Personalized SketchUp Training: Pay-As-You-Go One-to-One Sessions
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Wanna learn something simple yet so amazing that it's going to blow your mind? Good, because this little workshop's a gem. Join Happy Human Training's Cami Rose as she shares her decades of experience as a counsellor and coach with an introduction to the power of noticing and the crucial role it can play in helping us better manage our day to day stresses, challenges and relationships.
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Transform your relationship with nature through the Wild Finca Online Rewilding Retreat. Over the course of two weeks, embark on a journey designed to deepen your understanding of the natural world, inspire personal growth, and provide practical steps for integrating rewilding practices into your daily life. Be among the first to experience this unique and innovative retreat. With limited spots available, don’t miss the opportunity to embrace a harmonious lifestyle with nature. Begin your journey towards a more connected existence today.
Are you suffering from back pain? Has your doctor suggested you join a yoga class? If so, these masterclasses are for you. Our increasingly sedentary lives have contributed greatly to the back pain epidemic spreading across the Western world, which affects 8 out of 10 of us at some point during our lives. Join us for this series of classes to improve your understanding of your anatomy and make lasting improvements to your posture and movement, changing your experience of movement on the yoga mat and in everyday life.