Evaluation questions help move people from being unaware of their trouble, into awareness and a desire to change. evaluation questions help buyers explore the extent of the damage their trouble is causing. understand all the benefits of evaluation questions and when to use this the most effectively. Learning Objectives Explain four ways people leave their comfort zone, Describe the consequences of not using Evaluation questions in a major sale, Apply Evaluation questions to build urgency for change Target Audience Managers, Team Leaders, Young Professionals, Sales Professionals, Customer Service Teams
Understand ten techniques to confirm and close sales and why they often most effective when combined with each other. These include the direct sales approach, incentive confirmations and deadline events to help motivate the buying decision. Learning Objectives Apply 10 techniques to confirm and close sales, Identify multiple script examples for each technique Target Audience Managers, Team Leaders, Young Professionals, Sales Professionals, Customer Service Teams
This course will ensure that you maximize your daily activities more effectively and take back control of your time. Understand the importance of setting a goal and why it is important to be proactive rather than reactive. Why is a mission statement important and what are the three elements of an effective mission statement? Prioritize your tasks more effectively according to the urgency and importance of the task at hand. Learning Objectives Schedule goals and activities, Find hidden sales time, Utilize the Sales Funnel for managing time, Apply the 80-20 Rule to allocate time Target Audience Managers, Team Leaders, Young Professionals, Sales Professionals, Customer Service Teams
The most important communication behavior is being able to communicate in an open, safe, and supportive culture. High performance teams use a wide variety of effective communication skills, the bottom line is to be understood. We will show you how to practice the three R's - be reliable, responsible, and reasonable. Understand how to maintain optimal levels of communication awareness. Learning Objectives Explain common team communication challenges. Implement 20 communication traits of effective team members Target Audience Managers, Team Leaders, Young Professionals, Sales Professionals, Customer Service Teams
Trust is a prediction of reliance on an action. Understand the elements for building trust and how the elements of earning respect includes continuous learning, being productive, showing appreciation, getting competent, being passionate, listening, being considerate, using no excuses, building trust, and respecting yourself. Learning Objectives Define trust, Apply nine ways to build team trust, Implement ten ways to earn respect in a team Target Audience Managers, Team Leaders, Young Professionals, Sales Professionals, Customer Service Teams
Strategic prospecting is a planned, organized step-by-step approach for finding potential customers. We will show you how to Keep an 'it depends' attitude and shift gears if a strategy isn't working. Understand all the considerations when creating your ideal customer profile and how to create a win-win working relationship. Learning Objectives Organize a strategic prospecting plan, Create ideal customers, Implement strategic prospecting steps Target Audience Managers, Team Leaders, Young Professionals, Sales Professionals, Customer Service Teams
Credibility is the ability to inspire belief. The two dimensions of credibility are trustworthiness and expertise. Understand the steps for building credibility that include planning, training, listening, trusting others, building democracy, and building community. Implement the disciplines of credibility to increase credibility. Learning Objectives Explain why credibility is the core of effective leadership, Apply steps for gaining and maintaining credibility, Describe three ways to restore damaged credibility, Identify top four qualities expected of leaders Target Audience Managers, Team Leaders, Young Professionals, Sales Professionals, Customer Service Teams
Think of a presentation organized as parts of a body: head and eyes, body, legs, and feet. We will guide you to select and outline supporting materials for each main point. Discover how to prepare your introduction and summary to deliver your main points. Your opener and close are the most impactful parts of your presentation. Learning Objectives Explain how to create a presentation using four parts of the "presentation body", Prepare effective visuals, transitions, introductions, and summaries, Write compelling openers, Recommend a closing call to action Target Audience Managers, Team Leaders, Young Professionals, Sales Professionals, Customer Service Teams
By understanding and handling customer objections correctly, these can most of the time be turned into a purchase. Understand how to identify every prospect's value-driver-the primary value that will ultimately drive the decision to move forward. We will show you five steps for handling objections and show you why you should never overlook often hidden value-drivers such as gaining praise or being popular. Learning Objectives Describe the role of hidden Value-Drivers in making a sale, Implement the do's and don'ts of handling objections, Apply five steps to handling concerns Target Audience Managers, Team Leaders, Young Professionals, Sales Professionals, Customer Service Teams
When someone says they're not interested, determine if it's an informed or uninformed response. Educate prospects on what they need to know before ruling you out. Discover questions to ask a prospect or indifferent buyer with an objection. Determine if a price related concern is a condition or an objection and how to handle each. Learning Objectives Explain how to regain control of the conversation, Summarize multiple responses to seven common objections Target Audience Managers, Team Leaders, Young Professionals, Sales Professionals, Customer Service Teams