This session will combine knowledge as well as practical interactive scenarios to work through to assist delegates in evaluating themselves to identify areas they might need to improve on. The course will cover: The purpose of the role (reminder) How the role has evolved What lessons can be gained so far How do you create a culture of compliance What good systems, policies and procedures look like Easy tips on what, where and how you should be looking Target Audience This online course is suitable for those new to the COFA role, those supporting the COFA and for those that would like a refresher of the role and their responsibilities. Resources An information pack including the course slides, scenarios and suggested answers will be provided to all delegates, which may be useful for ongoing reference. Please note a recording of the course will not be made available. Speaker Sarah Charlton, Consultant, DG Legal Sarah has a BSc (Hons) in Applied Accounting and is a Fellow member of the Association of Chartered and Certified Accountants. Her career spans over 35 years working within the legal sector, fulfilling roles from COFA through to CEO. During her career she has worked with a number of legal regulators, professional bodies and government organisations. Sarah has been a member of the Institute of Legal Finance and Management throughout her career, qualifying as a Fellow member in 2005. Sarah also served as chairperson between 2010-2012 and continues to serve as an Executive Council Member.
University First and Second Year - Diploma in Business Management (Level 4&5) - Pathway to BA (Hons) Business Management Level 4 Diploma in Business Management - 8 -12 months - 120 Credits Level 5 Diploma in Business Management - 8 - 12 months - 120 Credits Level 4 is the equivalent of the first year of a Bachelor’s Degree programme. it provides students with 120 university credits upon completion. Level 5 is the equivalent to the second year of a Bachelor’s Degree programme, it provides students with 120 university credits upon completion. It is also equivalent to an HND diploma. Course Details Each module consists of 40 guided learning hours of material with an additional 30-50 hours worth of optional materials which comprise of recommended exercises, recommended readings and internet resources. Within the modules are self-testing exercises. You must take care in answering these. Although they are not marked nor do they count towards your final assessment, the marking is tested against your scoring on the final assessment to check for consistency of score. The modules are written against prescribed learning outcomes defined by the Qualifications and Credit Framework (QCF) administered by Ofqual, the Government appointed regulator. In addition, the learning outcomes are articulated against MSBM Awarding Bodies curriculum who is a recognised awarding body monitored and assessed by QAA, the Quality Assurance Agency, the Government appointed quality assurance body. Successful completion of the full Level 4/5 Extended Diploma in Business Management and final year of an accredited Undergraduate Degree programme, will give students the right credentials to go on and apply for a job in marketing, accounting, human resources, management or business consultancy. Accreditation All MSBM courses are accredited by the relevant partners and awarding bodies. Please refer to MSBM accreditation in about us for more details. University Progression University Top-up On completion of this course, students have the opportunity to complete a Bachelors degree programme from a range of UK universities. The top-up programme can be studied online or on campus. The top-up comprises the final 120 credits which consist of either a dissertation or a dissertation and one module. Examples of University Progression BA (Hons) in Business Management (top-up) awarded by the University of Chichester delivered through London Graduate School. Anglia Ruskin University - BA (Hons) Management (Top-Up). Entry Requirements For entry into Level 4 or 5 Diploma in Business Management, learners must possess the following: * Relevant/Local Board of Examination Result in your Country, which must include at least 5 'C' Grades in English and 4 other subjects. * Mock Examination Result can also be accepted for initial Conditional Admission, pending the release of the Board of Examination Result. (This is assessed on a case by case basis) * Learner must be 18 years or older at the start of the Course. OR * Mature Learners (21 years or older) with work experience in supervisory, leadership or management roles. (This is assessed on a case by case basis). Workshops Workshops are conducted by live webinars for online students. Classroom workshops are available if there is a local branch in your country. Speak our course advisors on this subject. Visa Requirements There is no Visa requirement for this programme.
How can I use reflection to improve my practice
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Better relationships intensive training programme One on one dating coaching Better relationships programme and Relationship assessment overview 5 Day Holiday in mystery 5 star location (Clear mind and relaxation) 2 day therapy in 5 star Luxury London hotel Luxury spa retreat and treatment by celebrity facialist World famous celebrity dentist teeth whitening treatment Free M.D.D Membership for 1 year Assess your love life and enjoy a vacation and bespoke luxury package created by your M.D.D date coach to tailor to your specific needs and problem areas enjoy a first-class experience and let the M.D.D help you embrace a new and bright future and assist you with a beautiful transition to the love life you desire and a happier, confident, enriched mind.Let all your strengths and abilities be harnessed to propel you to great success with this intensive package Price on application
What is Person Centred Planning? How is it different to any other kind of meeting or planning? On this day all will become clear… Give your team the opportunity to pause and reflect on what matters most to them about the work they do. The act of listening to each other creates relationship and strengthens trust and inclusion within the team – in creating a shared vision, groups of people build a sense of commitment together. They develop images of ‘the future we want to create together’, along with the values that will be important in getting there and the goals they want to see achieved along the way. Unfortunately, many people still think ’vision’ is the top leader’s job. In schools, the ‘vision task’ usually falls to the Headteacher and/or the governors or it comes in a glossy document from the local authority or the DfES. But visions based on authority are not sustainable. Making inclusive action plans using full participation and graphic facilitation Drawing on the planning tools MAPS and PATH (Pearpoint, Forest and O’Brien 1997) and other facilitation sources we use both process and graphic facilitation to enable the group to build their picture of what they would love to see happening within their organisation/community in the future and we encourage this to be a positive naming, not just a list of the things they want to avoid. Jack Pearpoint, Marsha Forest and John O’Brien developed these innovative approaches in North America and they are being used successfully in many parts of the UK. The planning can focus on an individual, group or organisation and provides a powerful problem solving opportunity, which is flexible and robust enough for many occasions. Tell the story, find the dream, touch the nightmare, and explore who you are, what are the gifts and strengths of the person or group, what are the needs of those present and what is the action plan for the future? Learning objectives Participants understand Person Centred Planning and its values and applications Participants have skills and confidence to facilitate PATH/MAP processes Participants learn graphic as well as process facilitation skills Strengthens practitioners inclusive practice Provides additional tools for those involved in inclusive work in schools and the community Further develop problem solving and planning skills Course Content The course answers the questions: Need to find new ways to bring Pathway Planning alive? Bored with annual reviews, transition plans and review meetings? Want to find a way of making meetings and planning feel more real and engaging? Need an approach, which engages a young person respectfully together with his or her family and friends? Want the ultimate visual record of the process of a meeting, which will help everyone, keep track? Want to problem solve and plan for the future of a small or large group, service or organisation up to the size of an LA? Inclusive Solutions offer an introductory day to person centred planning or a 3 – 10 session course which is practical as well as values based. Participants will receive direct individualised coaching and training. We will cover: The person being at the centre Family members and friends being full partners Planning reflecting the person’s capacities, what is important to the person and specifying the support they require to make a full contribution to their community Planning building a shared commitment to action that will uphold the person’s rights Planning leading to continual listening, learning and action and helping the person get what they want out of life. Essential Lifestyle Planning, PATH MAPS Personal Futures Planning.
Restorative Interventions in Schools A “Restorative Solution” is a non-adversarial approach to conflict resolution where the person who has done something wrong in a given situation becomes accountable to those s/he has harmed. This person is then given the opportunity to “make up” for their inappropriate behaviour through agreement and reparation. An intervention can involve a formal conference, or it can be a simple conversation on a corridor or playground. Restorative Interventions work with all ages of young people, and the techniques can be used in parental meetings, can prevent exclusions and challenge poor behaviour. Our feedback tells us that when problems between young people are addressed in this way, those problems rarely reoccur. Course Category Behaviour and Relationships Teaching and Learning Description Restorative Interventions in Schools A “Restorative Solution” is a non-adversarial approach to conflict resolution where the person who has done something wrong in a given situation becomes accountable to those s/he has harmed. This person is then given the opportunity to “make up” for their inappropriate behaviour through agreement and reparation. An intervention can involve a formal conference, or it can be a simple conversation on a corridor or playground. Restorative Interventions work with all ages of young people, and the techniques can be used in parental meetings, can prevent exclusions and challenge poor behaviour. Our feedback tells us that when problems between young people are addressed in this way, those problems rarely reoccur. Also Available on line– self paced learning… give it a try! Testimonials ‘Interesting. A different approach. Another ‘weapon’ in the armoury. Will try to use.’ ‘Made me think how I can approach confrontations differently. Useful, reminded me where my focus should be and that things will be difficult at times, but that’s no excuse to stay in the comfort zone!’ ‘Excellent day. Lots of ideas to take away and use on a daily basis. Thanks.’ ‘Nice to do some work on behaviour without sanctions and restraints in mind’ Learning Objectives To introduce participants to Restorative Interventions To develop understanding of value and role in developing inclusive practice of Restorative Interventions To develop and practise Restorative Intervention skills processes Opportunity to reflect on professional practice Mutual support established with other ‘front line’ practitioners Who Is It For ? Multi Agency Teams Social workers CAMHS teams Year Managers Primary and secondary staff Early Years and School based Practitioners Heads and Deputies SENCOs Advanced Skills Teachers Primary and secondary teachers Local Authority Support Services Course Content This can be introduced in one day or as a workshop but is better offered over a series of sessions. The course answers the questions: What should we do if rewards and punishments do not work? Can we find an alternative process to recommending permanent exclusion or special unit or school placement? Struggling with a child for whom praise and sanctions seem ineffective? Want to develop a more restorative school or team? I need a process which works with relationships not just behaviour. What will work for our relationships policy? This day’s training will enable participants to facilitate Short Restorative Conferences, and will suggest ways of working with young people and others that will help to repair broken relationships, and challenge some difficult behaviour. Including all those affected by an incident in its resolution is a powerful way of producing significant improvements in behaviour. We will cover: What are restorative solutions? Background and detailed teaching of processes Inclusion values underpinning this work Processes modelled and opportunities to try process out Practical setting up of restorative conferences Stories and outcomes
Person Centred Planning (PCP) is a powerful tool for visioning, future planning and team building. It gets everyone on the same page and creates a progressive, constructive atmosphere so it is especially useful for people who are feeling ‘stuck’ or in a really desperate situation. The PCP processes we teach are called “PATH” and “MAPs”, and are both used for different situations. “To facilitate a group, family, team or organisation in thinking together around a given challenge or issue. Here is an opportunity to experience for real the person centred, futures planning tool – MAP/PATH” (Pearpoint, Forest, O’Brien. 1989). PCP can focus on an individual, with family and friends in the room supporting them, or focus on a group who want to set goals, and realise their potential as a team. PCP focuses on hopes and dreams, so is a very positive approach to planning, and utilises graphic facilitation, making it a very friendly way of working that is accessible to everyone. This unique, hands on PCP training course explores the difference between ‘person-centred thinking’ and ‘service-centred thinking’. Traditionally, we have not always listened deeply enough to the needs of those we are planning for. Often ‘medical model’ thinking dominates our planning for those with the most complex needs. Typically we plan ‘about’ rather than ‘with’ children and adults. We examine this ‘service centred’ approach that most professionals are used to, and question its limitations. This values based approach to inclusion will give participants the ‘theory’ behind why thinking and working in a person centred way is so important, and challenges people to strive for more for the people we are planning around. In addition to the knowledge and theory, this course empowers participants to facilitate their own Person Centred Plans using the PATH or MAPs process and provides the skills to do this effectively. Learning objectives Strengthen understanding of how to think in a person centred way Knowledge of the steps of PATH / MAPs process Ability to facilitate PATH/MAPs process Ability to graphically facilitate a PCP meeting Develop problem solving and planning skills Inclusive Solutions offer: We could provide training for a team of staff, or we could facilitate a PATH or MAP around a disabled person. We can also offer bespoke training packages, please enquire for more details. 1 day “Introduction to PCP” with up to 100 attendees focusing on ‘Person Centred Thinking’ – includes live demonstration of PATH or MAPs Process (for a member of the group / with a student and their family/friends). 2 day “PCP Skills training” – More skills focused, lots of practice. Includes Graphics academy, Process academy and Coaching (Best with under 30 attendees). 2 day “Introduction to PCP with Skills training” – includes live demonstration of PATH or MAPs process, Graphics academy, Process academy and Coaching (Best with under 30 attendees). Half day PATH or MAP for a disabled person, led by two experienced Inclusive Solutions facilitators. Full day PATH or MAP for a team, organisation or group such as a full school staff led by two experienced Inclusive Solutions facilitators. Typical Structure of 2-Day “Introduction to PCP with Skills” Training This course is most useful when delivered over 2 days so we have time to cover the ‘skills’ behind facilitating a PATH or a MAP. Here is an example of what usually happens. If you need us to, we can tailor any of our courses to suit your specific needs. Day 1 AM What makes a good welcome?Service centred thinking and working – what does it involve, how does it make people feel?Reflections on current practices – what is useful and what is harmful?Introduction to underpinning values of person centred thinking and working In depth exploration of the fundamentals of inclusion – encouraging identity, focusing on gifts and capacities Sharing success stories, and personal insight from experienced psychologistsShowcasing a number of practical PCP process in actionIntroduction to the “5 service accomplishments”, or “5 ordinary needs” PM Full PATH process demonstration, led by 2 experienced facilitators – one process facilitator and one graphic facilitatorVolunteers will make notes on what they see the facilitators doing and feedback at the end of the dayFeedback, Q&A Day 2 AM Graphics Academy – we will ease you into the world of graphic facilitation and show you how simple it really is – includes live coaching and graphics tutorial, then participants will practice on each other by facilitating the first 1 or 2 sections of the PATH Process Academy – we will give you some pointers about holding the group, and facilitating in an inclusive way, this is another chance to practice your new graphics skills PM The group is divided up, and volunteers are selected to facilitate PATH meetings The group then run the PATH’s simultaneously with an experienced coaches in the room to guide and to be available for questionsWe reconvene to feedback about the process and digest all we have learntBrief Q&A session and then final reflections
Expert Body Shape Fillers Package includes: Fat-Dissolving injections – Fillers BBL (Brazilian Buttocks Lift ) with Filler – Non Surgical Threads lift injectables for body Entry requirements Registered Medical professional Level – Beauty Therapist Dental Nurse Physiotherapist Holds at least 6 months experience with needles (micro-needling, microblading, tattooing, vaccinations, phlebotomy and more) NOTE! After booking we will contact you for scheduling the exact course date! Courses dates are subject to change due to mentors availability. We will inform you via email if a date becomes available! Additional information ATTENDANCE ONLINE (Theory), IN CLINIC (Practice) EXPERT LEVEL Fat-Dissolving injections – Fillers BBL (Brazilian Buttocks Lift ) with Filler – Non Surgical PDO Threads lift injectables for body PRP/ Mesotherapy Training Course Choose Online Theory or In-Clinic with practice 4 Days Intensive Courses (1 Week)