Embark on a transformative journey to become a qualified MHFAider®. Master your skills and learn how to spot and support people with mental health issues and make a difference whether at work, volunteering, or in your community.
International markets offer huge Export opportunities for UK businesses. Finding and developing new markets for products is a hugely valuable avenue for expansion and in some sectors in particular, global demand for British brands and products makes international trade an excellent means of growth.
The Designated Safeguarding Lead Advanced Course is an expert-led update and refresher course for school and college DSLs and their Deputies. It is an extensive, authoritative and highly rated, full-day training course that ensures DSL/DDSLs have the most comprehensive, effective and up-to-date knowledge and strategies in place to lead the safeguarding provision in their setting.
The New to the Role of Designated Safeguarding Lead Course is an expert-led course for those new to the role of school / college DSLs and or Deputy DSL.