Your work personality brings together all those parts of you that have an influence on your performance at work. This course examines those qualities of your personality that you consistently demonstrate in your work and by which you become known by your colleagues. The main issue is whether you possess and use those positive qualities normally associated with good performance.
Project Management is simply a combination of steps and techniques for keeping the budget and schedule in line; failures lie in a lack of process and system. This course follows the five stages of the project cycle, which provides a clear process and system for project tracking. A successful project manager demonstrates particular team building skills and develops a thorough knowledge of the team’s strengths and the project’s needs.
Innovation is a special and highly regarded ability in people at work. The organisations that are the most successful at innovation will gain leadership in their market. This course focuses on the role of the corporate innovator in larger scale project development and highlights the importance of building innovative teams in order to maintain a competitive edge
Leaders and managers are powerful people who are able to exercise considerable influence over the way in which an organisation operates and its employees. Ethical leadership involves the way that managers and leaders carry out their decision-making in terms of moral issues and choices. It is concerned with right versus wrong, good versus bad and the many shades of grey in between. Moral implications spring from virtually every decision, both on and off the job, requiring the ethical leader to have more imagination and the courage to do the right thing, from an ethical standpoint. This course examines the role of the ethical leader and the influence that he or she can exert in terms of corporate social responsibility (CSR) and improving an organisation’s ethical climate.
This course examines the ability to plan and control the allocation of work within team members in order to maximise resources. Good delegation is based on clear objectives, regular reviews and sound feedback. It shows how delegation can provide a sound basis on which to improve productivity, engender ownership and responsibility whilst fostering individual growth and development.
This course looks at the step-by-step process of decision making from problem definition to implementation. It highlights the importance of qualitative information in decision judgement and the impact of unstructured decisions. It emphasises that judgement takes a higher priority when the impact of the decision is greater, more complex or the potential risk is higher.
Each team has a unique 'team personality' made up from the individuals that form it. It is this aspect that determines how effectively the team works together, the quality of their performance and what they are capable of achieving. This course looks at how teams work together to achieve common results, referred to as team objectives. Effective teams have a common 'team spirit' which directly impacts on their results.
People are a vital element in any organisation and managing and leading people is critically important for every manager. This course describes the key people management skills that contribute fully to organisational effectiveness.
Managers and leaders use power every day, many feel reluctant to use it or even to admit that it is part of their job. However, using power effectively is an important skill and by developing influencing techniques can lead to increased effectiveness in a team. This course describes the sources of power and strategies and assesses your abilities in line with these. Power should contribute to organisational goals, respect human rights and conform to standards of equality and justice.
Much of management is about finding creative solutions to problems and identifying the appropriate course of action. Creativity and originality explores the power of the mind in bringing things into being from original thought or basic concepts. This course sets out to demonstrate how the power of imagination can build on original thoughts to create solutions and plans, which contribute to workplace performance.