ACCA SBR (INT), 100% Pass Guarantee, Full Learning and Revision Components, Tests, Mock Exam, Tutor Support and ACCA Approved Materials Included, Exceptional Pass Rates
The course approaches the audit process in the context of international standards and therefore, it is equally suitable for sea-going and office-based staff and its benefits are as following: Individuals will have a good understanding of the ISM Code, its importance, and their role within it, including ISM, ISO and MLC auditing requirements Individuals will be actively involved in the ongoing evaluation and development of a Company Safety, Environmental and Quality Management System Providing the Company and its auditors with the ability to establish the effectiveness of a Company Management System ahead of external verification by Administrations or Port State Control Delivered by experts with International safety and security management, compliance and verification experience in an engaging interactive style with a variety of security and safety related scenario case study workshops exercises during the training course
Introduction to Protecting Client Money Recent high profile fraud cases and continued regulatory scrutiny have highlighted the importance of understanding the key principles of safeguarding client money and assets. The rules are complex and you need the right skills to apply them effectively. This course covers this technical area in an accessible, easily understandable way., focusing on the principles, practical examples, and taking a closer look at the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) CASS rules to help bring the concepts to life. By the end of the course, you will be able to: Understand the key principles in managing client monies and assets effectively Discover why insolvency drives the need to protect customers Learn why company and customer monies should be separated, as well as how and what to separate Explain the basics for good organisational arrangements and understand the fundamentals of banking and custodian relationships Describe the basics of registration and recording of legal titles and the importance of segregation and the role of diversification Know the steps to take when reconciling accounts and understand how to protect monies and assets during transactions.