Understand the three components of curiosity and how to use them in your situation. Avoid pitfalls that cloud our ability to interpret messages accurately. Discover how to increase your ability to interpret messages accurately and how to develop curiosity. Learning Objectives Implement three components of curiosity, Interpret intended messages correctly, Control mental filters Target Audience Managers, Team Leaders, Young Professionals, Sales Professionals, Customer Service Teams
Trust is our confidence in the integrity, strength, and competence of someone to meet our expectations. Discover the four keys to building a professional 'trust fund'. We will guide you how to deliver and receive feedback while maintain trust. Understand the behaviors that feed trust and those that starve trust. Learning Objectives Establish a 'Trust Fund', Explain how to maintain trust during feedback, Implement five behaviors that show respect Target Audience Managers, Team Leaders, Young Professionals, Sales Professionals, Customer Service Teams
Providing effective feedback and maintaining a continuous performance management process are essential components of ensuring employee growth and productivity. Discover the skills needed to deliver constructive feedback and facilitate ongoing performance discussions. Participants will learn how to provide feedback that motivates and fosters development, set clear performance expectations, and engage in regular, meaningful conversations that drive continuous improvement. By mastering these skills, participants can create a performance-driven culture that enhances employee satisfaction, development, and organizational success. Learning Objectives The following are some of the key outcomes in this course: Recognize the significance of feedback in enhancing employee performance, motivation, engagement, and self-awareness Learn a structured approach to delivering effective feedback Understand key principles for delivering effective feedback Grasp the concept of continuous performance management Learn practical methods for implementing continuous performance management Target Audience Managers, Team Leaders, Young Professionals
Moments of Truth are 'touch points' in time that a customer evaluates when giving you a service 'score.' Apply our 10 tips for great greetings md introductions. Discover why it is important to choose your opening words selectively. We will show you how to strike the perfect balance between professionalism and 'personalism'. Learning Objectives Describe the Primary Effect's influence on first impressions, Implement effective greeting words choices, Balance professionalism with personalism Target Audience Managers, Team Leaders, Young Professionals, Sales Professionals, Customer Service Teams
Concentrating to hear messages is the first phase of authentic listening. Understand why verbal, vocal, and visual messages need to be congruent in order to be believable. Discover how to be fully present and use our tips for improved concentration. Learning Objectives The following are some of the key outcomes in this course: Summarize concentration challenges Explain how to be a congruent communicator Apply tips for increasing concentration Target Audience Managers, Team Leaders, Young Professionals, Sales Professionals, Customer Service Teams
Managing safety and health is an integral part of managing a business. Businesses need to do a risk assessment to find out about the hazards and risks in their workplace(s) and put measures in place to effectively control them to ensure these hazards and risks cannot cause harm to workers. We have the following eight courses in this series : Wearing Safety Equipment Understanding OSHA's Focus Four Construction Hazards Using Equipment Properly Ergonomics and Safe Lifting, Pushing and Pulling Preventing Slips, Trips, and Falls Ladder Safety Fundamentals Eye Safety Fundamentals in the W Learning Objectives The following are some of the key outcomes in this course: Understand OSHA's Focus Four Construction Hazards Wearing safety equipment and using it the correct way Discuss about Ergonomics and different ways of safe lifting, pushing and pulling Explain the importance of Ergonomics What Are slips, trips, and falls? Discuss ladder safety fundamentals Discuss Eye Safety Fundamentals in the Workplace Target Audience Human Resources Professionals. Managers, Team Leaders, Young Professionals Course Outline 1. Wearing Safety Equipment Wearing the proper safety equipment will minimize your risk of injury on the job, and is also required by law. Noncompliance could result in fines and the closing of the job site. 2. Understanding OSHA's Focus Four Construction Hazards In this lesson, you'll take an important step toward avoiding the most common construction and manufacturing fatalities by getting familiar with OSHA's focus four hazards. You'll learn to define each risk, and recognize and work toward preventing them. 3. Using Equipment Properly Heavy equipment-related accidents are responsible for thousands of on-the-job injuries, and even deaths, every year. When you work around this type of equipment day in and day out, you might find yourself becoming complacent and forgetful about safety. However, it's crucial to always remember the potential dangers of working around heavy equipment, as well as how to mitigate them. 4. Ergonomics and Safe Lifting, Pushing and Pulling Understand why it's critical to address work-related injuries proactively, then learn techniques to reduce the risk of harm when lifting, pushing, or pulling heavy objects. Learn how to set up a safe and comfortable work space-at home or in the office. 5. Preventing Slips, Trips, and Falls Explore the difference between slips, trips, and falls. Then learn how to recognize and remove potential slip, trip, and fall hazards to avoid injury. 6. Ladder Safety Fundamentals Learn the fundamentals of ladder safety. First, learn how to choose, inspect, and set up a ladder correctly. Then, explore best practices to prevent falls while working from ladders. 7. Eye Safety Fundamentals in the Workplace Here's the bad news: Workplace eye injuries are common. The good news? Most of them are preventable when you know and follow the fundamentals of eye safety. In this lesson, you'll learn the basics of eye safety in the workplace and get tips for avoiding common hazards that can lead to potentially serious eye damage. 8. Eliminate Fire Hazards A fire can break out anywhere and can be extremely destructive, even deadly. Every year, thousands of workplace fires cause injury and damage to property. Respect these do's and don'ts to prevent a fire.
What elements do you require for a project plan and how do you create a work breakdown structure? Let us help you to take the trouble out project planning. This course will teach you three steps to take when scheduling work and why it is important to schedule correctly as this will add to the success of the project. Learning Objectives Getting project budgets in control Target Audience Managers, Team Leaders, Young Professionals, Sales Professionals, Customer Service Teams
This course will ensure that you have the correct knowledge for the start of any project. We will help you understand the basic project management terminology and how to set the project up for success. Know the meaning of words in project management like life cycle, milestone, project charter, SOW and scope. Human capital will be an important component for the project success and this course will help you with guidelines to choose the core project team and set the rules and guidelines for the team. Learning Objectives Summarize decisions to be made in the project definition phase, Identify stakeholders, Explain how to choose the core project team, Apply six criteria for defining effective project goals Target Audience Managers, Team Leaders, Young Professionals, Sales Professionals, Customer Service Teams
The Primacy Effect influences lasting impressions, determining the quality of the relationship in the future. Moments of Truth are 'touch points' in time that a customer evaluates when giving you a service 'score.' Understand the ten tips for great greetings and introductions. Choose your opening words wisely and we will show you how to balance professionalism with 'personalism.' Learning Objectives Explain the Primary Effect's influence on first impressions, Apply 10 tips for great greetings, Identify how to use name tags and professional greeters when appropriate, Implement effective greeting words choices Target Audience Managers, Team Leaders, Young Professionals, Sales Professionals, Customer Service Teams
How do you use the six influence techniques? Understand how to use persuasion, asserting, visioning, involving, disengaging and the 'Z' model. Be in control and master the skill to spot the required influence technique to achieve the desired result. Learning Objectives Describe how to use six influence techniques, Apply guidelines for each methods, Utilize a "Z" model to increase influence when you have no authority Target Audience Managers, Team Leaders, Young Professionals, Sales Professionals, Customer Service Teams