through your computer tablet or mobile device Get 24/7 help or advice from our email and live chat teams Full Tutor Support on Weekdays Course Design The course is delivered through our online learning platform, accessible through any internet-connected device. There are no formal deadlines or teaching schedules, meaning you are free to study the course at your own pace. You are taught through a combination of Video lessons Online study materials Certification Upon successful completion of the course, you will be able to obtain your course completion PDF Certificate at £9.99. Print copy by post is also available at an additional cost of £15.99 and the same for PDF and printed transcripts. Course Content Introduction to the Class Introduction to my Cheesecake 00:01:00 The Process The Cheesecakes Recipes 00:02:00 Let's start with a good Base: The Crust 00:10:00 The Cheese Cream Mixing 00:06:00 The Iconic Soured Cream Topping 00:03:00 Toppings The Caramel Sauce 00:04:00 The Double Strawberries Compote 00:04:00 The Lavish Chocolate Ganache 00:02:00 The Final Assembly Cheesecake Final Cut 00:03:00 Conclusion Course Conclusion 00:01:00 Order your Certificates & Transcripts Order your Certificates & Transcripts 00:00:00 Frequently Asked Questions Are there any prerequisites for taking the course? There are no specific prerequisites for this course, nor are there any formal entry requirements. All you need is an internet connection, a good understanding of English and a passion for learning for this course. Can I access the course at any time, or is there a set schedule? You have the flexibility to access the course at any time that suits your schedule. Our courses are self-paced, allowing you to study at your own pace and convenience. How long will I have access to the course? For this course, you will have access to the course materials for 1 year only. This means you can review the content as often as you like within the year, even after you've completed the course. However, if you buy Lifetime Access for the course, you will be able to access the course for a lifetime. Is there a certificate of completion provided after completing the course? Yes, upon successfully completing the course, you will receive a certificate of completion. This certificate can be a valuable addition to your professional portfolio and can be shared on your various social networks. Can I switch courses or get a refund if I'm not satisfied with the course? We want you to have a positive learning experience. If you're not satisfied with the course, you can request a course transfer or refund within 14 days of the initial purchase. How do I track my progress in the course? Our platform provides tracking tools and progress indicators for each course. You can monitor your progress, completed lessons, and assessments through your learner dashboard for the course. What if I have technical issues or difficulties with the course? If you encounter technical issues or content-related difficulties with the course, our support team is available to assist you. You can reach out to them for prompt resolution.

Cheesecake - Authentic New York Cheesecake Preparation
Delivered Online On Demand36 minutes

About this Training Course This course will provide a comprehensive, foundational content for a wide range of topics in power system operation and control. With the growing importance of grid integration of renewables and the interest in smart grid technologies, it is more important than ever to understand the fundamentals that underpin electrical power systems. Training Objectives Basic Terminology and Concepts of Electrical Systems: Gain an understanding of the basic terminology and concepts of electrical systems and the structure of a power system Transmission Line Parameters: Learn in detail all the transmission line parameters including line resistance, line inductance, transposition of transmission lines, and capacitance of transmission lines Insulators: Understand thoroughly all the various types of insulators, pin type insulators, suspension type or disc insulators, strain insulators, and testing of insulators High-Voltage Direct Current Transmission: Determine the advantages and disadvantages of high voltage direct current transmission, and gain an understanding of all the features of high-voltage direct current transmission Substations and Neutral Grounding: Gain a detailed understanding of all substation equipment, factors governing the layout of substations, station transformers, elements to be earthed in a substation, power system earthing, earthing transformers, bus bar arrangements and gas-insulated substations Distribution System: Learn about the effects of voltage on the conductor volume, distributor fed from one end, distributors fed from both ends at the same voltage, distributors fed from both ends at different voltages, and alternating current distribution Circuit Breakers: Learn about the classification of circuit breakers, plain-break oil circuit breakers, air break circuit breaker, air blast circuit breakers, vacuum circuit breakers, SF6 circuit breakers, rating and testing of circuit breakers Relaying and Protection: Learn all the requirements of relaying, zones of protection, primary and backup protection, classification of relays, electromagnetic relays, induction relays, feeder protection, phase fault protection, reactance relay, static overcurrent relay, differential protection, transformer protection, Buchholz relays, alternator protection restricted earth fault protection, rotor earth fault protection, and negative-sequence protection Economic Operation of Power Systems: Gain an understanding of steam power plants, heat rate characteristics and characteristics of hydro plants Load Frequency Control: Learn about speed governing mechanism, speed governor, steady state speed regulations and adjustment of governor characteristics Voltage and Reactive Power Control: Gain an understanding of impedance and reactive power, system voltage and reactive power, voltage regulation and power transfer Renewable Energy Sources: Learn about solar power, wind power, geothermal energy, biomass and tidal power Restructuring of Electrical Power Systems: Gain an understanding of smart grids, smart grid components, smart grid benefits, and open smart grid protocol Target Audience Engineers of all disciplines Managers Technicians Maintenance personnel Other technical individuals Course Level Basic or Foundation Trainer Your specialist course leader has more than 32 years of practical engineering experience with Ontario Power Generation (OPG), one of the largest electric utility in North America. He was previously involved in research on power generation equipment with Atomic Energy of Canada Limited at their Chalk River and Whiteshell Nuclear Research Laboratories. While working at OPG, he acted as a Training Manager, Engineering Supervisor, System Responsible Engineer and Design Engineer. During the period of time, he worked as a Field Engineer and Design Engineer, he was responsible for the operation, maintenance, diagnostics, and testing of gas turbines, steam turbines, generators, motors, transformers, inverters, valves, pumps, compressors, instrumentation and control systems. Further, his responsibilities included designing, engineering, diagnosing equipment problems and recommending solutions to repair deficiencies and improve system performance, supervising engineers, setting up preventive maintenance programs, writing Operating and Design Manuals, and commissioning new equipment. Later, he worked as the manager of a section dedicated to providing training for the staff at the power stations. The training provided by him covered in detail the various equipment and systems used in power stations. In addition, he has taught courses and seminars to more than four thousand working engineers and professionals around the world, specifically Europe and North America. He has been consistently ranked as 'Excellent' or 'Very Good' by the delegates who attended his seminars and lectures. He written 5 books for working engineers from which 3 have been published by McGraw-Hill, New York. Below is a list of the books authored by him; Power Generation Handbook: Gas Turbines, Steam Power Plants, Co-generation, and Combined Cycles, second edition, (800 pages), McGraw-Hill, New York, October 2011. Electrical Equipment Handbook (600 pages), McGraw-Hill, New York, March 2003. Power Plant Equipment Operation and Maintenance Guide (800 pages), McGraw-Hill, New York, January 2012. Industrial Instrumentation and Modern Control Systems (400 pages), Custom Publishing, University of Toronto, University of Toronto Custom Publishing (1999). Industrial Equipment (600 pages), Custom Publishing, University of Toronto, University of Toronto, University of Toronto Custom Publishing (1999). Furthermore, he has received the following awards: The first 'Excellence in Teaching' award offered by PowerEdge, Singapore, in December 2016 The first 'Excellence in Teaching' award offered by the Professional Development Center at University of Toronto (May, 1996). The 'Excellence in Teaching Award' in April 2007 offered by TUV Akademie (TUV Akademie is one of the largest Professional Development centre in world, it is based in Germany and the United Arab Emirates, and provides engineering training to engineers and managers across Europe and the Middle East). Awarded graduation 'With Distinction' from Dalhousie University when completed Bachelor of Engineering degree (1983). Lastly, he was awarded his Bachelor of Engineering Degree 'with distinction' from Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. He also received a Master of Applied Science in Engineering (M.A.Sc.) from the University of Ottawa, Canada. He is also a member of the Association of Professional Engineers in the province of Ontario, Canada. POST TRAINING COACHING SUPPORT (OPTIONAL) To further optimise your learning experience from our courses, we also offer individualized 'One to One' coaching support for 2 hours post training. We can help improve your competence in your chosen area of interest, based on your learning needs and available hours. This is a great opportunity to improve your capability and confidence in a particular area of expertise. It will be delivered over a secure video conference call by one of our senior trainers. They will work with you to create a tailor-made coaching program that will help you achieve your goals faster. Request for further information post training support and fees applicable Accreditions And Affliations

Introduction to Power Systems
Delivered in Internationally or OnlineFlexible Dates

Gas Turbines, Co-Generation and Combined Cycle Power Plants

By EnergyEdge - Training for a Sustainable Energy Future

About this training course This 5 full-day course will cover all aspects of gas turbines, co-generation and combined cycle power plants. It will cover in detail all the components of these types of power plants such as: compressors, gas and steam turbines, heat recovery steam generators, deaerators, condensers, lubricating systems, instrumentation, control systems, and economics. The design, selection considerations, operation, maintenance, pay-back period, economics of co-generation plants and combined cycles, as well as, emission limits, reliability, monitoring and governing systems are also covered in detail. This course will also provide up-dated information in respect to all the significant improvements that have been made to co-generation and combined cycles power plants, during the last two decades. The course will illustrate through sophisticated computer simulation how gas turbines, co-generation and combined cycle plants perform under steady-state and transient conditions. In addition, the participants will learn how to use the computer simulation program which provides the following benefits: Allow the operator to extend the gas turbine operating period by avoiding unnecessary outages and maintenance activities. Determination of essential gas turbine maintenance activities to reduce the duration of outages. Profit optimization of co-generation and combined cycle plants. Minimization of the environmental emissions of co-generation and combined cycle plants. Training Objectives Power Plant Computer simulation: Gain a thorough understanding of computer simulation of gas turbines, co-generation, and combined cycle plants. Power Plant Components and Systems: Learn about all components and subsystems of the various types of power plants such as gas turbines, co-generation and combined cycle plants Power Plants Economics: Examine the advantages, applications, performance and economics of power plants such as: gas turbines, co-generation, and combined cycle plants Power Plant Equipment: Learn about various power plant equipment including: compressors, turbines, governing systems, combustors, deaerators, feed water heaters, etc. Power Plant Maintenance: Learn all the maintenance activities required for power plants such as: gas turbines, co-generation plants and combined cycles to minimize their operating cost and maximize their efficiency, reliability, and longevity Power Plant Environmental Emissions: Learn about the monitoring and control of environmental emissions. Power Plant Instrumentation and Control Systems: Learn about the latest instrumentation and control systems of gas turbines, co-generation and combined cycles power plants Power Plant Reliability and Testing: Increase your knowledge of power plant predictive and preventive maintenance, reliability and testing. Power Plant Selection and Applications: Gain a detailed understanding of the selection considerations and applications of power plants such as: gas turbines, co-generation and combined-cycle power plants Power Plant Profitability: Learn about the reliability, life cycle cost, profitability, refurbishment, and life extension methods for gas turbines, co-generation and combined cycle power plants. Target Audience Engineers of all disciplines Managers Technicians Maintenance personnel Other technical individuals Course Level Basic or Foundation Training Methods Your specialist course leader relies on a highly interactive training method to enhance the learning process. This method ensures that all participants gain a complete understanding of all topics covered. The training environment is highly stimulating, challenging, and effective because the participants will learn by case studies which will allow them to apply the material taught to their own organization. Each delegate will receive a copy of the following materials written by the instructor: 'POWER GENERATION HANDBOOK' second edition, published by McGraw-Hill in 2012 (800 pages) Practical manual (500 pages) Trainer Your specialist course leader has more than 32 years of practical engineering experience with Ontario Power Generation (OPG), one of the largest electric utility in North America. He was previously involved in research on power generation equipment with Atomic Energy of Canada Limited at their Chalk River and Whiteshell Nuclear Research Laboratories. While working at OPG, he acted as a Training Manager, Engineering Supervisor, System Responsible Engineer and Design Engineer. During the period of time, he worked as a Field Engineer and Design Engineer, he was responsible for the operation, maintenance, diagnostics, and testing of gas turbines, steam turbines, generators, motors, transformers, inverters, valves, pumps, compressors, instrumentation and control systems. Further, his responsibilities included designing, engineering, diagnosing equipment problems and recommending solutions to repair deficiencies and improve system performance, supervising engineers, setting up preventive maintenance programs, writing Operating and Design Manuals, and commissioning new equipment. Later, he worked as the manager of a section dedicated to providing training for the staff at the power stations. The training provided by him covered in detail the various equipment and systems used in power stations. In addition, he has taught courses and seminars to more than four thousand working engineers and professionals around the world, specifically Europe and North America. He has been consistently ranked as 'Excellent' or 'Very Good' by the delegates who attended his seminars and lectures. He written 5 books for working engineers from which 3 have been published by McGraw-Hill, New York. Below is a list of the books authored by him; Power Generation Handbook: Gas Turbines, Steam Power Plants, Co-generation, and Combined Cycles, second edition, (800 pages), McGraw-Hill, New York, October 2011. Electrical Equipment Handbook (600 pages), McGraw-Hill, New York, March 2003. Power Plant Equipment Operation and Maintenance Guide (800 pages), McGraw-Hill, New York, January 2012. Industrial Instrumentation and Modern Control Systems (400 pages), Custom Publishing, University of Toronto, University of Toronto Custom Publishing (1999). Industrial Equipment (600 pages), Custom Publishing, University of Toronto, University of Toronto, University of Toronto Custom Publishing (1999). Furthermore, he has received the following awards: The first 'Excellence in Teaching' award offered by PowerEdge, Singapore, in December 2016 The first 'Excellence in Teaching' award offered by the Professional Development Center at University of Toronto (May, 1996). The 'Excellence in Teaching Award' in April 2007 offered by TUV Akademie (TUV Akademie is one of the largest Professional Development centre in world, it is based in Germany and the United Arab Emirates, and provides engineering training to engineers and managers across Europe and the Middle East). Awarded graduation 'With Distinction' from Dalhousie University when completed Bachelor of Engineering degree (1983). Lastly, he was awarded his Bachelor of Engineering Degree 'with distinction' from Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. He also received a Master of Applied Science in Engineering (M.A.Sc.) from the University of Ottawa, Canada. He is also a member of the Association of Professional Engineers in the province of Ontario, Canada. POST TRAINING COACHING SUPPORT (OPTIONAL) To further optimise your learning experience from our courses, we also offer individualized 'One to One' coaching support for 2 hours post training. We can help improve your competence in your chosen area of interest, based on your learning needs and available hours. This is a great opportunity to improve your capability and confidence in a particular area of expertise. It will be delivered over a secure video conference call by one of our senior trainers. They will work with you to create a tailor-made coaching program that will help you achieve your goals faster. Request for further information post training support and fees applicable Accreditions And Affliations

Gas Turbines, Co-Generation and Combined Cycle Power Plants
Delivered in Internationally or OnlineFlexible Dates
£3,009 to £3,499

About this Training Course This 3 full-day course will provide a comprehensive understanding of the various types of transformer maintenance including breakdown maintenance, preventive maintenance, total productive maintenance, condition-based maintenance, proactive maintenance, and reliability-centered maintenance. All the expected problems in dry and oil-filled transformers will be discussed in detail. All the diagnostics, troubleshooting and maintenance required to ensure adequate operation of transformers will be covered thoroughly. This course will focus on maximizing the efficiency, reliability, and longevity of all types of transformers by providing an understanding of all commissioning requirements, repair and refurbishment methods of transformers. Training Objectives Equipment Diagnostics and Inspection: Learn in detail all the diagnostic techniques and inspections required of critical components of transformers Equipment Testing: Understand thoroughly all the routine tests, type tests, and special tests required for the various types of transformers Equipment Maintenance and Troubleshooting: Determine all the maintenance and troubleshooting activities required to minimize transformer downtime and operating cost Equipment Repair and Refurbishment: Gain a detailed understanding of the various methods used to repair and refurbish transformers Efficiency, Reliability, and Longevity: Learn the various methods used to maximize the efficiency, reliability, and longevity of transformers Equipment Sizing: Gain a detailed understanding of all the calculations and sizing techniques used for transformers Design Features: Understand all the design features that improve the efficiency and reliability of transformers Equipment Selection: Learn how to select all types of transformers by using the performance characteristics and selection criteria that you will learn in this course Equipment Commissioning: Understand all the commissioning requirements for transformers Equipment Codes and Standards: Learn all the codes and standards applicable for transformers Equipment Causes and Modes of Failure: Understand the causes and modes of failure in transformers System Design: Learn all the requirements for designing different types of transformer systems Target Audience Engineers of all disciplines Managers Technicians Maintenance personnel Other technical individuals (this course is suitable for individuals who do not have an electrical background) Course Level Basic or Foundation Training Methods Your specialist course leader relies on a highly interactive training method to enhance the learning process. This method ensures that all participants gain a complete understanding of all topics covered. The training environment is highly stimulating, challenging, and effective because the participants will learn by case studies which will allow them to apply the material taught to their own organization. Each delegate will receive a copy of the following materials written by the instructor: Excerpt of the relevant chapters from the 'ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT HANDBOOK' published by McGraw-Hill in 2003 (600 pages) Transformer Testing, Maintenance and Commissioning Manual (covering all the tests, maintenance activities, protective systems and all commissioning procedures for all types of transformers - 350 pages) Trainer Your specialist course leader has more than 32 years of practical engineering experience with Ontario Power Generation (OPG), one of the largest electric utility in North America. He was previously involved in research on power generation equipment with Atomic Energy of Canada Limited at their Chalk River and Whiteshell Nuclear Research Laboratories. While working at OPG, he acted as a Training Manager, Engineering Supervisor, System Responsible Engineer and Design Engineer. During the period of time, he worked as a Field Engineer and Design Engineer, he was responsible for the operation, maintenance, diagnostics, and testing of gas turbines, steam turbines, generators, motors, transformers, inverters, valves, pumps, compressors, instrumentation and control systems. Further, his responsibilities included designing, engineering, diagnosing equipment problems and recommending solutions to repair deficiencies and improve system performance, supervising engineers, setting up preventive maintenance programs, writing Operating and Design Manuals, and commissioning new equipment. Later, he worked as the manager of a section dedicated to providing training for the staff at the power stations. The training provided by him covered in detail the various equipment and systems used in power stations. In addition, he has taught courses and seminars to more than four thousand working engineers and professionals around the world, specifically Europe and North America. He has been consistently ranked as 'Excellent' or 'Very Good' by the delegates who attended his seminars and lectures. He written 5 books for working engineers from which 3 have been published by McGraw-Hill, New York. Below is a list of the books authored by him; Power Generation Handbook: Gas Turbines, Steam Power Plants, Co-generation, and Combined Cycles, second edition, (800 pages), McGraw-Hill, New York, October 2011. Electrical Equipment Handbook (600 pages), McGraw-Hill, New York, March 2003. Power Plant Equipment Operation and Maintenance Guide (800 pages), McGraw-Hill, New York, January 2012. Industrial Instrumentation and Modern Control Systems (400 pages), Custom Publishing, University of Toronto, University of Toronto Custom Publishing (1999). Industrial Equipment (600 pages), Custom Publishing, University of Toronto, University of Toronto, University of Toronto Custom Publishing (1999). Furthermore, he has received the following awards: The first 'Excellence in Teaching' award offered by PowerEdge, Singapore, in December 2016 The first 'Excellence in Teaching' award offered by the Professional Development Center at University of Toronto (May, 1996). The 'Excellence in Teaching Award' in April 2007 offered by TUV Akademie (TUV Akademie is one of the largest Professional Development centre in world, it is based in Germany and the United Arab Emirates, and provides engineering training to engineers and managers across Europe and the Middle East). Awarded graduation 'With Distinction' from Dalhousie University when completed Bachelor of Engineering degree (1983). Lastly, he was awarded his Bachelor of Engineering Degree 'with distinction' from Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. He also received a Master of Applied Science in Engineering (M.A.Sc.) from the University of Ottawa, Canada. He is also a member of the Association of Professional Engineers in the province of Ontario, Canada. POST TRAINING COACHING SUPPORT (OPTIONAL) To further optimise your learning experience from our courses, we also offer individualized 'One to One' coaching support for 2 hours post training. We can help improve your competence in your chosen area of interest, based on your learning needs and available hours. This is a great opportunity to improve your capability and confidence in a particular area of expertise. It will be delivered over a secure video conference call by one of our senior trainers. They will work with you to create a tailor-made coaching program that will help you achieve your goals faster. Request for further information post training support and fees applicable Accreditions And Affliations

Transformer Maintenance
Delivered in Internationally or OnlineFlexible Dates
£2,235 to £2,599

Water Chemistry for Thermal Power Station Plant Chemist & Boiler Engineers

By EnergyEdge - Training for a Sustainable Energy Future

About this Training Course This is an advanced chemistry training course for power plant chemists and boiler engineers wishing to expand their knowledge and skills, and to become more effective in their day-to-day roles dealing with thermal power plant chemistry. This 5 full-day course will provide ample opportunity for robust technical discussion and expand on advanced concepts in thermal power plant cycle chemistry. It focuses only on the steam/water aspects of the thermal power cycle. This course is a MUST for all power plant chemists and boiler engineers. It is also beneficial for anyone involved in power plant operation and maintenance because it provides guidelines and rules for improving power plant performance and reliability. Training Objectives Gain a significant increase in understanding of cycle chemistry in steam power plants and the inter-relationships between plant operation, cycle chemistry and potential failure modes due to corrosion and/or deposition throughout the cycle Gain a thorough understanding of all causes of corrosion in a steam power plant and all the methods used to reduce the corrosion rate in a steam power plant Become better equipped to effectively manage the corrosion and deposition risks in a thermal power plant Learn how to reduce failure rate in boilers and steam power plants and improve plant performance Understand condensate polishing and treatment of condensate return to industrial boilers Discover the causes of boiler water contamination and treatment programs Learn about layup and offline corrosion protection Understand water chemistry limits to prevent steam contamination by carryover Learn about boiler water chemistry guidelines and control of steam chemistry Understand high-purity make-up treatment methods Perform demineralizer calculations Perform system design calculations Gain a thorough understanding of mixed bed polishing and reverse osmosis Target Audience Power Plant Chemists Boiler Engineers Engineers involved in the operation and maintenance of power plants Managers Technicians Maintenance personnel Other technical individuals (this seminar is suitable for individuals who do not have a background in chemical engineering) Course Level Advanced Training Methods Your specialist course leader relies on a highly interactive training method to enhance the learning process. This method ensures that all participants gain a complete understanding of all topics covered. The training environment is highly stimulating, challenging, and effective because the participants will learn by case studies which will allow them to apply the material taught to their own organization. Each delegate will receive a copy of the following materials written by the instructor: 'POWER GENERATION HANDBOOK' second edition, published by McGraw-Hill in 2012 in New York (800 pages) Water Chemistry for Thermal Power Plant Chemists and Boiler Engineers Manual (650 pages) Trainer Your specialist course leader has more than 32 years of practical engineering experience with Ontario Power Generation (OPG), one of the largest electric utility in North America. He was previously involved in research on power generation equipment with Atomic Energy of Canada Limited at their Chalk River and Whiteshell Nuclear Research Laboratories. While working at OPG, he acted as a Training Manager, Engineering Supervisor, System Responsible Engineer and Design Engineer. During the period of time, he worked as a Field Engineer and Design Engineer, he was responsible for the operation, maintenance, diagnostics, and testing of gas turbines, steam turbines, generators, motors, transformers, inverters, valves, pumps, compressors, instrumentation and control systems. Further, his responsibilities included designing, engineering, diagnosing equipment problems and recommending solutions to repair deficiencies and improve system performance, supervising engineers, setting up preventive maintenance programs, writing Operating and Design Manuals, and commissioning new equipment. Later, he worked as the manager of a section dedicated to providing training for the staff at the power stations. The training provided by him covered in detail the various equipment and systems used in power stations. In addition, he has taught courses and seminars to more than four thousand working engineers and professionals around the world, specifically Europe and North America. He has been consistently ranked as 'Excellent' or 'Very Good' by the delegates who attended his seminars and lectures. He written 5 books for working engineers from which 3 have been published by McGraw-Hill, New York. Below is a list of the books authored by him; Power Generation Handbook: Gas Turbines, Steam Power Plants, Co-generation, and Combined Cycles, second edition, (800 pages), McGraw-Hill, New York, October 2011. Electrical Equipment Handbook (600 pages), McGraw-Hill, New York, March 2003. Power Plant Equipment Operation and Maintenance Guide (800 pages), McGraw-Hill, New York, January 2012. Industrial Instrumentation and Modern Control Systems (400 pages), Custom Publishing, University of Toronto, University of Toronto Custom Publishing (1999). Industrial Equipment (600 pages), Custom Publishing, University of Toronto, University of Toronto, University of Toronto Custom Publishing (1999). Furthermore, he has received the following awards: The first 'Excellence in Teaching' award offered by PowerEdge, Singapore, in December 2016 The first 'Excellence in Teaching' award offered by the Professional Development Center at University of Toronto (May, 1996). The 'Excellence in Teaching Award' in April 2007 offered by TUV Akademie (TUV Akademie is one of the largest Professional Development centre in world, it is based in Germany and the United Arab Emirates, and provides engineering training to engineers and managers across Europe and the Middle East). Awarded graduation 'With Distinction' from Dalhousie University when completed Bachelor of Engineering degree (1983). Lastly, he was awarded his Bachelor of Engineering Degree 'with distinction' from Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. He also received a Master of Applied Science in Engineering (M.A.Sc.) from the University of Ottawa, Canada. He is also a member of the Association of Professional Engineers in the province of Ontario, Canada. POST TRAINING COACHING SUPPORT (OPTIONAL) To further optimise your learning experience from our courses, we also offer individualized 'One to One' coaching support for 2 hours post training. We can help improve your competence in your chosen area of interest, based on your learning needs and available hours. This is a great opportunity to improve your capability and confidence in a particular area of expertise. It will be delivered over a secure video conference call by one of our senior trainers. They will work with you to create a tailor-made coaching program that will help you achieve your goals faster. Request for further information post training support and fees applicable Accreditions And Affliations

Water Chemistry for Thermal Power Station Plant Chemist & Boiler Engineers
Delivered in Internationally or OnlineFlexible Dates
£3,009 to £3,499

Heat Rate Optimization of Coal Power Plants

By EnergyEdge - Training for a Sustainable Energy Future

About this Virtual Instructor Led Training (VILT)  This 5 half-day virtual course provides a detailed description of all the methods used to reduce the heat rate (increase the efficiency) of pulverized coal and circulating fluidized bed (CFB) coal power plants. All the processes, operational and maintenance activities, capital projects, technical options, potential initiatives and incentives to implement upgrades/repairs for increasing the plant efficiency will be covered in detail. Training Objectives Calculate the Heat Rate of Coal Power Plants: Learn all the methods used to calculate the heat rate of coal power plants Benefits of Lowering the Heat Rate of Coal Power Plants: Understand all the benefits of lowering the heat rate of coal power plants Methods Used to Improve Coal Power Plants Heat Rate: Gain a thorough understanding of all the methods used to improve the heat rate of coal power plants Processes, Operational and Maintenance Activities: Discover all the processes, operational and maintenance activities used to improve the heat rate of coal power plants Capital Projects Used to Improve the Heat Rate: Learn about all the capital projects used to improve the heat rate of coal power plants Technical Options for Improving the Heat Rate: Understand all the technical options used to improve the heat rate of coal power plants Potential Initiatives and Incentives to Implement Upgrades/Repairs for Improving the Heat Rate: Discover all the potential initiatives and incentives to implement upgrades/repairs for improving the heat rate of coal power plants Factors Affecting Coal Power Plant Efficiency and Emissions: Learn about all the factors which affect coal power plants efficiency and emissions Areas in Pulverized Coal and Circulating Fluidized Bed (CFB) Power Plants where Efficiency Loss Can Occur: Discover all the areas in pulverized coal and circulating fluidized bed (CFB) power plants where efficiency loss can occur Optimize the Operation of Coal Power Plant Equipment and Systems to improve the Plant Heat Rate: Understand all the techniques and methods used to optimize the operation of coal power plant equipment and systems to improve the plant heat rate Coal Power Plant Equipment and Systems: Learn about various coal power plant equipment and systems including boilers, superheaters, reheaters, steam turbines, governing systems, deaerators, feedwater heaters, coal-handling equipment, transformers, generators and auxiliaries Target Audience Engineers of all disciplines Managers Technicians Maintenance personnel Other technical individuals Training Methods The VILT will be delivered online in 5 half-day sessions comprising 4 hours per day, with 1 x 10 minutes break per day, including time for lectures, discussion, quizzes and short classroom exercises. Additionally, some self-study will be requested. Participants are invited but not obliged to bring a short presentation (10 mins max) on a practical problem they encountered in their work. This will then be explained and discussed during the VILT. A short test or quiz will be held at the end the course. The instructor relies on a highly interactive training method to enhance the learning process. This method ensures that all the delegates gain a complete understanding of all the topics covered. The training environment is highly stimulating, challenging, and effective because the participants will learn by case studies which will allow them to apply the material taught to their own organization. Trainer Your specialist course leader has more than 32 years of practical engineering experience with Ontario Power Generation (OPG), one of the largest electric utility in North America. He was previously involved in research on power generation equipment with Atomic Energy of Canada Limited at their Chalk River and Whiteshell Nuclear Research Laboratories. While working at OPG, he acted as a Training Manager, Engineering Supervisor, System Responsible Engineer and Design Engineer. During the period of time, he worked as a Field Engineer and Design Engineer, he was responsible for the operation, maintenance, diagnostics, and testing of gas turbines, steam turbines, generators, motors, transformers, inverters, valves, pumps, compressors, instrumentation and control systems. Further, his responsibilities included designing, engineering, diagnosing equipment problems and recommending solutions to repair deficiencies and improve system performance, supervising engineers, setting up preventive maintenance programs, writing Operating and Design Manuals, and commissioning new equipment. Later, he worked as the manager of a section dedicated to providing training for the staff at the power stations. The training provided by him covered in detail the various equipment and systems used in power stations. In addition, he has taught courses and seminars to more than four thousand working engineers and professionals around the world, specifically Europe and North America. He has been consistently ranked as 'Excellent' or 'Very Good' by the delegates who attended his seminars and lectures. He written 5 books for working engineers from which 3 have been published by McGraw-Hill, New York. Below is a list of the books authored by him; Power Generation Handbook: Gas Turbines, Steam Power Plants, Co-generation, and Combined Cycles, second edition, (800 pages), McGraw-Hill, New York, October 2011. Electrical Equipment Handbook (600 pages), McGraw-Hill, New York, March 2003. Power Plant Equipment Operation and Maintenance Guide (800 pages), McGraw-Hill, New York, January 2012. Industrial Instrumentation and Modern Control Systems (400 pages), Custom Publishing, University of Toronto, University of Toronto Custom Publishing (1999). Industrial Equipment (600 pages), Custom Publishing, University of Toronto, University of Toronto, University of Toronto Custom Publishing (1999). Furthermore, he has received the following awards: The first 'Excellence in Teaching' award offered by PowerEdge, Singapore, in December 2016 The first 'Excellence in Teaching' award offered by the Professional Development Center at University of Toronto (May, 1996). The 'Excellence in Teaching Award' in April 2007 offered by TUV Akademie (TUV Akademie is one of the largest Professional Development centre in world, it is based in Germany and the United Arab Emirates, and provides engineering training to engineers and managers across Europe and the Middle East). Awarded graduation 'With Distinction' from Dalhousie University when completed Bachelor of Engineering degree (1983). Lastly, he was awarded his Bachelor of Engineering Degree 'with distinction' from Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. He also received a Master of Applied Science in Engineering (M.A.Sc.) from the University of Ottawa, Canada. He is also a member of the Association of Professional Engineers in the province of Ontario, Canada. POST TRAINING COACHING SUPPORT (OPTIONAL) To further optimise your learning experience from our courses, we also offer individualized 'One to One' coaching support for 2 hours post training. We can help improve your competence in your chosen area of interest, based on your learning needs and available hours. This is a great opportunity to improve your capability and confidence in a particular area of expertise. It will be delivered over a secure video conference call by one of our senior trainers. They will work with you to create a tailor-made coaching program that will help you achieve your goals faster. Request for further information about post training coaching support and fees applicable for this. Accreditions And Affliations

Heat Rate Optimization of Coal Power Plants
Delivered in Internationally or OnlineFlexible Dates
£1,324 to £2,499

Commissioning of Electrical Equipment

By EnergyEdge - Training for a Sustainable Energy Future

About this training course This 5 full-day course provides a comprehensive understanding of all the commissioning and start-up activities of all electrical equipment including transformers, switchgear, induction and synchronous motors, generators and auxiliaries. All commissioning activities are covered in detail in this course. This includes all the commissioning procedures and documents, purpose of commissioning, responsibilities, system description, documentation, testing and commissioning schedules, test reports, safety, certification, and plant completion report. The course provides also a thorough understanding of all the commissioning requirements for transformers, switchgear, induction and synchronous motors and, generator and auxiliaries including its switchgear equipment, switchgear, and transformers. All the stages of the commissioning procedure are covered in-depth in this course. This includes preparation - planning various activities, pre-commissioning checks and tests, typical commissioning schedule, detailed tests and commissioning procedures for every type of transformers, switchgear, induction and synchronous motors, and generators and auxiliary systems, instrumentation, trial run of the equipment, safety and precautions, commissioning of electrical systems, Safety Rules Clearance Certificates, procedure for the control and handling of defects, Commissioning Reports. This course is a MUST for anyone who is involved in the pre-commissioning or commissioning of any electrical equipment because it provides detailed pre-commissioning checks and tests and detailed tests and commissioning procedures for every electrical equipment. In addition, the course provides in-depth coverage of all preparation, planning activities, commissioning schedules, trial run of each electrical equipment, safety and precautions, Safety Rules Clearance Certificates, Procedures for handling defects, and Commissioning Reports. Training Objectives Pre-Commissioning Checks and Tests, Detailed Tests and Commissioning Procedures and Instructions for all Electrical Equipment: Gain a thorough understanding of all pre-commissioning checks and tests, and all commissioning procedures and instructions for all electrical equipment Commissioning Procedures, Documents, and Certification of Electrical Equipment: Discover the benefits of the Commissioning Management System of electrical equipment including all commissioning procedures and documents, purpose of commissioning, responsibilities, system description, documentation, testing and commissioning schedules, test reports, safety, equipment certification, and commissioning completion report Commissioning Procedures for Transformers: Learn about the commissioning procedures for transformers including functional checks, pre-commissioning tests, commissioning tests, and records. Commissioning Procedures for Switchgear Assemblies: Gain a thorough understanding of all the commissioning procedures for switchgear assemblies including substation commissioning, electrical testing, code requirements, safety rules, grounding and shorting, high power testing, NETA acceptance testing procedures, test values analysis, and commissioning forms Commissioning Procedures for Generator and Auxiliaries: Discover all the commissioning procedures for generator and auxiliaries including generator, seal oil system, hydrogen gas system, stator water system, rolling and payment of generator Commissioning Procedures and Instructions for Generator Electrical Equipment: Learn about all the commissioning procedures and instructions for generator electrical equipment including switchyard equipment, switchgear, transformers, and motors Code Requirements for Commissioning Electrical Equipment and Systems: Learn about the code requirements for commissioning transformers, switchgear, inductions and synchronous motors, and generators and auxiliaries Target Audience Engineers of all disciplines Managers Technicians Maintenance personnel Other technical individuals Course Level Basic or Foundation Training Methods Your specialist course leader relies on a highly interactive training method to enhance the learning process. This method ensures that all participants gain a complete understanding of all topics covered. The training environment is highly stimulating, challenging, and effective because the participants will learn by case studies which will allow them to apply the material taught to their own organization. Each delegate will receive a copy of the following materials written by the instructor: 'ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT HANDBOOK' published by McGraw-Hill in 2003 (600 pages) ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT COMMISSIONING MANUAL (includes practical information about all pre-commissioning checks and tests, typical commissioning schedule, detailed tests and commissioning procedures and instructions for all electrical equipment - 500 pages) Trainer Your specialist course leader has more than 32 years of practical engineering experience with Ontario Power Generation (OPG), one of the largest electric utility in North America. He was previously involved in research on power generation equipment with Atomic Energy of Canada Limited at their Chalk River and Whiteshell Nuclear Research Laboratories. While working at OPG, he acted as a Training Manager, Engineering Supervisor, System Responsible Engineer and Design Engineer. During the period of time, he worked as a Field Engineer and Design Engineer, he was responsible for the operation, maintenance, diagnostics, and testing of gas turbines, steam turbines, generators, motors, transformers, inverters, valves, pumps, compressors, instrumentation and control systems. Further, his responsibilities included designing, engineering, diagnosing equipment problems and recommending solutions to repair deficiencies and improve system performance, supervising engineers, setting up preventive maintenance programs, writing Operating and Design Manuals, and commissioning new equipment. Later, he worked as the manager of a section dedicated to providing training for the staff at the power stations. The training provided by him covered in detail the various equipment and systems used in power stations. In addition, he has taught courses and seminars to more than four thousand working engineers and professionals around the world, specifically Europe and North America. He has been consistently ranked as 'Excellent' or 'Very Good' by the delegates who attended his seminars and lectures. He written 5 books for working engineers from which 3 have been published by McGraw-Hill, New York. Below is a list of the books authored by him; Power Generation Handbook: Gas Turbines, Steam Power Plants, Co-generation, and Combined Cycles, second edition, (800 pages), McGraw-Hill, New York, October 2011. Electrical Equipment Handbook (600 pages), McGraw-Hill, New York, March 2003. Power Plant Equipment Operation and Maintenance Guide (800 pages), McGraw-Hill, New York, January 2012. Industrial Instrumentation and Modern Control Systems (400 pages), Custom Publishing, University of Toronto, University of Toronto Custom Publishing (1999). Industrial Equipment (600 pages), Custom Publishing, University of Toronto, University of Toronto, University of Toronto Custom Publishing (1999). Furthermore, he has received the following awards: The first 'Excellence in Teaching' award offered by PowerEdge, Singapore, in December 2016 The first 'Excellence in Teaching' award offered by the Professional Development Center at University of Toronto (May, 1996). The 'Excellence in Teaching Award' in April 2007 offered by TUV Akademie (TUV Akademie is one of the largest Professional Development centre in world, it is based in Germany and the United Arab Emirates, and provides engineering training to engineers and managers across Europe and the Middle East). Awarded graduation 'With Distinction' from Dalhousie University when completed Bachelor of Engineering degree (1983). Lastly, he was awarded his Bachelor of Engineering Degree 'with distinction' from Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. He also received a Master of Applied Science in Engineering (M.A.Sc.) from the University of Ottawa, Canada. He is also a member of the Association of Professional Engineers in the province of Ontario, Canada. POST TRAINING COACHING SUPPORT (OPTIONAL) To further optimise your learning experience from our courses, we also offer individualized 'One to One' coaching support for 2 hours post training. We can help improve your competence in your chosen area of interest, based on your learning needs and available hours. This is a great opportunity to improve your capability and confidence in a particular area of expertise. It will be delivered over a secure video conference call by one of our senior trainers. They will work with you to create a tailor-made coaching program that will help you achieve your goals faster. Request for further information post training support and fees applicable Accreditions And Affliations

Commissioning of Electrical Equipment
Delivered in Internationally or OnlineFlexible Dates
£3,009 to £3,499

About this training course This 5 full-day course will cover all aspects of steam turbines including design and features of modern turbines, material, rotor balancing, features enhancing the reliability and maintainability of steam turbines, rotor dynamic analysis, Campbell, Goodman and SAFE diagrams, Blade failures: causes and solutions, maintenance and overhaul of steam turbines, and modeling of steam turbines. This course will also cover in detail all the components of these turbines, instrumentation, control systems, governing systems, and selection criteria. The main focus of this course will be on the failure modes of steam turbine components, causes and solutions for component failure, maintenance, refurbishment and overhaul, rotor dynamic analysis of steam turbines, and computer simulation of steam turbine rotor dynamics. All possible failure modes of steam turbine components and the maintenance required to prevent them will be discussed in detail. Examples of rotor dynamic analysis, and stability criteria will be covered thoroughly. This course will also provide up-dated information in respect to all the methods used to enhance the availability, reliability, and maintainability of steam turbines, increase the efficiency and longevity of steam turbines, and improve the rotor dynamic stability. This course will also cover in detail all steam turbine valves, jacking oil system, turning gear, turbine supervisory system, steam turbine monitoring technology, validation, and verification tests, performance testing of steam turbines and steam turbine codes especially ASME PTC6. Training Objectives Steam Turbine Components and Systems: Learn about all components and systems of the various types of steam turbines such as: stationary and rotating blades, casings, rotor, seals, bearings, and lubrication systems Steam Turbine Failure Modes, Inspection, Diagnostic Testing, and Maintenance: Understand all the failure modes of steam turbine components, causes and solutions of steam turbine component failure, inspection, diagnostic testing, and all maintenance activities required for steam turbines to minimize their operating cost and maximize their efficiency, reliability, and longevity. Steam Turbine Instrumentation and Control Systems: Learn about the latest instrumentation, control systems, and governing systems of steam turbines Steam Turbine Reliability and Maintainability: Increase your knowledge about all the methods used to enhance the reliability and maintainability of steam turbines as well as the predictive and preventive maintenance required for steam turbines Steam Turbine Selection and Applications: Gain a detailed understanding of the selection considerations and applications of steam turbines in steam power plants, co-generation, combined-cycle plants, and drivers for compressors pumps, etc Steam Turbine Valves, Load-Frequency Control, Turbine Bypass Systems, and Steam Turbine Superheater Attemperators: Gain a thorough understanding of all steam turbine valves, load-frequency control, turbine bypass systems, and steam turbine superheater attemperators Jacking Oil System and Turning Gear: Learn about the turbine jacking oil system and turning gear operation Turbine Supervisory System: Gain a thorough understanding of the turbine supervisory system Steam Turbine Monitoring Technology, Validation, and Verification Tests for Power Plants: Learn about steam turbine monitoring technology, validation, and verification tests for power plants Steam Turbine Codes: Learn about steam turbine codes including ASME PTC6, DIN Test Code, and International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) Doc 1, IEC Doc B Steam Turbine Rotor Dynamic Analysis, Campbell, Goodman, and SAFE Diagrams: Gain a thorough understanding of steam turbine rotor dynamic analysis, Campbell, Goodman, and SAFE diagrams Target Audience Engineers of all disciplines Managers Technicians Maintenance personnel Other technical individuals Training Methods Your specialist course leader relies on a highly interactive training method to enhance the learning process. This method ensures that all participants gain a complete understanding of all topics covered. The training environment is highly stimulating, challenging, and effective because the participants will learn by case studies which will allow them to apply the material taught to their own organization. Each delegate will receive a copy of the following materials written by the instructor: Excerpt of the relevant chapters from the 'POWER GENERATION HANDBOOK' second edition published by McGraw-Hill in 2012 (800 pages) Excerpt of the relevant chapters from the 'POWER PLANT EQUIPMENT OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE GUIDE' published by McGraw-Hill in 2012 (800 pages) STEAM TURBINE TECHNOLOGY MANUAL (includes practical information about steam turbines maintenance, testing, and refurbishment - 500 pages) Trainer Your specialist course leader has more than 32 years of practical engineering experience with Ontario Power Generation (OPG), one of the largest electric utility in North America. He was previously involved in research on power generation equipment with Atomic Energy of Canada Limited at their Chalk River and Whiteshell Nuclear Research Laboratories. While working at OPG, he acted as a Training Manager, Engineering Supervisor, System Responsible Engineer and Design Engineer. During the period of time, he worked as a Field Engineer and Design Engineer, he was responsible for the operation, maintenance, diagnostics, and testing of gas turbines, steam turbines, generators, motors, transformers, inverters, valves, pumps, compressors, instrumentation and control systems. Further, his responsibilities included designing, engineering, diagnosing equipment problems and recommending solutions to repair deficiencies and improve system performance, supervising engineers, setting up preventive maintenance programs, writing Operating and Design Manuals, and commissioning new equipment. Later, he worked as the manager of a section dedicated to providing training for the staff at the power stations. The training provided by him covered in detail the various equipment and systems used in power stations. In addition, he has taught courses and seminars to more than four thousand working engineers and professionals around the world, specifically Europe and North America. He has been consistently ranked as 'Excellent' or 'Very Good' by the delegates who attended his seminars and lectures. He written 5 books for working engineers from which 3 have been published by McGraw-Hill, New York. Below is a list of the books authored by him; Power Generation Handbook: Gas Turbines, Steam Power Plants, Co-generation, and Combined Cycles, second edition, (800 pages), McGraw-Hill, New York, October 2011. Electrical Equipment Handbook (600 pages), McGraw-Hill, New York, March 2003. Power Plant Equipment Operation and Maintenance Guide (800 pages), McGraw-Hill, New York, January 2012. Industrial Instrumentation and Modern Control Systems (400 pages), Custom Publishing, University of Toronto, University of Toronto Custom Publishing (1999). Industrial Equipment (600 pages), Custom Publishing, University of Toronto, University of Toronto, University of Toronto Custom Publishing (1999). Furthermore, he has received the following awards: The first 'Excellence in Teaching' award offered by PowerEdge, Singapore, in December 2016 The first 'Excellence in Teaching' award offered by the Professional Development Center at University of Toronto (May, 1996). The 'Excellence in Teaching Award' in April 2007 offered by TUV Akademie (TUV Akademie is one of the largest Professional Development centre in world, it is based in Germany and the United Arab Emirates, and provides engineering training to engineers and managers across Europe and the Middle East). Awarded graduation 'With Distinction' from Dalhousie University when completed Bachelor of Engineering degree (1983). Lastly, he was awarded his Bachelor of Engineering Degree 'with distinction' from Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. He also received a Master of Applied Science in Engineering (M.A.Sc.) from the University of Ottawa, Canada. He is also a member of the Association of Professional Engineers in the province of Ontario, Canada. POST TRAINING COACHING SUPPORT (OPTIONAL) To further optimise your learning experience from our courses, we also offer individualized 'One to One' coaching support for 2 hours post training. We can help improve your competence in your chosen area of interest, based on your learning needs and available hours. This is a great opportunity to improve your capability and confidence in a particular area of expertise. It will be delivered over a secure video conference call by one of our senior trainers. They will work with you to create a tailor-made coaching program that will help you achieve your goals faster. Request for further information post training support and fees applicable Accreditions And Affliations

Steam Turbine Technology
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£3,009 to £3,499