Online Plasma Pen Course What is plasma treatment? The Plasma Pen is the world's most advanced, non-invasive, skin lifting, skin tightening and rejuvenation device used to treat wrinkles, skin tags and sagging skin. This treatment can be used for several procedures to dramatically enhance the looks without the need for costly and invasive surgery. Course Content - Health and safety - Anatomy and physiology - Principles of plasma treatment - Contraindications - Consultation - Pricing - Hygiene and safety - Aftercare - Understanding how plasma works Training kit if purchased - Plasma Pen - Plasma needles 10x - 5x aftercare cream(use after treatment) *Please note numbing cream must be supplied by the client(more info upon course purchase). You will have to purchase your cling film, gloves and face mask Certificate You will receive an end of course certificate which is accredited by the cpd group and allows you to work on public How do Online Courses work? Duration of Course? You will have 3 months to complete the course before it expires Will I require a model? Yes, you will be required to send a case of studies for 5 facial areas to complete all of the required case studies Are there video tutorials? Yes, you will have links to YouTube and training videos to watch the treatment being performed Do I Need Experience Before Booking a Course? We’re pleased to offer courses to people with lots of different experiences. However, previous experience nor qualifications are not necessary if you would like to enrol on our Course. Do you offer finance?
Effective implementation of HACCP system is key to food safety commitments. This implementer course is designed for those who are responsible to implement and maintain HACCP in any type of organization in accordance with HACCP guidelines. This course provides detailed information on principles and steps of interpreting and implementing HACCP effectively. Attendees of this course will be, on completion of this course, competent to interpret the requirements for a Food Safety Management System and to develop, implement and maintain a system in accordance with HACCP guidelines. We have developed this course in simple English to make understanding easy and consistent for all. This course comes with sample formats. Who should attend this? This course is recommended to be attended by those who are responsible to develop, implement and maintain a system in accordance with HACCP guidelines. Course Duration: 24 Hours 60 Mint Exam (MCQs) Certificate Validity: Lifetime Language of Course: English
Study Ofqual Regulated Level 5 TEFL Course online in your own pace and receive an internationally recognised qualification.
Artificial Intelligence Entrepreneurship
First Aid for Life and Maudsley Learning are delighted to have worked in collaboration to bring this enhanced Mental Health First Aid course to you. The Maudsley is the largest mental health training institution in the UK and their expertise in this area is second to none. This course is continually updated by experts in Mental Health and offers clear, practical advice to help you gain a better understanding of how to help yourself, or others to achieve optimum mental health. This mental health first aid training course will teach you how to recognise warning signs of mental ill health and help you develop the skills and confidence to approach and support someone, whilst keeping yourself safe. We help you develop resilience, learn new ways to cope with stress, advise on sleeping better and equip you with a wealth of resources to be able to confidently help someone struggling with their mental health. This online course will provide you with the knowledge to spot specific warning signs that an adult or child could be struggling with a mental health condition, it explains how to initiate a supportive conversation, explore healthier lifestyle choices and links to the wealth of additional support available if someone needs further help. Ideal for individuals needing additional help and guidance to support their mental well-being, for those looking to introduce positive mental health practices to their workplaces, for teachers and support staff and friends, family and colleagues wanting more information on this vital topic It is estimated that around 1 in 4 people in the UK will experience a mental health condition at some point in their lives. For many, work is a major source of stress. 1 in 6 employees experience common mental health problems in the workplace. Businesses can support people with their mental health and create more positive and productive working environments as a result. Unfortunately, despite recent campaigns and advances, there still remains a level of stigma and fear of discrimination around mental health conditions. Employees and school children may feel that mental health conditions will not be greeted with the same compassionate approach as physical illness. This should not be the case and the purpose of this course is to demystify mental health conditions and empower workplaces, friends and family members to provide the support and signposting desperately needed by those struggling with their mental well-being. The HSE have embraced the idea of mental health in the workplace and issued the following guidance ‘First aid needs assessment’ for businesses. They suggest that your first aid needs assessment should also consider whether it is beneficial to have personnel trained to identify and understand symptoms and able to support someone who might be experiencing a mental health issue. The scope of this mental health first aid course is not to learn to diagnose or treat mental health conditions as this should only be done by appropriately trained healthcare professionals. However, you will be guided in identifying signs someone might be struggling and we will equip you with a methodology to appropriately support them and a directory of people where you can signpost them for help. It is impossible to cover all eventualities within this course, or to equip you with the knowledge and skills to appropriately diagnose and treat in unpredictable real life situations. If you suspect serious illness or injury, you should always seek immediate professional medical advice. The Author has made every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information contained within the course, however this course is merely a guide and the Author does not accept any liability or responsibility for any inaccuracies or for any mistreatment or misdiagnosis of any person, however caused. The course material has been written by Emma Hammett, Qualified Nurse, First Aid Trainer and founder of First Aid for Life in conjunction with medical and health professionals from Maudsley Learning. If you have any queries concerning this course, please contact Course contents: A First Aid Approach to Mental Health Role of the First Aider What is a mental health first aider? Common treatments and sources of help Other Professionals who can Help The importance of getting help early Understanding more about Mental Health What is Mental Health? The Definition of Mental Health The Mental Health Continuum Laws protecting our health, mental health and well-being Understanding Stigma Who Becomes Mentally Ill? How common are mental health issues? Stigma Approaching During a Crisis When Should you Approach? How to Help Caring for Yourself as a Mental Health First Aider Awareness of Mental Health Problems Situations to be Aware of Signs Someone may be Struggling with their Mental Health Stress About Stress Work-Related Stress Ways to Reduce Stress Building Resilience Insomnia What Is Insomnia? Helpful steps to improve your sleep Substance Abuse: Drugs and Alcohol About Substance Abuse The Dangers of Substance Abuse Online Drug Addiction and Misuse Helping someone you think has problems with drug or alcohol misuse Alcohol Poisoning First Aid Dealing with tricky or aggressive situations due to drugs and alcohol Substance Abuse Resources Anxiety Disorders About Anxiety Disorders Different Kinds of Anxiety Disorder Panic Attacks First Aid for a Panic Attack Post-Traumatic Stress Useful contacts for anxiety Eating Disorders About Eating Disorders What to Do Treatment for Eating Disorders Depression About: Depression Recognising the Signs that Someone may be Depressed Treating Depression Medicating Depression Helping someone who is depressed Resources for Depression Self Harm About Self-Harm How to Help Resources for Self Harming Suicide Approaching Someone you Suspect to be Suicidal What to do if the person is in a life-threatening condition Support for people experiencing suicidal thoughts What is Suicide? Psychosis What is Psychosis? What causes psychosis? How to Help Possible Signs of Psychosis Resources for Psychosis Personality Disorders About Personality Disorders Bipolar Disorder Schizophrenia Mental Health in the Workplace and Useful Resources Employer Responsibility Stress Policy Tackling work-related stress using the Management Standards approach An Employee Assessment of Common Stress Factors Management Standards Form Useful Resources Final Quiz
This step-by-step guide is our most comprehensive First Aid course for dogs. The course covers prioritising injuries and managing an accident scene, CPR, recovery position, choking, bleeding, bandaging, poisoning, fitting, burns and scalds, broken bones, how to help if they have been hit by a car and much more. The course consists of illustrated step by step directions, flow charts, diagrams, videos and test yourself sections fully compatible with all computers and mobile devices. You will be able to stop and start as often as you like and print your Certificate on completion. You will have continuous access to this course for 12 months. This course conforms to the latest RECOVER guidelines for veterinary CPR. This is essential training for anyone working with pets and all pet owners. Our courses empower you with the skills and confidence to provide immediate help to your pet in a medical emergency - in those first vital minutes before you can get to a Vet. Prompt and appropriate First Aid reduces the pain and suffering experienced by your pet and could save their life. It is impossible to cover all eventualities within this course, or to equip you with the knowledge and skills to appropriately diagnose and treat in unpredictable real life situations. If you suspect illness or injury, you should always seek immediate professional medical or veterinary advice. The author has made every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information contained within the course, however this course is merely a guide and the author does not accept any liability or responsibility for any inaccuracies or for any mistreatment or misdiagnosis of any person or animal, however caused. The course material has been written by Emma Hammett, qualified nurse, first aid trainer and founder of First Aid for Life in conjunction with other medical, first aid, animal and veterinary professionals. If you have any queries concerning this course, please contact +For more on First Aid for Pets, please visit our sister site: First Aid for Pets is an Award Winning Dog First Aid training provider empowering all pet lovers with the skills and confidence to help their pet – in those first vital minutes before you can get to a Vet Course contents: Action in an emergency Keep yourself safe Priorities of treatment Preparing for an emergency How to muzzle a dog Helpful information What to put in your first aid kit What the vet needs to know The primary survey – How to help in an emergency Danger Response Airway Breathing and circulation Unresponsive and breathing - recovery position and best way to transport them Unconscious and not breathing - dog CPR Choking and drowning Anaphylactic shock and acute allergic reaction Wounds and bleeding How to treat a bleeding wound Different types of bleeds Dressings Embedded objects Shock Symptoms of shock Treatment of shock Bite wounds Eye injuries Nose bleeds How to bandage a wounded limb Bites and stings Bee and wasp stings Tick and flea bites Snake bite Animal bites Burns Poisoning Breaks, sprains and dislocations Head injuries Spinal injuries Road traffic accidents – how to help! Fitting/seizures/convulsions Extremes of body temperature Heat exhaustion Heat stroke Hypothermia Useful advice Final lesson
This Catastrophic Bleeding (life changing bleeding) first aid course is an ideal refresher course for the general public, schools, construction workers, tree surgeons, young people, youth workers or anyone working in an area when severe bleeding could occur or wishing to empower themselves with the skills and knowledge to help someone who has been a victim of violent street crime. The course covers topics such as CPR and the Recovery position, the dangers of weapon carrying, first aid treatment for serious bleeding, catastrophic bleeding, use of manufactured and improvised tourniquets, packing a wound, treatment for acid attacks and use of bleed kits. The course consists of illustrated step by step directions, flow charts, diagrams, videos and test yourself sections fully compatible with all computers and mobile devices. You will be able to stop and start as often as you like and print your Certificate on completion. You will have continuous access to the course for 12 months. Course contents: Action in an emergency Unresponsive and Breathing Unconscious and not breathing Wounds and bleeding Dressings Embedded objects How much blood can you afford to lose? Shock How to treat a bleeding wound How to pack a wound How to use a tourniquet (including improvised tourniquets) Symptoms of Shock Treatment of Shock Internal Bleeding Amputated parts Eye injuries Types of Wounds Chest Wounds Flail chest Collapsed Lung or a sucking chest wound Burns First aid for a burn Assessing the severity of a burn Size, Cause, Age, Location, Depth Causes of burns Acid burns Treating a burn Dressing a burn Inhalation of fumes Useful advice Final Lesson and Quiz giving certificate valid for 3 years and 6 hours verifiable CPD
This course has been developed in conjunction with Paediatric specialist clinicians from the Maudsley hospital and Maudsley Learning. It has been written for family, friends, school staff, college staff, carers, youth workers, children and young people wanting to be more confident supporting others with their mental health. With specific additional components covering ADHD, Autism, supportive approaches to challenging behaviour, eating disorders, anxiety, suicidal thoughts and much more. This mental health first aid course will help you recognise warning signs of mental ill health and equip you with skills and confidence to assist a child or young person you believe to be in need of support. In addition the course will give you vital tips on achieving optimum mental health and will give you skills to develop resilience, learn new ways to cope with stress, advise on sleeping better and positive ways you can boost your wellbeing and the mental health of those you care for. This online qualification will provide you with the knowledge to spot specific warning signs that an adult, child or young person could be struggling with a mental health condition, it explains how to initiate a supportive conversation, explore healthier lifestyle choices and links to the wealth of additional support available if someone needs further help. Ideal for individuals needing additional help and guidance to support their mental well-being, for those looking to introduce positive mental health practices to their workplaces, for teachers and support staff and friends, family and colleagues wanting more information on this vital topic It is estimated that around 1 in 4 people in the UK will experience a mental health condition at some point in their lives. Around 20% of adolescents experience a mental health problem in any given year. 50% of mental health problems are established by age 14 and 75% by age 24. It is vital that more people have the skills and understanding to identify that someone may be struggling and the knowledge and resources to signpost them to professionals who can give them the help they need. The scope of this mental health first aid course is not learn to diagnose or treat mental health conditions as this should only be done by appropriately trained healthcare professionals. However, you will be guided in identifying signs someone might be struggling and we will equip you with a methodology to appropriately support them and a directory of people where you can signpost them for help. It is impossible to cover all eventualities within this course, or to equip you with the knowledge and skills to appropriately diagnose and treat in unpredictable real life situations. If you suspect serious illness or injury, you should always seek immediate professional medical advice. The Author has made every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information contained within the course, however this course is merely a guide and the Author does not accept any liability or responsibility for any inaccuracies or for any mistreatment or misdiagnosis of any person, however caused. The course material has been written by Emma Hammett, Qualified Nurse, First Aid Trainer and founder of First Aid for Life in conjunction with other medical and first aid professionals. If you have any queries concerning this course, please contact Course contents: What is mental health? The mental health continuum How common are mental health issues? Laws protecting our health, mental health and well-being Understanding more about mental health The first aid approach to mental health What is a mental health first aider? Common treatments and sources of help The importance of getting help early The importance of a first aid action plan – CARES Approaching during a crisis: Being a Mental Health First Aider and caring for yourself: Stress - at home, school, or further education Self-help to reduce the impact of stress School/outside related stress Building resilience Insomnia Substance Misuse – Drugs and alcohol Dealing with tricky or aggressive situations due to drugs and alcohol First aid for someone who has collapsed from an excess alcohol Anxiety Disorders Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Depression Self-harm Eating Disorders Suicide Psychosis Autism and ADHD Understanding personality disorders Understanding Bi-Polar Disorder Understanding Schizophrenia Mental Health for Young People - Useful Resources
Emergency First Aid at Work covering the full HSE syllabus Adapted for Horse Riders The First Aid for Horse Riders course is designed to give you the theoretical knowledge needed to help someone injured in a riding accident whether on the road, or in the Countryside. We cover topics such as when to move someone and when to keep them still, what to look out for following a head injury and how to help if you suspect they may have broken a bone. The content also serves as an ideal annual refresher covering the full HSE syllabus plus head injuries, heart attack, asthma and much more. This course fulfils all the criteria for Appointed Person First Aid training, however a practical course is required in order to be a full First Aider. The course consists of illustrated step by step directions, flow charts, diagrams, videos and test yourself sections fully compatible with all computers and mobile devices. You will be able to stop and start as often as you like and print your Certificate on completion. You will have continuous access to the course for 12 months. It is impossible to cover all eventualities within this course, or to equip you with the knowledge and skills to appropriately diagnose and treat in unpredictable real life situations. If you suspect serious illness or injury, you should always seek immediate professional medical advice. The Author has made every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information contained within the course, however this course is merely a guide and the Author does not accept any liability or responsibility for any inaccuracies or for any mistreatment or misdiagnosis of any person, however caused. The course material has been written by Emma Hammett, Qualified Nurse, First Aid Trainer and founder of First Aid for Life in conjunction with other medical and first aid professionals. If you have any queries concerning this course, please contact Course Contents: Action in an emergency Unresponsive and Breathing Recovery Position Unconscious and not breathing Resuscitation Heart Attack and Angina Breathing Problems Choking Drowning Asthma Anaphylactic Shock Wounds and bleeding Shock Fainting Burns Breaks, Sprains and Dislocations Head Injuries Skull Fracture Spinal Injuries Fitting / Seizures / Convulsions
Emergency First Aid at Work covering the full HSE syllabus. First Aid at Sea. This course is an excellent first aid training package for people to gain invaluable knowledge and skills and learn how to help themselves, family, team mates and friends if they were to have a medical emergency on the water. The content also serves as an excellent annual refresher covering the full HSE syllabus plus head injuries, heart attack, asthma and much more. This course fulfils all the criteria for Appointed Person first aid training, however a practical course is required in order to be a full First Aider. This course is designed to give you the theoretical knowledge (and a lot more) needed to accompany the Emergency First Aid at Work 6 hour First Aid course adapted for sailing and watersports. This course does not seek to replace the practical element but allows you to undertake the online training at a time and place to suit you and then book onto practical course should you need to do so. The course consists of illustrated step by step directions, flow charts, diagrams, videos and test yourself sections fully compatible with all computers and mobile devices. You will be able to stop and start as often as you like and print your Certificate on completion. You will have continuous access to the course for 12 months. It is impossible to cover all eventualities within this course, or to equip you with the knowledge and skills to appropriately diagnose and treat in unpredictable real life situations. If you suspect serious illness or injury, you should always seek immediate professional medical advice. The author has made every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information contained within the course, however, this course is merely a guide and the author does not accept any liability or responsibility for any inaccuracies or for any mistreatment or misdiagnosis of any person, however caused. The First Aid course material has been written by Emma Hammett, qualified nurse, first aid trainer and founder of First Aid for Life in conjunction with other medical and first aid professionals. If you have any queries concerning this course, please contact Course Contents: Action in an emergency Unresponsive and breathing Recovery position Secondary survey Unconscious and not breathing Resuscitation Heart attack and angina Choking Drowning Asthma Anaphylactic shock Wounds and bleeding Shock Internal bleeding Fainting Bites and stings Burns Breaks, sprains and dislocations Head injuries Spinal injuries Fitting/seizures/convulsions Heat exhaustion Heat stroke Hypothermia