An hour long educational and inspirational introduction to person centred planning in action
Transforming your approach to the behaviour of autistic children
A radically respectful approach to understanding the different movement of those with Autism - ADHD - Cerebral Palsy - Tourettes
Fresh approach to understanding and managing the movement of children with ADHD
Learn a 40 minute Group problem solving process that allows for interaction and theory building
Transforming our approaches to meeting boys emotional needs with some radical fresh thinking
A 1 hour guide to building a Circle of Support around a disabled adult
A 45 minute Guide to the problems of Psychometric Assessment and some fresh more inclusive alternatives
Talking respectfully and with good manners with people of other races - what does it take? Featuring respected educational psychologist and Associate working in Southwark -Â Marsha DouglasWe continue the #BLM conversation that needs to continue right now if we are all to be stronger, more respectful and inclusive.
An exploration of trust, feeling different and the key terminology and concepts needed to understand your own racism and unconscious bias