Scottish Gaelic Beginner Conversation Course for online learners worldwide.
An extended group Zoom session covering the science of wire wheels & some very useful practical applications What you will learn: Part 1: How a wire wheel works Wheel patterns - Radial & tangential, Tramlines & crosses, Exotic patterns Spoke count identification: Easily distinguish between 32 spoke, 36 spoke and 40 spoke wheels instantly, without counting. Part 2: The unique Colwood Wheel Works wheel configuration chart (this will be sent to you by email): How to use it & how to work it all out without the chart. (Hint: it's easier with the chart) Practical use of wheel configurations to work out spoke lengths. Part 3: Weight and how it effects performance. Wheel weight v frame weight. Sprung weight v unsprung weight. There will be a short Q & A time between each part and another Q & A at the end of the course.. The content of this course is relevant to all wire wheels: motorcycles, bicycles, wheelchairs, sulkies, and pretty much every other place where you will find a tensioned wire wheel.
this is an exiting website design session that every intermediate developer should know.
Learn how to make your own Macrame Dreamcatcher Are you new to Macrame? No worries, it’s actually very easy to learn! Come and learn how to knot your own dreamcatcher. Learn basic macrame knots to create your own Macrame Dreamcatcher. Adding that Boho feel to your home has never been easier.
THIS LIVE PRESENTATION is suitable for parents and carers of individuals affected by neurodiversity aswell as practitioners providing services for people with autism and associated conditions and gives you a comprehensive opportunity to learn about Autism and associated conditions like you will have never experienced before. Providing you the knowledge and from a unique perspective, this course will assist you to support neurodiverse loved ones, individuals and families. This live presentation includes ADHD, PDA and neurodiversity and the Sensory world uniquely brought to you by autistic trainers. Learn more about sensory dysfunction, autism and anxiety and Masking!. Join us to learn more about Autism, and how to communicate more effectively with individuals on the autistic spectrum! This presentation also covers ‘Challenging Behaviour’ and how to implement Positive Behaviour Support Plans and EXPLAINS why communication, sensory, rigid thinking and social interaction differences lead to CHALLENGING BEHAVIOUR and offers advice and strategies about how to support individuals with differences. Training sessions include question and answer time to offer practitioners and families to gain solutions to relevant challenges/experiences. Autizma are committed to improving lives and enhancing service provision and we look forward to meeting with you soon! Please don’t worry if you can’t attend registration gives you access to the Live Recording, a Certificate and post training resources.
ACCA Course The ACCA Qualification is designed to provide the accounting knowledge, skills and professional values which will deliver finance professionals who are capable of building successful careers across all sectors. Whether they are working in the public or private sectors, practising in accounting firms, or pursuing a career in business. The ACCA Qualification is your route to professional status. Therefore, making a decision to study ACCA courses at Osborne Training will be one of the biggest decision you would make for your career. Professional or Industry specific qualification
The course covers investigation and risk assessment of asbestos-contaminated soils and sites, including waste classification and land remediation. It will cover the current HSE and EA legislation and guidance, assessing risk to health from asbestos in soils and how to assess the land, analysis types and interpretation, and remedial actions.