Managers and leaders use power every day, many feel reluctant to use it or even to admit that it is part of their job. However, using power effectively is an important skill and by developing influencing techniques can lead to increased effectiveness in a team. This course describes the sources of power and strategies and assesses your abilities in line with these. Power should contribute to organisational goals, respect human rights and conform to standards of equality and justice.
Much of management is about finding creative solutions to problems and identifying the appropriate course of action. Creativity and originality explores the power of the mind in bringing things into being from original thought or basic concepts. This course sets out to demonstrate how the power of imagination can build on original thoughts to create solutions and plans, which contribute to workplace performance.
An interesting aspect of job knowledge is that the majority of people believe they understand their job until they are asked to explain it. This course sets out to examine your professional, specialist or expert knowledge and understanding that are especially required in your job.
Objective setting is the foundation of all good management. Without objectives, you will never be able to focus on achievement, nor manage the various aspects of your work and working relationships. This course covers your ability to think through and define the results you and your team wish to achieve in the future, taking you through an eight-step process, which is constantly subject to change and review.
This course looks at the ability to plan and control the decision making process so that better quality decisions are made at the right time. Decision-making is often a team process and high quality decisions are very much dependent on team involvement and commitment.
Personal character is the sum of your moral and ethical qualities. It is these same qualities that provide the foundation for your working relationships. This course helps you to reflect on your work behaviour and how this manifests itself in terms of integrity. Without this it is impossible to lead and manage a team with any degree of lasting success. Nor is it possible to survive in an organisation, which is not dedicated to ethical relationships.
To achieve optimum performance and long-term success all organisations have to respond and adapt to the external environment. Similarly, all job specifications within an organisation are conditioned by the plans that need to be followed in order to change. This course addresses the ability you require in having the knowledge and understanding of your organisation’s objectives, strategies and plans as well as your knowledge of the external environment in relation to political, social, financial and market competitive forces that affect your organisation.
People at work spend a substantial amount of time in meetings: a typical manager can spend half of their work time in meetings of one sort or another. This course looks at the ability to plan and control your meetings and make effective use of your time. Well-run meetings rely upon proper planning, preparation, selection of participants, adherence to issues and time schedules. Meetings also play an important part in the maintenance of good teamwork, supporting working relationships and focusing the team on superior work performance.
Leaders and managers are unlikely to be effective if they do not understand the theories and practices of motivation. What you believe about people materially affects the way your team reacts to you and your leadership. This course focuses on the inherent needs of people and how to improve productivity and motivate a workforce. The level of motivation displayed by a team is a reflection of the skills of the leader.
Managers and leaders use power every day, many feel reluctant to use it or even to admit that it is part of their job. However, using power effectively is an important skill and by developing influencing techniques can lead to increased effectiveness in a team. This course describes the sources of power and strategies and assesses your abilities in line with these. Power should contribute to organisational goals, respect human rights and conform to standards of equality and justice.